Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the creators of Glee!

Author's Note: I wasn't originally planning on a sequel, but I must admit I did end "Love of my Life" on a cliffhanger. Cliffhangers are evil little things, so here you are the sequel to "Love of my Life." Please also note it's going to change POV's (Point of views.) Enjoy and review! :D

My heart raced as I paced around in Jesse's dressing room. Our earlier conversation had ended on a sour note, and I was more than determined ever to storm out of his life for good. Unfortunately my curiosity got the best of me. I watched him perform beautifully tonight. His rendition of "love of my life" was something took my breath away.

I looked over at his bag that was sitting beside me. Before looking at the door once more, I unzipped the bag and searched away. I grabbed what felt like a Polaroid, lifting it up to my face I laughed. It was a picture of Jesse and me. In the picture Jesse was holding his nose in pain while I looked at the camera in shock.

"Oh Jesse look! That guy over there is taking pictures of people for free. Let's take one!" Jesse looked over at the photographer and led the way. The couple smiled at the man who intern greeted them.

"Hello! Would you be interested in taking a picture? I'm a student who's working on a project. I'm taking pictures of many people and placing them in a collage; it shows how we're all connected in one way or another."

Rachel smiled, "that's very beautiful." She looked over at Jesse "Well we're glad to help."

Rachel plunged her hand in her purse to try and get her lip gloss out. Jesse looked at her, confusion apparent on his face. "What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for my lip gloss."

"Nonsense, you look breath taking just the way you are." She smiled and pulled her hand out. Rachel looked over at Jesse, "Jesse…my sleeve is stuck on the inside zipper, I can't get my hand out!" the blue eyed boy laughed whole-heartedly. He lightly grabbed her hand and tried to pull it out to no avail. The photographer began to laugh. Jesse looked at Rachel with urgency. He pulled harder elbowing his nose in the process. Dropping the purse he held his nose while groaning in pain. Rachel gasped, "I'm so sorry Jesse I didn't mean to!"

"Smile!" Rachel looked over at the photographer in shock, all the while Jesse still held his nose.

It wasn't the most flattering picture of the couple. They both laughed while they cuddled on Rachel's bed. Jesse rested his head on her stomach as she played with his curls. "I have the worst luck when I'm around you." He laughed.

"That's not true. One incident and you won't let it go" she giggled. He turned his body so that his chin now rested on her stomach. "Oh really? I recall tripping halfway down the stairs when you slipped. Of course there was also that time when I tripped UP the stairs when you fell. Did I mention that one time you hit me in the gut when you fell backwards?"

Rachel could feel her skim becoming warm with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not the most poised girl in the world." He smiled and kissed her stomach.

The songstress took the picture from his hand and wrote on the back of it, giggling in the process. She handed Jesse who laughed while he read it out loud.

To my dear Jesse,

With love,

Your bad luck charm, Rachel.

Rachel placed the picture back in the bag. She felt hypocritical all of a sudden. After everything they had been through she found it easy to replace Jesse. There was a part of her that had a fear. She feared being alone, and could you blame her? After years of being ridiculed all of a sudden guys were attracted to her. The feeling of holding hands, kissing- after experiencing all of that there was no way she wanted to be alone. Ever.

I got up which caused the bag to fall. I frantically started putting back all his items in the bag. I was almost done when I saw a piece of paper folded neatly. Now I'm many things but nosey is definitely something I'm not. Then again, I was really curious. Going against my better judgment I opened the letter.

As I read it I could feel the guilt washing over me. It was a letter to UCLA. Jesse was declining the full ride they had offered him. I didn't understand why he was declining his chance to kick off his career. This was his chance to make something of himself and here he was just throwing it away, and for what? I nearly jumped when the door opened. Jesse stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. The look on his face was sort of amusing and I would have probably said how cute he was, but given the current situation I didn't.

I was at a loss for words. I've walked into countless of dressing rooms and this is probably the first time that I found someone so beautiful as here standing there. Now of course I came here as quickly as possible after my little change in our program the team was currently gathering the pitchforks. I smiled, not really sure what to say I locked the door.

She looked at me with concerned eyes, "What is this?" she held up a familiar letter to me. I started panicking; she wasn't supposed to know what I was planning to do.

"I…it's a letter." I managed out. My palms became sweaty. She sighed, "I know it's a letter, what I mean Jesse, why is this letter written to UCLA telling them that you're rejecting your full ride scholarship?"

Okay, so my senior year was ending. Graduation was next week and my parents were in the UK with no signs of coming back. I was to be shipped off to San Francisco to kick off my career. Don't get me wrong it was exhilarating, but when this was planned Rachel wasn't in my life. This was the last year that Rachel's mom was going to coach Vocal Adrenaline, and I had been considered as a replacement. I would be able to not only stay in the music scene, but I would be able to try and win Rachel back…if I haven't already.

"I don't want to go…I…I'm not ready for it." Part of it was true; I wasn't completely lying to her.

She looked away for a moment had nodded, "I get it. I'm the reason why you're staying behind, aren't I?" Was I really that easy to read?

"No I…" she intervened before I could finish, "I'm not worth throwing this opportunity away, Jesse"

"How could you say that? You're worth so much more than that." She smiled beautifully as she put a hand on my cheek. Warmth spread around me, I wish we could stay like this forever.

"I love you so much, Jesse. I've given you my whole being, and I don't regret it. But I love you enough to let you go. You have to go to UCLA." She choked out.

"I won't leave you" Jesse replied sternly. He didn't want to risk the chance of losing her if he went away. Going to UCLA meant that he wouldn't be able to see her until next December.

"Stop it, Jesse. You're going. If you stay, I refuse to be with you, and I'll continue seeing Finn." She managed out. She knew that he was probably aware that she was lying, but it was worth a try. He worked so hard to earn that scholarship. She wasn't about to let him throw it all away.

His eyes softened, "Could you really see yourself being with someone else, Rachel? Could you really see yourself making love with someone else?" She sighed. Well she reached a dead end.

"No, I can't. But I can't see you throwing away your future."

"Then wait for me." "What?" "Promise me that you'll wait for me, until we're able together again; as long as it takes." Rachel's phone started ringing she blinked several times before answering.

"What? Oh, I'm sorry…I'll be right there, Finn." She looked at Jesse and walked out of his dressing room.

What the hell had just happened? He thought everything was going well. He glared at the door. That damn Finn always found a way to ruin their moments.

Finn scooped up Rachel and spun her, "Where were you? I looked everywhere for you!" he smiled.

Rachel felt guilty. When Finn put her down he noticed she seemed troubled. "What's wrong" anxiety started to spread through his body. Leaving her alone was probably not the best idea.

"Finn…I have to tell you something." He gulped.

"What is it?"

"She's leaving you to wait for me." Both teens turned to look at Jesse. Finn looked at Rachel, confusion apparent on his face.

"Rachel…what is he talking about?" "She doesn't want to be with you, twat."

Finn glared at Jesse who stood by the doorway glaring back with equal intensity. "You stay out of this. Whatever Rachel has to tell me is between her and I."

"Fine…Rachel, you need to stop feeding around the bush. Sweetheart, just tell him."

"Finn…I…I'm so sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was lead you on…I thought I was ready but…"

"You still love him, don't you?" Finn finished off the sentence. In the back of his mind he knew it was too good to be true.

"I'm sorry Finn." The football player smiled down at her.

He began to walk away, stopping in front of Jesse he glared, "If you hurt her one more time, I swear you won't live to do it again. I believe in 2nd changes, but never thirds."

"Duly noted." He walked towards Rachel, who was currently crying freely. "Jesse…give me a few minutes. I hate people looking at me when I'm crying." He laughed, placing his arms around her. "I've seen the most intimate parts of you, and you're worried about me watching you cry?"

She chuckled, "Well…"

"I love you Rachel Berry." He interrupted.

"I promise to wait for you as long as it takes." She replied.