Hello amazing readers,
This is my last chapter of Tangled Up In Me. I want to tanks to everyone who read and reviewed chapter after chapter and a very special thank you to Alexis, my amazing beta-reader! This is the epilogue but I want you to know that I'm already working on a new story about Kensi/Callen so I won't be gone for too long. In fact, you might get the new chapter next week if you're lucky. Again, thank you all and I hope that you'll all tell me your final impressions on the story after you read this chapter. Don't forget to review…
Callen was sitting on his desk filling out more of the incredibly boring paperwork that Hetty had presented him with after their last assignment. Sam was sitting on his desk with the same problem and so was Deeks. Nate was sitting on the couch in silence, reading one the graphic novels that he loved so much. Eric was upstairs playing with his toys. Hetty was in her office also busy with paperwork. Kensi was the only one who was missing and Callen had no idea of where she might be.
It had been 5 months since they had talked about their feelings for each other and things were going smoothly. They had officially moved in together just one week after that and everyone was surprised that it had took them that long. Callen loved every single thing about her. He loved to watch her sleep because she looked so calm and relaxed when she was sleeping that it was almost a crime not to watch something so beautiful. He loved how comfortable she was around him and how comfortable he was around her and how easy it was to talk to her and how natural it was to be with her. She was everything that he had ever wanted.
They had told Hetty what was going on, of course, but the older woman was already familiar with the situation. She had just smiled at them and said that as long as they didn't let their relationship get in the way of their work, she was more than okay with it.
Suddenly, a door slammed and everyone looked up. It turned out that Kensi had been upstairs the whole time. She looked a bit pissed when she approached them and hit Callen in the back of the head without saying a word, but Callen knew exactly what it was about. She sat on her desk and Callen got up with a smile on his face. His head was aching where she had hit him but he couldn't care less. He could tell that every eye on that room was following their every move with curiosity but he just shrugged it off. He approached Kensi and lowered so he could be eye-level with her.
He could barely contain his smile when he looked at her but he had to ask.
"Are you sure?"
Kensi gave him a very light smile, "I was already sure before I did that stupid thing. I told you that I didn't need that!"
"So this means that…" Callen trailed off and she nodded.
G couldn't contain his joy anymore and much to everyone's surprise, he lifted her and spun her around, showering her face with kisses while she laughed. As soon as he set her down, Callen kissed her under the intense stare of the rest of the team including Hetty and Eric that had shown up after hearing all the noise. Sam cleared his throat and they both pulled back, still with smiles on their faces.
"Can one of you explain what's happening here?" he asked
Callen looked at Kensi as if asking for permission and after receiving her nod of approval, he announced…
"Kensi's pregnant!"
Kensi was 5 months pregnant but she was still working. Of course, she couldn't go out in the field anymore but she could still help out around headquarters. Mostly she helped Eric with his techie things and helped the guys out with their paperwork.
She already had a 'cute bump' as Callen liked to call it and was the target of everyone's attention. Sam was extra-caring now because of it and Nate was constantly asking her how she was feeling. Kensi knew that it he was probably just scared about having to deal with her while she was in labor but she had already told him that she still had 4 more months to go before that. To everyone's surprise, she had even let Eric draw a happy face on her stomach on a lazy afternoon in which they had nothing else to do. Hetty was constantly giving her tips of what to wear now that her regular clothes didn't fit anymore and the younger agent had to admit that some of them were actually really good.
Callen was the most excited, mainly because that was his baby growing inside of her. He loved to stroke her stomach while talking to the baby. Kensi knew that he would be a great father even though he was a little nervous about it. He claimed that he didn't know how to be a good father because he had never had one, but Kensi had assured him that everything was going to be fine. They were together and that's all that mattered. He went to every doctor's appointment with her and she was almost sure that he had to restrain himself from jumping up and down when the doctor told them that they were expecting a baby girl.
She was a little scared of the pain of labor, but she was sure that everything would be fine as long as she had Callen with her.
Sophia Callen was normally a very calm baby. She had her father's blue eyes and blond hair but her mother's features.
Callen looked at his baby girl while she slept and smiled. She was his daughter, the daughter that he had never dreamed he would have. Kensi was sleeping because Sophia had woken them up several times during the night to be fed and changed. Callen looked across the room and saw the love of his life lying on the bed with that calm and peaceful look on her face. Sophia was only two months old but Kensi's body was almost exactly as it was before she had gotten pregnant. He probably should be out on his morning jog with Sam, but he would rather just stay home and watch his baby girl sleep. The day before, Sophia had given her daddy her first real social smile, and Callen couldn't stop talking about it.
G Callen finally had a family, and he was happier than he could have ever imagined. He had never dreamt that he would have this life. His entire life he had been alone, and he wasn't used to someone else making him happy. That had all changed because of the beautiful woman lying on the bed. Kensi had given him everything that he could have ever hoped for. She had given him her heart and the most beautiful baby girl in the entire world. She had saved him from his old life. Now, he had something to look forward to at the end of a long day. In fact, the day seemed to go by a lot faster with the knowledge that Kensi and Sophia were waiting for him at home. One of his new favorite things was when Sophia fell asleep on his chest, as if his heartbeat and his arms gave her that sense of security and calm that she needed to drift off. He had shared that thought with Kensi a few days ago and she had just shrugged.
"It's always worked for me!"
Callen and Kensi were walking on the park, holding hands, huge smiles on their faces. They had the day off which meant that they could spend as much time in the park as they wanted. They had three kids now, and their life was as close to perfect as they could imagine. Sophia was now 5 years old and her twin brothers, Sam and Tim, were two years old. Sophia was walking in front of them, telling her parents what she wanted to do and where she wanted to go. Her personality was just like her mother's. Sam was holding Callen's hand while Tim was holding Kensi's. They were the spitting image of their mother but with their father's personality.
Callen knew that he wouldn't change anything about his life, not even a little bit and that was the most amazing feeling in the entire world along with the feeling of having three kids running to him as soon as he walked through the doors of their house and his lovely wife greeting him with a smile on her face. This was his family. They had their ups and downs, just like any other family, but they had each other and that was what really mattered.
Life was exactly as it was supposed to be.
A.N. - I had to name the kids Sophia and Tim because Tim is my best friend and Sophia is my favorite aunt in the whole wide world (and also the name of my beta-reader). I thought about naming them after my brothers but then I would have to make them be incredibly stupid and irresponsible so it's better this way.