Chapter One

Cammie POV

It was the week after Christmas. I had recieved a lot of gifts from my grandparents, mom, and ant. I laid in my grandparents' barn on top of the hay. My mother had to go back to the CIA for something and so did Aunt Abby. I was despertly bored, no friends and no one to talk to. I decided to spend winter break here rather than London, I wanted to be with my family after what happened last semester. So I guess this is the price I must pay.

I thought my life was already bad enough after everything. What with the CIrcle of Cavan out to get me, my dad gone, and now the barn door burst open with two CIA agents saying they would like to speak with me.

"Ms. Morgan" a voice came behind me. I recognized it, the voice belonged to my Cov OPs teacher Mr. Joe Solomon. "Pack some of your things we need you at base"

"For what?" I was totally confused.

He stood next to me now and signaled the agents away. Solomon wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead me out of the barn. He whispered in my ear "alumni disk is missing and" He turned me around "you are the suspect"

I was questioning Mr. Solomon about me Cameron Morgan, being the suspect of stealing the alumni disk. "How and this be true?"

We were in a van, I was riding in the back with Solomon while the two agents were in the front driving. Solomon pressed a button on his door. A black screen came up between us and the agents. "soundproof, they can't hear us, we can't hear them" he said pointing to the screen. He took the remote from the couch and turned on the TV.

"Why are you turning on the TV? I'm being accused of something I couldn't think of doing, I need answers"

He didn't say anything, except put a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. Mr. Solomon pressed the off button on the remote.

I looked and saw the black wall slide down "Mr. Solomon" the agent on the passenger side said "the director instructed us not to say anything to her until we..." his voice trailed off when he got a look from Mr. Solomon.

Solomon's expression was not a happy one, like he was about to do something to this guy if he didn't shut up and mind his own buisness.

The agent turned around and put the black wall up.

I grinned, I looked back at Solomon as he turned on the TV. He looked at me and motioned me to look at the screen, which I did. My mouth gaped open as I saw myself going into the control room and taking the alumni disk.

"They said I couldn't say anything, they didn't say I couldn't show you the tape"

"Mr. Solomon I can assure you I didn't steal anything"

"But you were in there?"

"Yes to get something for my mom- where is she anyways?"

"Back at base"

"Is she alright?"

"She's fine, the CIA won't do anything to the both of you, I promise" he assured me.

I looked back as the tape replayed "you don't think I did anything?" I asked not looking away.

He didn't answer.

"Mr. Solomon!" I shouted looking him.

"A very hard question"

"So you believe the daughter of your best friend is a criminal?"I asked, my eyes got watery "does my mom feel the same way?"

He still didn't answer.

I unbuckled myself and tried to get the door to open.

"No Cammie!" he shouted, I heard his seatbelt unbuckle. I felt him slide next to me and pulled me away from the door. He slid into his original seat pulling me into the middle. He buckled me into the seat. "Stay" he pressed something else on the remote.

While he did that I tried unbuckling, but it wouldn't unbuckle. "Whats wrong with this thing?"

Mr. Solomon waved the remote in his hand "you should know this is not a normal car"

He locked me in this seatbelt. I streched my hand to try and grab it only he put it up in the air so I couldn't reach it. I stopped when the seatbelt felt tighter around my waist. So I focused on the seatbelt and tried to strench it, only it became tighter.

"If you havn't noticed, but the more you struggle the tighter it gets" he said still holding up the remote.

I stopped and put my arms across my chest.

He put his arms down as well and patted my head "that's a good girl, now just sit still and wait till we get to base" he said teasingly.

I gave him the 'I'm going to get you for this look' which actually made him stop.

Solomon turned back to the TV and switched to Care Bears.

I raised my eyebrow "you like the Care Bears?"

Mr. Solomon scroffed as he put his earphones on "yeah, right. This is for you, I'm going to be listning to James Bond on my Iphone"

"For Me?"

"Yes, that way you can learn something about being nice to your teacher"

I glared at him.

He chuckled "okay fine" he switched the movie from Care Bears to Hanna Montanna. "There happy?"

I rolled my eyes, "fine" I said through clenched teeth.