This is my very first fanfic so please enjoy. Just to recap, this is at the end of Shadow Kiss, but Nathan grabs Rose instead of Dimitri.

Rose POV

We finished off the last of the Strigoi and were running towards the exits. Dimitri, my mom, and Alberta were almost to the mouth of the cave while I was behind them with another guardian. The nausea hit me out of nowhere and the blonde strigoi grabbed me before I could react. Another strigoi grabbed the guardian next to me and snapped his neck. I let out a scream but it turned into a choking gurgle when he bit my neck.

"Roza… NO!"

I heard his voice and the faint shouting of mom and Alberta. Stan and Alberta were holding Dimitri back and my mom had a blank expression on her face. I saw six more Strigoi appear next to the one biting me before I began to lose consciousness. There was nothing blissful about this bite and all I could think about was Dimitri and the cabin.

"I love you Dimitri" was all I could manage before the blackness hit me.

Dimitri POV

I heard her scream and turned around to see a Strigoi bit Rose. My Roza.

"Roza… NO!" I yelled and tried to get to her but someone was restraining me. I couldn't even think about whom. I just had to save my Roza. I heard her say she loved me before she fell unconscious. The Strigoi stopped drinking from her and the seven Strigoi left dragged her back to the caves.