~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SECOND PAGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was the last time they would see each other in a number of years. As it turns out Harry had to find the many pieces of Tom's soul that he had placed all over the UK. That took nearly a year and a half, once he found all of them and destroyed them before he challenged Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort to battle. Unfortunately as he battled the older wizard BellatrixLestrange sends a Cruciatus at his unguarded back and gives Riddle the time to send a Avada Kedavra at him.

This did not actually kill him … luckily, but the soul fragment of Tom Riddle that was housed accidentally after his first attempt of killing Harry was killed. Voldemort was now mortal. Still he had passed out from the strain on his body and magic, and thus was paraded in front of the 'good guys' by the Death eaters and Riddle.

Once he finally regained consciousness he sent a cutting curse into bellatrix before rolling out of the way of at least twelve Avada out much thought he shifts into his Nundu form, of which most just scoff at , thinking it a just a large leopard well at least they think this until he begins to breathe out the toxic and deadly breathe they are known for.

The death eaters try to escape but ultimately die by Harry's Nundu breathe or the other fighters for the 'good guys', whom start to react. Voldemort is killed rather quickly as Harry pounces on the old man as he tries to hurt the Nundu turned boy-who-lived.

His last moment living is of staring into the emerald green eyes of a Nundu … a Nundu that happens to be Harry Potter and whom happens to want nothing but kill the megalomaniac. Harry quickly rips the monster's head from his body with quick movements of his powerful feline jaws. As the life in the eyes of his enemy fades and the twitching stops, he roars his victory causing the remaining defenders and death eaters to stare in shock and horror at the deadly animal.

The said deadly animal shifts back in his human self after that and sends a few cutting curses at the retreating Death Eaters this is before he is over run by the 'light/good guys' , whom are wanting anything and everything of him. This is suddenly put on hold as he passes out from magical exhaustion as well as a few injuries he had obtained while he was in his Nundu form. He was in a coma for at the very least three months before he awoke in the Hospital bed in Hogwarts.

He had been awake for no more than a few half a week before he desperately wanted to leave and get back to Gilbert. Arndt suddenly flew through the window and Ash-shira slid out from under the hospital bed, he was ecstatic to see them. Though from their body language he could tell things where wrong … the first of which he was aware of … it was that Hedwig had been killed mid flight while he was in coma, and second he soon found out via one of the many letters that Arndt carried was that he was being commanded to marry Ginny Weasley by order of the new Minister of Magic, who happened to be one of dear ol' dead Albus' go to guys, he didn't bother with learning his name.

Pissed off and wanting to see and feel his bonded he writes a quick note to Gilbert and sends Arndt to him. He also has the grown German Sheppard guard him, making sure that he knew to only let the elder Weasley boys and Lupin near him, and of course Gilbert if he manages to get here. He falls into a peaceful healing sleep now knowing that he has Ash-shira watching over him, hid hand rested on the large pup's back.

A while later, maybe a day or so later … his reckoning of time is so off, he is jolted awake at sharp barking and growling. Sitting up slightly he sees the majority of the Weasleys, Remus, Tonks, the new minister and most of the remaining Order trying to get into the infirmary with not much success thanks to the large protective Sheppard. He chuckles at the sight, causing everyone to look at him in surprise, "Good boy Ash-shira … very good boy."

He stretches out his under used muscles and inadvertently gives everyone a good view of his toned upper body, luckily he had loose pants on so he didn't have to worry all that much … he had put them on when he had woken up earlier. Moving so that he was sitting on the side of the bed he sees a letter with the seal of the Prussian Crest on it, snatching it up like a life line he opens it carefully and reads even as Mrs. Weasley shouts, "Harry! Be careful it might be dangerous!"

He Scoffs at her and continues opening and then reading the letter, a huge smile forms on his face and in his excitement he jumps up, "YES! Yes yes yes!"

He chuckles like and insane person before kissing the letter and acting like a love sick fangirl. The people watching are confused and curious to who sent the letter and what it might say that got that kind of reaction out of their savior.

The minister choughs to get his attention, which makes Harry go instantly quiet he turns and glares at the people in the door way. Channeling his Dire Wolf he growls out a command that Ash-shira could understand … and apparently werewolves too, seeing as Remus stiffens at the command looking fear fully at the others, while also looking at Harry in confusion and curiousness. Smirking at the others he growls for the large canine to follow the command.

The large black long haired German Sheppard growls low in his register making strong vibrations go thought the people crowding Harry's doorway, baring his large white sharp teeth at them. A few of them finally seeing him, screech about The Grim and ghosts, harry flops semi gracefully on to the bed clutching the letter that told him that Gilbert was coming for him as he himself was too weak to leave on his own. He was bringing an army of friends too, Francis, Antonio of course – Arthur, Ludwig, the Vargas brothers, Norge, Kiku, and Heracles and Sadiq oddly enough … he wondered if they would all be able to work together but shrugs at it. A very strong and interesting group to be sure, but all capable and all had become friends of Harry's.

At a knock on the door He hears Remus ask if can come in … and that he was alone. Shrugging his shoulders he, lets him know its ok for him to enter. As he enters Ash-shira looks up from his resumed place on end of Harry's bed before looking to Harry and then curling up again choosing to ignore the man-wolf. Remus looks at the pedigree dog and at the large black eagle that was perched on the head board of Harry's bed sleeping soundly. "Hey cub … when did you get the animals … I had thought that you wouldn't have replaced Hedwig yet ..."

Remus sounded reluctant to bring it up so Harry didn't snap at him, turning so that he could see his honorary godfather Harry shrugs, "I have had Arndt for a few years now, he and Hedwig were good friends … we will all miss her."

After a few minutes of silence, "Mooney … why are you here?"

Taken aback by the question somewhat the elder man looks over his friends son, "Iam here to make sure your ok … I was worried so much … ... you have changed Bambi …"

Chuckling loudly Harry finally controls his laughing so he could say, "I am sorry Mooney but there is no Mr. Bambi here … please leave a message after the beep so that Mr. Viech can get back to you at his convenience. BEEEEEEEEP!"

… there was silence for a good five minutes.

"Viech? …that's german isn't it … so … you have finished the task that Sirius set you on? …. What are you?" Remus started firing off rounds of questions.

Chuckling at Mooney, Harry shakes his head at the old wolf. "Yes Veich … and yes it is German. I'll even save you the trouble of finding what it means, Viech means Creature in German. And I have indeed accomplished the path that our dearest Padfoot had set me on as odd as it turned out. Hmmmmm did you not see me take out the Riddle?"

Wide eyed Remus thinks back and remembers a Nundu on the battlefield … he had thought someone was using it for weapon. "THAT WAS YOU?"

Smirking at the flustered wolf, "hmm it was me … his blood tasted unpleasant … now that I think on it. But you have yet to figure out why I'm called creature"

Well Remus wasn't known as the geek marauder for nothing, He looks up at Harry wide eyed opening his mouth to say something … then closing it, then opening it again finally able to form words. "you … you … yyou have more than one form?"

Grinning a near replica of Gilberts own sadistic-ish smile, "Why Mooney it only makes sense if I am Viech that I am many creatures nien?"

Mooney shifts a little uncomfortably, "Harry … hmmm I don't know how to ask this … but … hmm you smell of another … may I ask if they are the one who sent the letter?"

"Oh Mooney, you sly dog you … yes they are the one whom sent the letter and the same person whom gave me this" He holds out his hand showing the wolf his bonding ring, knowing that the other would recognize it for what it was.

The old wolf gasps jolting forward, grabbing Harry's hand and inspecting the rather simple but extremely expensive ring. "This isn't magical … your bonded isn't a wizard?"

Harry's eyes narrow and his Dire Wolf raises up to its mate defense as he growls a warning. "He isn't a Wizard but he isn't a normal Muggle either. When he comes to get me you can meet him."

Mooney holds his hands up in the universal surrender poise, "I have nothing against it but im sure you know of the ministers plans for you. Unless you have consummated they can and will force you to do their bidding."

Blushing slightly at even talking about sex to his current father figure was not something he was all that expecting. "Well it wouldn't matter as a German Citizen they can't do that to me unless both countries wish it so … but I guess it has helped that we … we have … uh … yeah"

Yeah he wasn't used to talking about things like this to Mooney or anyone really. Whom was now chuckling at his blushing young friend. Before gasping as what Harry had said sinks in, "how and when did you get dual citizenship?"

"When? … Oh after bonding, we wanted to be sure that I would have a safe place to go to after the war and a home to go back to. Besides my bonded is German."

Harry smiles at just the thought of Gilbert, he couldn't wait for his bonded to take him away, his own knight in shining bloody armor. He had seen the paintings and pictures of Gilbert back in his early years, and it completely lent to his crazy ideas. Remus was rather surprised, "well … who and what is your bonded … if you can't tell me that at least tell me their gender … im curious about this person whom has stolen your heart."

"hmmm well my bonded is male … and he well im not gonna state his name as I think we might have company." He glares at the door, as a knock is heard. He ignores the knocking until Mrs. Weasley busts open the door. Remus stands up ready for anything that might threaten his cub; Ash-shira jumps up and is standing on the lower portion of his bed hackles raised and growling fiercely at the intruders whom would disturb his Alpha.

The Weasley women screech at him about dangerous animals and secret letters. Ginny tries to get to him but Ash-shira snaps his powerful jaws at her as she had moved forward … only her reflexes from quidditch saving her from being bitten. Harry smirks, "he won't miss again … so don't try it again Weasley… now … why are you here… and why where you spying on me, and not just right then but all the spying you have done."

Before they could respond the wards of the school go off saying a group of humans and some small animals was making their way to the castle. The others started to fret, harry smiled a relieved smile, Gil was coming for him. He asks Arndt to guild him and the others here using the vocal cords of his Haast's Eagle form. The eagle sounds his agreement and takes off peeling out of the open window above me.

The pompous Minister states confidently, "Potter you are to marry miss Weasley here or you will find yourself in Azkaban for showing dark leanings. Do you understand me boy?"

Harry narrows his eyes at them; the twins, Bill and Charlie as standing off to the side looking him, he slicks out his hand in a lazy gesture that they take as it is … to stand down … for now. "That my dear Minister is not happening … you see I am already Bonded to another"

Ginny screaches and lunges at him but is swiftly taken down as the doors to the infirmary bust down and Gilbert and company enter the room, of which once Gil sees the hündin attacking Har he springs into action and swiftly has her on the ground he hands behind her back and his sword to her neck, "you dare try to harm what is mine? You little zettel ich should kill you for your actions."

Harry ignores the others whom are making sure the others wizards aren't gonna cause trouble. His eyes are only on his love, dressed in his old military uniform, the blue and red one with the cape, he looks so sexy and his domination of the little bitch is turning him on. "Gil? … you you really came…"

If he could have Harry would have jumped up and ran to him but as he was still rather weak could only speak. The red eyed Prussian looks up and smiles lovingly at him knocking the girl he had subdued with the pommel of his sword before crossing over to his love, his bonded ,his Har.

They lean towards each other for a kiss. Wrapping his arms around the broader shoulders of Gil he whispers into his ear, "oh how I have missed you … I finally did it … we can finally be together Gil "

Gilbert shivers in delight at the paresltongue that was whispered into hi sear while he gathers his smaller bonded into his warm protective arms. "Come … lets go home ja?"

Remus steps forward slightly knowing just how much this man means to his cub and that he is a warrior that can and will kill. "Harry?"

Harry looks over to him, even as Gilbert stiffens ready to do anything just in case, Harry understood his question though "Mooney … one sec."

He whispers something in Gils ears that cause him to look from his lover to the werewolf, he then shouts something in German to one of the others "Hey! Westen bringen wir ihn ... Er ist Har Pate, er ist ein Werwolf kann er bekommen Bürgerschaft auch?(ET: Hey! west can we bring him ... he is Har's godfather, he is a werewolf can he get citizenship too?)"

Ludwig rolls his eyes at him as Feli chuckles at the two, "sicher, warum nicht ...(ET: sure why not … )"

They all then walk out the way they had come through with two extra animals and a confused but happy werewolf in tow. Gilbird seemed happy as he flitted from Gil's hat to unto Harry's head and began to nibble on his wild hair, causing him and many of the others to chuckle.

The group once out of site and well into the forest, piled into the huge private transport helicopter they had used to get to him. Harry fell into the first peaceful sleep since waking up from coma as Gilbert holds him as if he was a lifeline. Remus attempts to speak up but Gilbert interrupts him, "if you're gonna threaten me about treating him badly then you can stop now … Ich would rather die than hurt him. Don't make me get my silver plated swords …"

The Prussian growled at the werewolf. He didn't want to hurt or threaten the man as Harry cared for him deeply but they are two bonded adults or young adults in Harry's case, and they could do as they wished. Even as the helicopter began its flight back to Ludwig's estate he glances down at his younger lover and smiles softly at him, he faintly hears Feli saying it was cute and romantic.

As he looks down at his lover he notices the iron cross he had given him for his birthday nearly four years earlier. His hand brushes his cheek to his jaw before taking the Pendant, he miles even softer … an expression nearly no other has ever seen from the ex-nation. Placing it back to his loves chest he lets his hand pet the dog he had given to Harry, Ash-shira, he grins at the animal as it rests its head on his masters shoulder. "I see you have lived up to your namesake … good boy."

Remus curious as ever asks whom the dog's namesake is … the others whom know bow their head and Gilbert answers, "Ash-shira is the Arabic name for Sirius."

The rest of the flight to Berlin is quiet, though Remus greatly wanted to ask questions about all of the 'muggle' things he is seeing and how … advance they were, the flying machine they were in completely amazed him. He tried to pick up who were leaders and who where followers in the group he was surrounded by, and was surprised that they all seemed to be leaders of a sort. It intrigued the werewolf that Harry could become friends with all of these different people during the summer.

Shrugging his shoulders he waits for the helli.. hellichopy.. to land. After the steady landing, he observes the others efficiently get out of the flying machine almost like aurors or hit wizards after apparating. The entire group put him and his wolf on edge but he followed them without hesitation or any signs of nervousness. Once in the house Francis, Antonio where starting to bug poor Arthur about how weird his citizens where, Ludwig had Feli sleeping on his shoulder since they had taken off and was now carrying him, Romano was glaring and muttering something about idiot potato bastards or what not, Norge was silent as per usual whilst looking once and awhile above his left shoulder, Kiku and Heracles where trying to have a conversation but Sadiq kept trying to get on Greeks nerves, but thanks to Kiku Heracles wasn't really paying anyone but him attention.

Remus watched all of this curiously, before asking, "What are you?"

His question caused the room to go silent, even Gilbert had stopped his retreat up to his room that his brother kept for him so that he could being his healing here, Harry had fallen asleep content in his loves arms. Sighing Gilbert takes a leadership role, "Lupin we will speak after harry is rested some and awake to begin that conversation … now would you like to come with me?"

The werewolf was rather shocked by the tone but nods his head and follows the silver haired man. Feli suddenly says after they were gone, "Ve, Prussia has changed …"

The others nod, though those that knew him well, like Ludwig Francis and Antonio found themselves surprised at the Prussian, he was acting a bit like what he was like back in the Teutonic period and the times he is really serious. They are surprised but very happy for their brother and friend.

Hope you have enjoyed this ^.^

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