AN: well umm… this is just a random idea I had and really wanted to get down. I suck at writing (this is my third draft) and I suck at keeping myself in the mood to write and finish stories :/ I write a lot, but I don't really share them, especially online. Be gentle?

This is an Avatar: The Last Airbender AU set in the normal world. Obvious plot and Zukaang action. Enjoy? :3

I don't own ATLA, that all belongs to Bryke.





FireLord, a well known name all over the world. He started small in his Chinese hometown, and went from there until the famous singer gained world popularity only two years ago with his hit song "Fire In Me". The song reached the ears of other nations, mostly those in the West, and he went straight to the top of the list. Now he has five major records and too many hit songs to keep count.

Girls are especially his biggest fans. They adore him to pieces, even though one side of his face is seriously scared from a fire accident he won't speak about; they say it adds to his mystique. His dark shaggy hair and golden eyes make them swoon and drool. His tall build and strong physique make him popular with all ages. Add in the fact that English isn't his first language, and girls go completely crazy; it seems to be the "in" thing to speak another language nowadays. When he speaks his native Chinese language his voice is soft, silken, and muscular. But when he speaks American, his accent makes his voice… different, more hott, more soft and silky and deep, coming from the gut…

Or at least that's what Aang thinks about FireLord's accent. When he speaks his native tongue, he's hott. But when he speaks Aang's native tongue… it's even hotter. There's just something about Fire Lord speaking American that gets Aang going gaga.

But Aang would never share this information about himself with anyone, except for his best friend, Toph, who beat it out of him when she learned that he was hiding something from her. Even though she's much tinier than Aang, she can pack a punch. They're both in their third year of college, early in their twenties. Toph, with milky blind eyes and obsidian hair and a small, lithe frame, stands at 5'5". She's attractive and takes care of herself, but looks completely helpless. Even though she wears punkish clothes, it's no use: she just looks frail. She isn't though, no, not at all. She's super strong, always has been. Just ask Aang, who's known her since elementary school.

Aang, on the other hand, stands at 6'1" and is fairly well built, usually wearing his normal attire of jeans and baggy tees. He works out once a week and runs everyday after classes for two miles, saying it relieves any stress he has built up during the day. He takes a special Chinese martial arts class, specializing in Ba Gua himself, so he can hold his own in an unfair fight. He also prefers a shaved head and beanies to having hair, so he definitely seems the type who wouldn't take crap and let himself get beat, so when Toph has the upper hand (the usual), it looks extremely odd.

Though very normal, as in it's a daily occurrence.

Speaking of daily odd fights, Toph has Aang in a head lock as he kneels beside her, clawing at her somehow-scrawny-yet-strong arms, gasping for air in her small college apartment. "Quit lying! Tell me why you ditched auto class for real!" Toph yells, pulling on an ear and earning a yelp in response. Before he can even try to answer, she keeps going; "Come on, Twinkletoes!"

After ten more minutes of struggling, Aang finally gives in with, "Alright! Alright! Let go!" He's tired of being abused for one day. Might as well just tell the girl what she wants. No matter what, it always ends the same with Toph getting her way.

The blind girl smirks, releasing her prey and letting him fall to the floor beside her coffee table. As he rubs his throat and coughs, Toph falls onto her squishy couch with ease and picks up her cup of tea from the table in front of her. "Let's hear it. Why did you ditch autoshop today?"

Slowly Aang moves to the opposite side of the coffee table, sitting cross legged with a huge blush on his cheeks. Even though the girl before him is blind, he can't meet her eyes. "I wanted to download his new CD. It came out today." The words rush from his mouth, and he closes his eyes, expecting torture for his "stupidity" in her eyes.

But silence ensues.

"…Toph?" He slits open an eye, unsure of what's happening. He knows her well enough; she should be ripping him a new one right now. Instead, she sits quietly, eyes looking nowhere yet at him, as she sips her tea. Slowly, and with careful precision, she leans forward to set the teacup down. Aang is expecting the worst now, but yet again she proves him wrong by leaning back, getting comfortable in the human-eating couch. She opens her mouth…

And burps. Rather loudly.

Aang deadpans at this, suddenly wondering the reasons of why he's still friends with this young woman. She's either beating him to a bloody pulp, belittling him, calling him crude names, or completely ignoring him and his thoughts. She can be very infuriating, indeed. Taking in silence as a reply to her burp, Toph bursts into laughter, holding her sides as she kicks her feet. She struggles for breath.

"Are you serious, Twinkletoes? You ditched an amazing class to download some CD that you're eventually going to buy and have shipped over here from overseas?" She snorts, a typical sign that she is genuinely laughing at Aang. "I thought it'd be something super important, like maybe you got laid since you've held out for so long!"

Aang blushes a deep crimson at the hurtful jab and says, "Well, sor-ry for being innocent, but I've been waiting forever! There's a bonus track, never heard before!" He quickly changes the topic back to the original of FireLord and off of his virginity. That was one topic he did not enjoy talking to Toph about. He doesn't even like to think about it.

"Ahhahahahahahahaha!" She holds her stomach, kicking her feet some more as she tumbles onto her side. Her laughing fit is probably annoying her neighbors. If Aang is lucky, they'll come banging on her door and get her to stop. After a few more minutes, it seems Aang has no such luck.

"Do you have to be so mean? I told you, didn't I?" He looks down, extremely embarrassed and wishing he had fought back some more. Maybe put in a few good hair-pullings or knee locks. But no, he had to be the nice gentleman and just give in. What a sucker.

Toph starts to calm herself at her best friend's confession, and she leaves the couch to sit beside him. Placing a hand on his back and looking forward at nothing, she smiles softly, a chuckle still in her throat. "I'm sorry, Twinkletoes, but that was too hilarious. You've got such a crush on this guy! Wish I could see what all the fuss is about!"

Aang smiles like a geek and turns towards her, happy with her sincerity and excited about another chance to ramble about FireLord. "You don't have to, though! Just listen to him, and you'll know. His voice is what got me, really! I heard him-"

"Whoa whoa whoa!" The blind girl holds her hands up in mock surrender. "Been there, done that, I don't need your life story yet again. I went to a concert with you, remember? And you blare his music all the time."

"Sorry," he shyly whispers, calming himself down now. He gets fired up about FireLord really easily! Pun intended. He rubs the back of his head with a crooked smile.

Suddenly Toph hits his arm with perfect aim. "It's all good, anyway, Aang, I know already. We're best friends and I know you too well. You're just so fun to tease and rile up. Just some of the reasons why I love you."

Silver eyes widen and Aang's jaw drops. Did she really-No way-But-?

She sneers, somehow knowing his expression and thoughts. "And if you ever tell anyone about what I just said, I will beat you to a bloody pulp and no one will ever be able to recognize you again. Got that, Twinkletoes?" The growl in her throat is deep and loud, just enough so to cover up her embarrassment.

"Yes, ma'am," Aang answers, a smile on his lips. He can't help but love her in return.

"Now then, my good seeing eye human! Let's go listen to this amazing new CD and secret hidden track! I must hear this amazing thing that's good enough to ditch auto for!"


"Are you sure this town is all right?" A male accented voice asks from the passenger side of a car.

"Yup! Checked it all out, and it's good to go!" The answering voice is male, and also cheerful.

"Finally. I can rest," Zuko says, slouching in his seat and resting his head on his shoulder belt. Golden eyes look out the window, watching the trees and buildings, until he yawns and closes his eyes. "Thanks, Sokka. It means a lot to me."

"No problem. If you aren't happy, we aren't happy, because someone'll get fired otherwise! Haha! Get it? Fired? 'Cause you're FireLord?" The driver, dark skinned and dark haired much like his friend, has bright blue eyes that are sparkling right now at his own joke.

The black haired boy sighs heavily, rolling his golden eyes. "Yes, Sokka. I get it."

"Ah, I crack myself up!" Sokka wipes away an invisible tear before turning the steering wheel left, shaking his head. He seems to continue laughing on the inside, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Funniest person alive. Wake me up when we get there, ok?" Zuko cuddles closer to the door and his shoulder belt, relaxing his head and trying to relax the rest of himself. A much needed vacation awaited him once they got to the hotel.

Sokka bobs his head in reply, humming a tuneless song to himself.