Sorry if I take forever to update! I have to do a little research for this story and before I can release a chapter, I have to write the next one. So, thanks for waiting! =)

I guess I should say I don't own Good Luck Charlie or the characters within this story! I'm only saying that once though.

The Great Charlie Rescue

Chapter 3

I was driving my car with Ivy to Colorado Springs. Ivy had looked on my laptop to find out where the Springhill Suites were. She was being my personal map.

"How long will it take?" I asked.

"About an hour and a half to get to the hotel," Ivy said. "Now, only thirty more minutes since we've been driving for an hour."

"Thank goodness," I said, my eyes a little droopy. "I'm getting tired."

"Let's stop by a nearby McDonald's," Ivy said. "That coffee doesn't last."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Stop at the next exit."

I turned at the exit and found the McDonald's. We parked in the parking lot and I said to Ivy, "Bring the laptop in."

We went in and ordered large drinks and french fries. We sat down at a table and observed the laptop. The laptop showed a map of our route to Colorado Springs.

"I wonder if your parents have found out you're gone yet," Ivy said.

It was one-thirty in the morning.

After eating, we went to the restroom and headed out with the laptop. We got in my car and went on the road.

We were quiet until I broke the silence.

"She's just two," I said. "Charlie is only two!"

"I know," Ivy said, nodding. "I know what it feels like to lose someone you love."

"You do?" I asked.

"Sure," she answered. "My pet bunny ran away."

I smiled and said, "That's not exactly was I was thinking of, but okay."

Ivy laughed. "Well Sniffers was my favorite pet."

I laughed too. "I bet."

"Hey," she said. "Everything's going to be alright."

"I hope."

We arrived at the hotel twenty–five minutes later. We parked and grabbed our stuff then we checked in.

As we were sitting on our beds, exhausted, I pulled out my video camera and started to take a video for Charlie.

"Hey Charlie, it's your big sister, Teddy!" I started. "We found out, you've been kidnapped! A kidnapper nicknamed Killz has taken you, and Ivy and I will find you! I promise I will."

I stopped to wipe a tear from my eye.

"Would you like to say something to Charlie, Ivy?" I asked my best friend as she watched me.

"Sure." She smiled. "Good luck Charlie."

I shut off the camera and got ready for bed. We would find her.


"Hey Teddy!" someone said, shaking me. "Wake up! It's time to start our morning!"

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and everything cleared when I saw Ivy. I wasn't safe at home in my bed. I wasn't safe at home with my parents. I wasn't safe at home with Charlie.

"It's time to figure out this clue!" Ivy said.

I slowly sat up and grabbed the letter from my bag.

Go to the Springhill Suites and find a lady dressed in black for the next clue.

"How will we find a lady dressed in black?" I asked. "There could be many ladies dressed in black at this hotel!"

"We'll just have to knock on door to door," Ivy answered.

"I don't think the manager would like that," I said disapprovingly.

"It's the only chance we have!" Ivy said. "And besides, the lady dressed in black was probably expecting us yesterday! So she probably went in to her hotel room because she didn't think we'd come."

I sighed. Ivy had a point. The lady in black probably wasn't going to be in the hallways.

"Well, let me get ready and then we'll start the search," I said. "How hard could it be?"

Thirty minutes later, Ivy and I were outside of our room on the third floor.

"And then we'll do the second floor," Ivy said. "And then the first."

As we arrived at the first door, we took deep breaths.

"Okay," I said. "Here goes."

I knocked on the door and a little old grandma appeared.

"Yes dearies?" she said. "May I help such a youthful pair of women?"

"Hello ma'am," Ivy said. "Do you ever wear black?"

"Oh no," the old lady said, shaking her head. "I wear everything, but black! Oranges to pinks, greens to yellows, reds to blues! You name it!"

"Oh," I said, disappointed. "Does anyone staying in your room wear black?"

"No," she replied. "George, my husband, doesn't usually wear black. He wears golf outfits."

"Okay," Ivy said sweetly. "We're sorry to disturb you! Thanks!"

"Goodbye dearies!" the elderly lady waved.

It continued like this at each door. Each family or person reported that they didn't wear black. And if they did, it was only a small patch of black.

Finally, we reached the last door on the first floor.

"Hello?" said a woman in her twenties.

"Hello ma'am," I said, politely as I could. "Do you ever like to wear black?"

The woman smiled. "Well as a matter of fact, I do! Please come in and see my black outfit!"

She led us to a bedroom and showed us a sleek black dress with black tights.

"Well?" she asked us. "How do you like it?"

"It's wonderful!" I said, sighing with relief. "You don't know how much trouble we went through to find you!"

"Huh?" the woman asked. "What do you mean?"

"You know, that one letter "Killz" gave us!" I said excitedly. "Do you have the next clue?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" the lady said.

"Please," Ivy pleaded. "Teddy just lost her baby sister! Will you just give us the clue, please?"

The young woman's face turned red. "I don't know if this is some sort of game you guys are playing! But I don't find it funny! Get out of my room, now!"

Ivy and I, confused as ever, were pushed out of the room. The door slammed behind us.

"She doesn't have the clue," I said. "But she dresses in black!"

"Maybe one of the other doors we knocked at was lying!" Ivy thought aloud. "We should go ask the person at the front desk if she or he's seen anybody dressed in black lately."

"Right!" I said. "That sounds like a good place to start."

We went to the front desk and a dull little lady in glasses looked up from her computer.

"Yes?" she asked in a dull tone.

"Have any of your hotel guests been wearing any black lately?" I asked.

She leaned in close to us. "It may look like I'm a boring old lady. But really, I know all the hottest fashions out there! But no, I haven't."

Ivy and I slumped our shoulders in defeat.

"Why do you ask anyway?" the lady asked. "Did you see that trendy new mannequin over there by the fountain? Is that why you want to know?"

I turned to where the tiny fountain was with all the couches around it.

I gasped. The mannequin was dressed in a black top and skirt.

"Thanks!" Ivy said. "Mind if we go observe it?"

"Be my guest!" she said. "As long as you don't break it."

We ran over to the life sized dummy and looked at it closely.

"See any envelopes anywhere?" Ivy asked me.

I looked the mannequin up and down. Then, I noticed a pocket on the top it was wearing.

Inside it was a white letter, identical to the one I received back at my home, in Denver.