Sorry for all the lateness and junk! I've been busy with Band Competitions and School, and I honestly just took a break from writing to help the juices start flowing again. I'm working on the next chapter, so it should be up once I finish and get a chance to upload it!

Welcome to an idea to what I think a meeting would be like. :)

The remains of the giant Heartless began to disappear as Arthur and Kiku flew over DC in a jet. Alfred had offered to stay behind to rebuild what was destroyed (which wasn't much – mostly concrete torn from the earth and such), leaving Arthur and Kiku to head back over to Eur-Asia. The flight took about five to four hours before they touched down in London.

"What now, Arthur-san?" Kiku asked as they arrived in the terminal. Arthur's eyebrows seemed knitted in worry but they eased as he glanced over at the small Asian man.

"I'm not sure...," Arthur said quietly as he dug his cell phone out of his pocket. He had received two text messages since he'd departed from DC. One from Alfred and one from Francis. Deciding to check the newest one, he pressed to read Alfred's.

"Hi RT! Cleanin is a ttl bore! Ill b done in a few so I can save u l8r, LOL! - Alfredizzle Fizzle Jonizzle"

What. The. Bloody. Hell. Deciding to decode the message later, he pressed to read Francis's message.

"Arthur – we are all waiting for you at your home here in London. XXOO, France"

Shaking his head and closing the phone, Arthur turned to Kiku.

"Everyone's at my house. I suppose we are going to have another meeting."

Arthur steered the Bentley into the driveway of his house. Other cars lined the pavement to the garage. Arthur mumbled a few choice words as he cut the engine off and opened his door. Kiku let himself out and closed the door. Arthur stormed up the lawn as if it was the Battle of Normandy all over again. A man who was standing at the door greeted Arthur.

"Hello, Mr. Kirkland. A mass of people of diverse ethnics arrived not too long ago. Said they were friends of yours." The man greeted in a British accent.

"Ah, yes, those would be my... friends." Arthur said with a bit of sarcasm. "Tell me, have you seen anything... odd or out of the ordinary?" The man shook his head.

"Nothing out of the ordinary sir. Nothing as odd as that group that just went by." the man replied. Arthur nodded and pulled a few paper Euros out of his pocket. He handed them to the young man and told him to take the rest of the day off. The man thanked Arthur and left the premises. Arthur opened the door and held it for Kiku. Kiku thanked him and entered, Arthur followed behind.

This ought to be good..., Arthur thought to himself as he closed the front door.

To say all of Hell had broke loose in the Englishman's house would be a slight understatement. Several countries were squabbling and quarreling saying that they needed to get to their houses to make sure nothing was happening there. Then of course, there was Ivan trying to get away from Natalya – the former trying to throw things between himself and the latter, and the latter destroying whatever the former threw between them.

"Marry me big brother!"

"D-don't you think there are better things to be worried about?" he cried, trying to crawl under a coffee table.

"What could be more important than us, brother?" Natalya asked, grabbing his ankles and dragging a crying Ivan out from under the table.

Only a few countries had managed to keep their composure during the whole make-shift meeting. Francis was conversing with Antonio, and both Romano and Feliciano were mass producing white flags, calming themselves while tying the fabric to a few sticks they'd brought from Arthur's garden. Berwald was calmly talking with Peter, trying to keep the child under control, but Tino seemed to be doing a better job. Arthur moved nimbly through the crowd attempting to make it to the stair way so he could get the high ground. If only it was easy as he thought it would be. He eventually made it to the stairs and climbed up them.

"Excuse me! Hello, everyone?" Arthur shouted from the top of the stairs over the railing. A few countries silenced and tried to keep their attention, although most of them continued with what they were doing. Matthew climbed up the stairs and pulled a blow horn out of his hoodie pocket. He muttered a quiet "Use this," before heading back down the stairs. Arthur winced as he pressed the button and a deafening blare came out of the small horn. That got everyone's attention.

"Ah, sorry about that..." Arthur said, dropping the horn onto the floor by his feet. "Now that I have your attention – I'm happy to announce that Alfred has managed to defeat the creatures in his capital. D.C. Is now safe, but he is currently cleaning up the mess the Heartless have made." Many whoops and victorious fist pumps raised from the crowd. "He will be joining us shortly once he has finished and appropriates a jet for himself. Now onto the meeting at hand. First things first, who decided to let all of Hell loose in my house?" One nation stepped forward. It was Mathias.

"Hey, you don't see tons of Danes running around here, do you?" Arthur shook his head.

"You misunderstood, Mathias; I just meant that everyone's causing such a ruckus – not that the people of Hell had literally arrived here and were set loose in my house." Arthur explained. The blonde continued to look at Arthur with a dumbfounded look. Why do I even try... Arthur sighed, and returned his attention to the crowd. "Anyway, we should try to find a way to destroy these creatures at the source." Murmurs passed through the crowd.

"The source?"

"Where would that be?"

"I'm starving; We should hit that little French restaurant down the street..." Antonio was in mid-sentence when normally silent Lief spoke up.

"Everyone pipe down!" Many a heads turned to the small nordic nation. He only stared into the distance as his blue eyes clouded over again.

"Ah, thank you very much, Lief. As I was saying, the source must be found and taken out or down – which ever fits the bill." Arthur continued. "So once America gets here, we shall split up and head to our own houses. If we find something of interest, report it back to me." Ludwig raised his hand to speak.

"Hold on, why are we reporting to you?" He asked, and several others murmured their agreement to themselves. Arthur sighed.

"My house doesn't have heartless crawling around, now does it? We can set up a base of operations here and I'll keep track with where the heartless are and where they aren't." Kiku began to state that he agreed, but Vash knocked him out with his Peace Prize as he told the unconscious nation to 'Man up' and to 'say what he really meant'.

After a quick vote, it was decided that Arthur's house would become the base of operations during the epidemic. Many countries decided perhaps traveling together would be a good idea in case their house was crawling with the dark creatures. Feliciano immediately clung to Ludwig, but Romano dragged the northern Italian away saying something about how they should be able to take care of themselves. Ludwig figured he'd just go it alone, and several agreed – he was strong, after all. Several other countries had paired off in groups of two or three.

"Now, be on the look out for several different -" A loud crash sounded from Arthur's garden. "BLOODY HELL, NOT MY TUTOR ROSES." He shouted, as the door opened revealing a dust and dirt covered American.

"Heh, hey Arthur... Sorry about your pansies..." Alfred attempted to apologize, quickly adding, "My jet kinda started loosing fuel and well... I mistook your garden for a runway..." Arthur's face was a deep red. Redder than any thing ever seen on this earth. Matthew quickly ushered the man away before continuing on the list of things to look out for.

"As Arthur was saying, be on the look out for several different things...," Matthew began, and pulled out a list of notes he'd made. "First – are there any civilians around? If not, there is a possibility that there are Heartless about. Two – if you see anything out of the ordinary with landmarks, report back. There may be information behind these occurrences. Third of all -" Another loud crash came from Arthur's Garden. The Englishman sat up from his chair, only to sit back down and scream into a nearby embroidered pillow. Wang Yao tried comforting him by patting his back softly.

"Woah, what the heck was THAT!" Alfred shouted as he ran for garden. Many other nations followed suit. Something that was louder than Alfred? This would have to be interesting...

Hope you enjoyed it! Just a few quick notes because I want to make some...

Lief - Norway

And the thing about Denmark and Hell is that I read somewhere that there is a town in Denmark called "Hell". I might be wrong, but it's in one of the Scaninavian countries, I'm sure of it.

Reviews are welcome and Flames will be used to make fertilizer to re-grow the roses destroyed by Alfred.