I am sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo sorry that I have not posted in so long! I have been incredibly busy, and I just have never found the time to continue my stories. But now that it's summer, I have all the time in the world :) I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I'm trying to get into the swing of things again with my stories, so I apologize if I get something wrong with the story.

Please please R&R, it would mean a lot to me! And thank you so much to all of you that have kept your faith in me continuing my story :)

The group stood there for what seemed to be hours. No one had moved an inch. Emmett was still glaring daggers at his brother. The one that he thought he could trust. Now he wasn't so sure anymore. In a way, he blamed Edward for the situation at hand. Emmett knew that that was wrong, but his anger was clouding his judgement.

The heartbreaking silence was finally broken by Jacob. "So... what do we do now?"

Carlisle glanced over at Jacob, while still keeping a wary eye on his two fighting sons. The family didn't need another fight between the two brothers at the moment. "We set up a search. You said that you lost him near Canada, correct?" Jacob nodded. "We will start looking there... see if we can pick a scent."

Rosalie sat in her cell, still in the same position as Royce had left her last. The sting from the slaps that she had received died down, leaving only emotional scars. Her vampiric ability to heal fortunately covered up the physical pain. She heard footsteps down the hall, and immediately sniffed the air for the culprit. Alec.

She growled as he approached her cell. His crimson eyes pierced hers with an intrigued look on his face. Entering the tiny cell, he sat across from her on a steel bench, his posture rigid and his eyes trained on her. "I don't get you."

Rosalie once again glared daggers at him. How dare he. "Excuse me?"

Alec did not seem bothered by her hostility towards him. "Your coven..." Rosalie did not even bother correcting him like Carlisle would. What was the point? "Why do you choose this way of life?" He motioned over to her blackened eyes, indicating Rosalie's starvation mode. "You starve yourself, instead of dining on what we were born to feed on."

Rosalie huffed. "Unlike you, Alec, my family and I respect who we once were." She noticed him tense, intriguing her. "Do you even remember what it was like to be human, Alec?"

She immediately received a harsh glare from the younger-looking vampire. It was not meant to be a sarcastic question for him. Rosalie was honestly intrigued by the youngster whom Aro had recruited so long ago. She could see the tension in his body. The sadness in his eyes. The anger on his face. Her question had obviously taken an effect on him.

His glare softened a bit as he took in the seriousness of her question. He glanced around, as if to see if anyone was around, peeping in on their conversation. She could tell he was searching for Jane. In a way, she was the controller of the two siblings. The dominant twin who seemed to direct where they went... and apparently who they worked for.

Rosalie brought his attention back to her. "If you're looking for Jane, she's not here... I'm guessing she went to go out on another hunt."

He nodded mutely, agreeing with her. Rosalie silently wondered if he even wanted to be a part of this lifestyle in the first place. "I take it you don't remember, then."

"No... not really, anyways." Alec whispered, but it was loud enough for Rosalie to pick up.

Sympathy was flooding through Rosalie when she heard him speak those words. Even though had done a lot of bad in his life as a vampire, Alec didn't really have a choice. And his inability to remember his human life must be painful. Although her human life was ended abruptly with no happy ending, she still was glad that she had the capability to remember her family. Her home. Her life.

Rosalie adjusted herself into a more comfortable position. "What do you remember?"

Alec's face scrunched in thought. "Just that... me and Jane... we were supposed to be killed. Burned." Rosalie raised her eyebrows. "At the stake. Apparently the town that we lived in, thought we were witches because of our special... abilities."

"Do you wish you could remember more?" Rosalie hoped that he wouldn't get annoyed with her persistent questions.

He stayed silent for a minute or so. But this time lapse was nothing for vampires. They had forever. "Yes." She nodded. "And no." She then held a confused look. "I've wanted to know who mine and Jane's parents were... I wish I could have remembered their faces. But then again, it's easier... to transition. When I was changed, it's all I knew. It's all I've ever learned."

Rosalie thought back to what Alec asked her earlier. "You asked about my way of... living, so to speak. Would you ever consider it? Feeding off of animals? Letting humans live?"

Alec glanced around once again, fearing that his sister may be lurking. In a way, he was defying her by even having a conversation with the captive blonde. "Yes... but feeding off of humans is how I was raised. I cannot be changed."

Rosalie's eyes narrowed at his statement. "You mean you cannot change because of Jane."

Alec was about to respond when his posture changed. And Rosalie knew why. Jane was back from her hunt, and was only feet away. She had apparently heard Rosalie's statement because as she approached Rosalie's cell, she looked like she wanted to burn Rosalie alive and kill her. Rosalie winced a little. She very well could.

"Master wants to meet with us, Alec." Jane gritted through her teeth. Her anger was practically seeping off of her in waves. Alec stood up and began walking out of the cell, giving one look at Rosalie, stating: Do not speak of this conversation.

Sadly, on Rosalie's part, Jane noticed. "I'll meet you there. Master told me to change the lock on her room." An evil glint in her eye went unnoticed by Alec, who nodded and walked away. After Jane was sure her brother was out of hearing range, she flew into Rosalie's cell, slamming her into the wall within milliseconds.

The nonexistent breath was knocked out of Rosalie's dead lungs as she was pinned by the younger girl for a moment, unable to fight back because of her restraints. All she could do was growl and snap her teeth at the 'little follower', she liked to call her now.

Jane stepped back from Rosalie and within moments, Rosalie was screaming and writhing in pain on the cold, cement floor. Jane kneeled, letting her head drop to Rosalie's ear. "You need to stay away from my brother. He is not going to be lured in by you like a damn siren. You think you're so special... being able to have this power over men... like my brother. But let me give you a wakeup call." Rosalie's body kept on twitching, pain etched on her gorgeous features. "I see behind your little trick. If you so much as look at my brother or speak to him again, you're dead... I will kill you with my own hands and burn your body to shreds."

As Jane stood up, she finally released Rosalie from her spell, letting Rosalie lay there motionless. As she reached the cell's exit, Jane turned around. "Keep in mind that Master is not the only one out for revenge because of you."

A slight whimper could be heard from Rosalie as Jane left the cell, leaving Rosalie where she was. Jane wanted to rip her to shreds. Royce wanted to tear her heart out piece by piece.

And yet, all Rosalie could think about as she was lying in immense pain from the torture she just endured, was Emmett's gorgeous dimples and his booming, boisterous laugh.