Disclaimer: Do not own HARUHARU or NARUTO.

Do not look back and leave
Do not find me again and live (in)
I'm in love, only the good memories, because you have no regrets
I can not afford it in any way
In some ways be able to stand
In this case, you should be happy
I become numb day by day (uh uh uh uh)
Oh girl I cry, cry
You know I said goodbye to all ...

"Will you relax? She'll be fine."

"It's not your girlfriend-"

"Your right, it's not. It's mine."

"Will you all shut up?"

"No!" the three men shouted at Sai.

"Wimps." the artist sighed before being hugged from behind.

"Hey, how you been?" the loud mouth blonde asked before releasing him.

"Watching the boys fight about Hinata… again." Sai answered before returning to what ever he had been working on.

"Speaking of which, the rest of girls are going to be here in a few minutes… they were talking about chocolate or something." Ino said as she took the seat next to Sai. "Don't worry its not like she's going to die."

They shot a look at her.

"Guys, she'll be fine. She's a Hyuga after all." Ino explained rolling her eyes.

It had been a year since her transplant and she had recovered. But there were things that were different. The relationships was a major change.

Though Naruto had apologized and practically begged for her forgiveness while she was sedated but he had practically tore himself apart refusing to leave her side on days on end. It was so bad that at one point Hinata had told him that she wanted him to go home and he had complied for the first time without any questions.

When she was released Naruto was on hands and feet for, which was quite sad if you asked any of them?

But despite his attempts neither Neji or Hinata would let him return to the boyfriend status until he had proved himself worthy again… Harsh? Maybe but he had accused of her of cheating on him. Since when did Hinata Hyuga have the heart to cheat? She didn't because she hardly had one at all.

Eventually, he had succeed her in forgiving him, but then again practically committing suicide does that people.

"She's just going to Byakugan University with Neji and Neji won't let anything happen to her." Sasuke said trying to get the air around Kiba and Naruto to calm down.

"But why there? Why couldn't she come to Kage with me?" he whined.

A flash of blond past them and jumped on to the Uchiha, "Because we never expected you to be the one to be accepted there."

"Surprised me that Shikamaru didn't." Temari said and she dropped a bag onto the bench.

It had surprised all of them. It would have seemed fitting to have Sakura, she having been Tsunade's office for senior year, or Shikamaru, having been another one of Tsunade's office aid but he was mostly for exams and school activities but still with his IQ it had seemed more likely. To have Naruto, one of the slowest of them all? Either way they were proud of him… but still surprised; not really.

"I knew he'd get accepting. But sadly my father would like me and Neji to attend; it is called Byakugan for nothing." a girl petite girl said has she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Meaning the best students with business potential are going. Sorry but you'd be out of luck." Neji explained as he dropped his bags.

"But Temari and Kankuro are attending." he whined once again.

"Only because Gaara is going to Kage, too" Temari said.

"What about Sasuke?"

"Sharingan. Rival to Byakugan. Then the rest of them are going to ANBU."

Naruto visibly deflated.

Today Hinata, Neji, Temari and Kankuro would be off to Byukugan. Tomorrow Tenten, Lee, Ino, Chouji, Shikamaru, Sakura, Kiba and Shino would be heading to ANBU. Then a week from then Sasuke would be going to Sharingan while Gaara and him be going to Kage.

~:~ Day ~:~ By ~:~ Day ~:~

Naruto admired Hinata from a distance. For now, at least. They were moving on; growing up. High school was over and there was no way of going back. No way of changing the words he had shouted to her to stop the different attitude she had toward him Through she was the same sweet Hinata, she wasn't the sweet, timid, naïve and quiet Hinata had fallen for back then. He had thought at a time that he was the cause of that. He could be right but when she was asked she had answered no.

"Its something that happen. No one has plan to change it just sometimes happens and the world and events are to blame for that not people."

She was a little harsher but still had a soft heart. She was a little more violent but only when it came to the people close to her. She didn't blush as much but she still stuttered when she was nervous or excited.

But like the old saying "some things never change".

Hinata still loved him. Hinata still squealed when something frightened her. Hinata still thinks of others before herself. Hinata still hide her body, even if it showed a little more now. Hinata still smiled like nothing happen. Hinata was Hinata no matter what.

That was one of things he loved about her. She went through life like nothing happened, always moving forward even if she was unhappy, as long as her friends were happy then she had no reason to be sad.

"True friends are always there. Whether it may hurt or not… because that's what friends are for, right?"

That was another thing. She didn't let it stop her from helping her friend be happy. If something went wrong she'd willow in despair for a minute or so and then keep moving. She had no regrets in her life, only difficulties.

"Life is to short for regrets. So you play hard because skin always grow back. Kiss slowly because you never know it could be that last. Forgive quickly because you don't know if you'll ever get a chance. Take chances and give everything because you never know where you may go wrong."

Hinata always had these little sayings in her head for every occasion. Whether it be a birthdays:

"Getting old is like play cards. You have a heart to give away one day, hopefully to the right person. A diamond to have on your finger whenever he decides to pop the question. A club to drink and enjoy yourself in when times get hard. Then comes the Spade to bury your loved ones, and let us pray they were old enough to pass."

She was just the loveable Hyuga Princess that he was lucky to have by his side.

~:~ Day ~:~ By ~:~ Day ~:~

Hinata approached her boyfriend, for the second time, with a question on her mind and she was determine to find the answer to.

Taking his arm she forced him to follow her away from the group.

Once they stopped the question slipped past her lips with out warning, "Are you going to break up with me?"

Naruto choked.

She was asking if they would break up… again? He looked at her. She had her eyes into a narrow gaze, she was serious.

If she had asked that… then; he wouldn't have known how to answer but this was now and he knew what he had to say.

"No. I would never do that again… Why would you think-"

She tucked her hair behind her ear, "But what if you meet someone else? If you want to be with her instead of me?"

"What happen to all that 'friends are always there whether it'll hurt or not' bullshit you said?" chuckled lightly as he wrapped an arm around her.

Hinata slapped his arm, "It is not bullshit it's philosophy something you'll need to show respect to.

"But that isn't the point. I don't think I could stand you actually falling for some girl while I'm half way across the country. I mean, I'll put up with, yeah, but I don't think I'll be able to fully… relate to you anymore."

"Meaning if I were to technically cheat on you then you'd toss me to the curb and not give me another chance?" he asked with a little humor but was for the most part serious.

"No, I'm saying if you ever break up with me over the phone, email, or any other way that is not face to face then I'd do that. If you do find some else at least break up with in person and introduce to her. Who knows maybe we could be friends." Hinata explained.

Naruto looked at the girl, "You I wouldn't find anyone else. I know what its like for me to not be with you. I almost lost you for good and I could have gone right along with you."

"No, wouldn't." she snapped. "You have every right to be happy with or without me. So if you had killed yourself I would have killed you in the after life, kick your ass right back to earth and force you to move on."

He laughed, she had also became more open in using cuss words, "You should have seen me when they brought you out. I thought you had left. Tsunade wouldn't stop laughing at me."

"Not was rude of her." Hinata giggled. "But it was funny, you thought I died. You know Hyuga don't go down so easy."

"Apparently." he smirked at her.

"Hey, Hinata! Planes here! You coming!" Temari's loud voice shouted at the couple.

Naruto took her hand and kissed her lightly, "You be careful and call as soon as you land."

Hinata blushed and diverted her eyes from the blonde but nodded, "Only if you promise not to freak if I'm off time. Different time zone."

He kissed her again right before she had to board. He loved her and it was no secret to anyone. At one point or another he knew there would be rough patches but he'd do anything to keep her even if it meant dropping out of Kage to join her at Byukagan… he'd get in whether her father denied anyways.

"Bye, Hime!" the boys shouted as she disappeared right behind her cousin.

Yep, no matter what would come in the future she'd always be there princess.

Author's Notes:

1) Well, it's over. Done with. Like or loved it; it is over. I hope you all enjoyed the ending. I was going for something a little more different but when I typed it out it was just so cheesy and I cannot stand cheesy. Because cheesy makes you blush like crazy.

2) I had picked KU for Naruto to go to, which seemed fitting since he will be Hokage one day… I really was planning to have them all go to ANBU College but it wouldn't have worked because well I had to have it fit the chorus and I'm proud of it that I did it the way I did it. If any of the readers didn't like it they're welcome to write their own ending to it (warn me first because I would sooo want to read it).

3) Thanks to dark-lelu, K.K. Slider999999999 and cool hina-chan1 for reviewing.

4) This concludes the end of HARUHARU and I hope you liked it. If there are any songs you'd like to see turned to a multi-chapter give me the name and main characters and I'll see what I can do, but only if you do.

5) I hope to see you reviewing another one of my stories soon to come out hopefully. THANKS AGAIN FOR READING HARUHARU!