Wow. This story feels ancient to me. I just keep continuing, and continuing, and keep adding twists- so I'm not sure where to end it! Thanks to those that reviewed my last chapter, sorry I haven't updated in so long, I've been starting and continuing so many other stories!

Disclaimer: You know the drill. I don't own iCarly, blah, blah, blah. No need to make me feel bad.

Freddie POV

There was silence for a whole minute before anyone spoke up.

Then, Carly, decided to break it.

"Griffin?" No, Carly, I'm sure it was Gibby's aunt.

"What are you doing, idiot? We're doing our web-show right now." my girlfriend, Sam, broke in.

"What's up, Sam?" he purred in a flirty tone.

Before she could reply with one of her infamous snappy, sarcastic retorts, I cut in, "Why do you need to know? Weren't you with her, like 10 minutes ago?"

And before Griffin could even tear his eyes away from my girlfriend, his image flickered.

"Wait, Sam, just to let you know- I was watching the show tonight. And I was right, wasn't I ?"

Finally, the screen went blank.

"What... what was that?" Carly looked to me, then at Sam.

"What was he talking about?"

"I really don't know," Sam was defintely an excellent liar, so I didn't even try to tell whether she was telling the truth or not. Right now, I was a little more concerned with my equipment.

But Carly was more curious. "No, seriously. Was he referring to something you guys talked about earlier? Tell me!"

"No, Carls. It's fine. I don't know what he was talking about. Probably something to get us all riled up," Sam told her.

Carly finally relaxed. "Fine," she sighed. "So, do you know what happened Freddie?" she asked, while coming up behind me to get a better look at my cart.

"I don't know," I honestly didn't. "Someone must've hacked the system again."

"C'mon, Benson! You gotta work harder than that if you wanna be our technical producer," Sam said to me.

I grinned at her. "Now, would you really put your boyfriend out of work like that, Sam?" I pouted.

"We'll see," she glared at me once more before stomping downstairs. The part that made my stomach turn, though, was that she actually sounded serious.

"Well, someone's in a bad mood," Carly raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. Too bad I'll be the one dealing with it the most," I said.

Carly chuckled, then nodded sympathetically. "Good luck."

"Yeah, I'll need it," I muttered.

I bent down to examine the hard drive which my computer was connected to. Then I tried restarting the laptop. But nothing worked.

"Yeah, I think we were hacked. I don't think I have control over the equipment anymore. But, Griffin couldn't have done that. He must've gotten help from someone."

Carly sighed, then being the girl she was, brushed a lock of hair out of her face. "Stupid Griffin. I guess we'll figure it out later. C'mon, let's go get a snack."

As we were going down, she said to me, "It's too bad we couldn't finish the show. I really wanted to show that cool clip with that kid who can-"

"Shut up!" Carly was interrupted by the blonde sitting on the living room couch. Ouch. That was a bit harsh, even for Sam, to say that to Carly, who wouldn't hurt a microorganism.

Sam was so intensely focused on the TV, though, that she didn't even look up, or say sorry at the least.

The brunette next to me frowned.

"Kay, Sam, I'm just going to go make out with Freddie now," Carly said right next to her ear, in an attempt to lure her out of the hypnotic state that Girly Cow had set her to.

But it didn't work. "Do whatever you want, Carls."

That one offended me. Did she even care about our relationship?

"So, Fredbag, figure out what happened to the show?" she asked me, still not tearing her eyes away from the captivating screen.

Her saying that reminded me of our current problem. That's really what you should be worried about right now, Freddie, I thought.

But I still couldn't get my mind off of the hostility Sam presented to me earlier. Did I do something wrong? I wished there were some orientations for boyfriends, so they know exactly what their girlfriends are thinking. Specifically a certain blonde tomboy girlfriend of mine.


I stomped downstairs angrily, furious at all the staring going on between Carly and Freddie. I knew it wasn't Carlotta's fault, and I wasn't going to blame her, but I couldn't believe how Freddie was ogling her during and after the show, right in front of me.

It made me just as angry as the whole Sabrina thing.

And then stupid Griffin just had to go and remind me.

When I got downstairs, I headed to my sanctuary for when I'm upset- the kitchen. Grabbing the last of the ribs, I plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on the Girly Cow.

Two minutes later, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Were they done flirting with each other already?

"It's too bad we couldn't finish the show. I really wanted to show that cool clip were that clip with that kid who can-" I cut her off.

"Shut up!" I felt a little bad about it after the words poured out of my mouth. I couldn't see Carly's expression, but I'm sure she was hurt. I was never that mean to her, unless we were in some fight.

"Kay Sam, I'm going to go make out with Freddie now," Carly told me, in an attempt to tear my vision away from the screen.

That witch. She really should know better than to take a stab at me in that particular area. But I couldn't show how I felt. Especially not in front of Freddie.

"Do whatever you want Carls."

Freddie looked a little miffed, but he didn't say anything. Serves him right.

A stomping noise was the sound that broke me away from the cows on the television screen.

Gibby stormed out of Spencer's room, looking even more furious than the time Freddie supposedly 'macked on his girlfriend.'

"I hate my life," he huffed.

"Yeah, I would too I if I were a Gibby," I replied lazily. But apparently that was the wrong thing to say.

"Be quiet, Puckett!" he snapped at me. Who was he to call me Puckett? Even though I was mad at him, that name could only be used by Freddie. But Freddie didn't come to my defense. Yup, some boyfriend.

"What's wrong, Gib?" Carly questioned gently.

"Tasha... she... she..." his lip quivered.

"Oh, Gibby!" Carly pulled him in for a hug. Freddie and I exchanged a glance, confused at all the 'girl talk' flying around.

"Wait, what?" Freddie asked curiously.

Over Gibby's shoulder, Carly mouthed the words, 'Tasha dumped him.' Oh. Poor Gib. He was practically over the moon about his coughonlycough girlfriend.

Gibby trembled even more in Carly's arms. "She... she just left me. For a Swiss guy. And she told me via text."

"I like the word via," I stated out of nowhere, trying to break the tension, but apparently my attempt didn't help. Freddie nudged me with his elbow, giving me a warning look, so I nudged him five times harder back.

"OW! Sam!" he rubbed his elbow. "Why are you being so rough today?" he asked, really mad now. What, he wasn't used to it from all the years we WEREN'T dating? He should really man up.

Carly and Gibby broke away from their hug to look at the two of us.

"Guys..." We ignored Carly's weak effort to try to get us to stop fighting.

"I don't know, why don't you ask yourself?" I screamed at him. I was so frustrated with him. And I was mad at Griffin at the same time. Maybe if he hadn't pointed out anything to me, I wouldn't have noticed the little 'thing' going on between the two. And then Freddie didn't even have the guts to admit he was wrong.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he cried out, kind of reminding me of this crazy red-haired girl I'd met in LA once while visiting Mel.

I stopped for a moment to contemplate my answer. Finally, my heart rate climbed back down to a normal pace. "We're done," I said calmly.

"What? But, Sam! What did I even do? What did I do wrong?" Freddie frantically tried to stop me, but I was already out the door.

As soon as I exited the lobby, I broke down crying. Why the hell did I do that?

I really missed this story. :)

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