Digi: so yeah this is a completely random fic I wrote.

Kass : Of course Digi what else would you do?

Keiko: I don't know maybe she'd make more pics of you for an amv or something

Kass: Keiko you...

Digi: Okay on to the Disclaimer!

Kass and Keiko: Digi does NOT own James Patterson's Maximum Rise, Naruto or Emiko who belongs to TwiAniJayFan. Please do not sue. Oh but she owns her own ideas like us!

SOS, May-Day, ¡Ayuda me!, Help ME!

"Digi are you completely sure you want to do this? I mean Keiko is a genius in all but…" A small girl with long brown hair that spiked out at the ends eyed the purple-ette.

"Aw come'on Kass you should have faith in Keiko, and besides… I have no idea how to install the new system." The taller brunette turned away and walked over to where her purple companion was typing away vigorously at a large computer mainframe.

"Soo Keiko… how much longer until our new base of operations is all secured?" Digi walked past the machine a few times and stared at the binary codes running across the screen.

"Very soon Digi-chan but it's going to be a while." The girls magenta eyes glowed brightly from the amount of confidence she had in herself.

"Umm I hate to break up your love moment Keiko-nee-chan but we have a visitor." Kassandra pointed to the small blonde girl eating a bowl of ice cream topped with sugar, syrup and ever type of gummy imaginable.

"Hey Digi-tan! Twi-san sent me over here! And look I got a whole bowl of ice cream for doing it." The girl's bright yellow-green eyes sparkled as she ate the disgusting concoction.

"So what's Mi-chan doing? (Digi: Emiko refers to Keiko by her middle name) Probably making something for her boyfriend?" The little girl mused as she took yet another mouthful of the sundae.

Keiko tensed at the words she spoke but continued to work after the scowl Digi was giving her. It was only a matter of time before the system was done and she would be able to have her go home.

"So Emiko why did Twi send you over here?" Digi walked over to the little girl who's smile was all too innocent.

"Well… oh that's not important! It was something about delivering something or other. The box is in the kitchen if you must know." Emiko continued eating her ice cream and sat on the tiled floor.

"Ugh Kass can you make sure that that these two don't kill each other while I walk to the other side of the base?"

"No promises remember their ninjas and I'm well a soccer player I really don't have any powers that I know of. Kass walked over to the recliner that was in the corner and began reading a manga.

"So Keiko-chan how would you react if I told you that Mashiko-kun and I were going on a date this Friday?"

"Keiko slammed her hands on the keypad and turned her fiery eyes towards Emiko. "What did you say!"

Suddenly sirens were heard throughout the compound and Digi came running into the main computer room where red light were flashing and the screen had a count-down clock across the screen.

"What did you do Keiko!" Digi's hazel eyes were glaring at the purple haired girl with anger.

"Umm well… Emiko got me mad and then that happened!" Keiko pointed to the computer screen which had less than two minutes left on the clock.

"Do you guys even know what you've done!" Digi started shaking Keiko and Emiko by their shirts.

" I didn't do anything! Mi-chan and her anger management issues have caused this issue." Emiko said with a pout on her face.

"No it was Emiko's fault!" Keiko yelled back, obviously ignoring the cold angry look Digi was giving her.

"Umm Digi…" Kass tapped Digi's shoulder, but got no response as Digi was still trying to strangle the two characters.

"Digi… Yo earth to DigiBleach aka the Itachi and Kouichi obsessed fan girl who has way too many rpcs to count." Kassandra waved her hand in front of Digi's face.

"What Kassy!" Digi's face was red with anger and looked like she was going to explode.

"Umm Digi you may want to look and the monitor. And please don't call me Kassy." Kassandra pointed to the computer with an annoyed look on her face.

"Huh? DigiBleach put down the two girls, and walked over to the monitor and read what was on the screen and then backed away from the computer.

"Umm Kass do you have your laptop on you?" Digi said with a pained look on her face, as though something terrible just happened.

"Sure why?" Kassandra took the blue camouflage laptop from her backpack, earning weird expressions from the other two. "What?"

"Hey Digi-chan what are you doing?" Keiko asked, as the three girl crowed around their teenage superior.

On the screen their were several e-mail addresses to various parts of the world and several words written in the Subject area. Upon reading it, they saw what digi was typing:

To: The world and others

Subject: SOS! May-Day! !Ayuda me! HELP!

Dear reader,

My characters were installing a prototype very expensive and very protective security system for our secret base. I know the whole point of a secret base is to not be known but… WE ARE TRAPPED IN HERE! I don't know how but my super genius accidentally locked the whole inside of the base with no means of escape for at least a week. You might be saying "Oh it's just a week what harm could it do?" Well plenty! I have two Ocs one of whom is not mine and loves to bug my OC Keiko and well let's put it to you this way. I'm not caught up on my jutsu yet so both me and my other Ocs Kassandra are in deep trouble. Please don't make me beg more. Help us before it's too late. I'll give a reward to the persons who come to save us.

With Gratitude,


Oh and PS I should warn you that…..

The girls stopped reading, as Digi pressed the send button at the top of the page. As soon as the messages were sent, Digi sat the laptop down, and started running around the base like a manic. This was not good at all.

DigiBleach: Wll that was interesting *Plays with golden bracelet on wrist*

Keiko: Hey where did you get that?

Kass: Digi does this have to do with someone from Christmas?

DigiBleach: Umm See yay and don't forget to review! *disappears in puff of smoke*

Kass: What is with her and ninja stuff?