Bioshock III

Chapter V: Round Three

Subject Delta shook his head from out of his daze and looked towards his four new opponents, he growled in frustration. He knew for sure that he would be able to take them on all at once at his full power but even he had his limits. He was running out of EVE and Eleanor was still unconscious and suffering from a major concussion. Even if she wasn't seriously injured Eleanor was not yet ready to face such overwhelming odds, not at her current level. Delta sighed, this was going to be a lot tougher than he thought. Delta injected the rest of his EVE hypos into his system, he had to end this before one of the many girls in his care was seriously injured or worst.

Rebecca reloaded her revolver and motioned for her other three sisters to get into formation. With an opponent of this level there was no room for slip ups. Before they had rushed to their father's aid, Masha had explained to them that the Big Daddy was faster and more agile than your average Big Daddy. Combine that with being able to use Plasmids as well as Big Daddy Weapons like the Drill and Rivet Gun and you have one Badass Daddy that could kill you in a heartbeat if your not careful.

"Sarah, if there was a time that your trap making skills were needed its now. Asagi, Rose, you two are going to help me lure him right where we want him." The other three sisters nodded, in any other situation they would have probably argued with each other and demanded why Rebecca got to be the boss but this was not the time nor the place for arguments. Rebecca had the highest I.Q out of all the sisters and she was a genius at planning battle tactics, she could become an army general if she wanted to.

"I'm on it." Sarah whispered, and immediately disappeared in a cloud of frost blue smoke.

Delta studied the sisters' battle formation as well as their stances, they still had much to learn but they were by no means novices. Their formation was tight and their stances were strong, they were planning something that much Delta knew. He also made a note to keep an eye out for the blond haired girl that had just teleported away from the battlefield.

"Well then, enough standing around I'm getting bored." Asagi muttered out.

"Asagi, don't underestimate him." Jack growled out from his place on the ground, if they let their guards down for even a second they would be killed in an instant.

"Father don't worry we'll be ok. You just go and take cover with Masha and heal your wounds, leave the rest to us." Rose said. Jack's stern gaze didn't let up but after a second he sighed in defeat.

"Girls…be careful."

Rebecca turned to her father. "Aren't we always?" She asked with a smirk. Jack just shook his head and headed towards cover, he REALLY didn't want to answer that question. Rebecca turned back towards their opponent with a smirk on her face.

"Our turn."

Rebecca, Asagi, and Rose charged forward with pure speed. Rebecca's revolver was now replaced with a Shotgun, Asagi held a huge frost covered sword called a Zanbatou (Horse Slayer Sword) in her hands, and Rose held a Crossbow.

Delta quickly replaced his Drill with his Machine Gun and aimed it towards the fast approaching sisters. His left hand brimmed with the power of Incinerate and a hail of fire and bullets soon rained down upon the sisters. Asagi brought her Horse Slayer Sword out in front of her as a shield to deflect the bullets. Rebecca and Rose took cover behind Asagi's makeshift shield.

"Guys, I have a plan." Rose said.

"Go for it." Rebecca said quickly. Rose jumped out from behind her cover and fired a spear at Delta's left leg. Delta grunted in pain as the spear pierced through his flesh. An electrical wire quickly shot out of the end of the spear and latched on to a tree. Rebecca ran out from behind Asagi's cover with a Crossbow in her hands and quickly fired a trap spear at Delta's right leg as well. The electrical trip wires that shot out of the spears activated and sent a high electrical charge surging through Delta's suit. Delta kneeled on the ground in pain and his guard was momentarily down.

Using the Aero Dash Plasmid, Asagi charged forward and brought her monstrous sword in side sweep aimed for Delta's head. Asagi's attack connected and Delta was sent flying towards the left through a tree. Asagi smirked arrogantly and charged towards Delta's impact crater, she took two steps and was suddenly sent flying into the air by one of Delta's quickly placed Cyclone Traps. Delta quickly jumped out of the crater he had made and sent a freezing blast of ice towards Asagi's still air born form. Asagi was frozen solid in a block of ice and was now plummeting towards the ground. Delta rushed towards the spot that he predicted Asagi would end up in and aimed his frost covered Drill skywards and activated it. Rose's eyes widened.


Rose aimed her left hand towards Delta and activated the Plasmid called Sonic Boom. Just as Asagi was about to meet a quick end by the swirling meat churner that was Delta's Drill, Delta was hit by a powerful blast of air and was knocked back a couple of feet.


"I'M ON IT!" Rebecca's left hand quickly began to crack and bleed like the surface of the sun and with a snap of her fingers the ice that enveloped Asagi's body melted away. Asagi flipped and landed on her feet just as she was about to hit the ground. She sighed in relief but quickly had to duck a right hook from Delta's frost covered Drill. She dodged to the left just as his Drill was about to take her head off and brought her sword down upon Delta's helmeted head. Delta blocked the monstrous sword with his Drill and a glowing blue ball of slime with photosynthetic insects flying around it appeared in his hands. Asagi smirked.

"What good is that going to do you around here?" She asked arrogantly. Delta gave her a smirk from behind his visor and crushed the ball of slime in his hands. The photosynthetic insects that hovered around Delta's left hand flew into the air and began to fly around in a halo like ring at fast speeds. The insects condensed and in a flash of blue light an Elite Security Bot appeared. Delta did this one more time and then threw a glowing ball of blue slime at Rose. The slime splashed against her shoulder and the glowing blue insects now hovered around her, the Elite Security Bots obeyed their master and immediately sent a hail of machine gun fire towards Rose.

Rose recovered from her shock of seeing such an advanced form of Security Command and quickly charged her left fist up with lightning. She let loose her charged Electro Bolt and it hit one of the Security Bots, the Bot short circuited and fell to the ground but not before glancing Rose's cheek. The other Elite Bot had hovered out of Rose's field of view and was about to turned her into Swiss cheese but just before it was about to fire it was hit by a frag grenade. Rose turned to her left to find Rebecca holding a grenade launcher.

"You should be more careful….what are you doing?" Rebecca asked.

"Nothing, just hacking this Security Bot." Rose replied.

Rebecca dodged to the right just as Asagi hit the ground where she was just standing. Asagi sat herself in an upright position and rubbed her head in head.

"Did anyone get the license plate of that bus that just hit me?" Asagi asked in a daze.

"Asagi pull yourself together, you almost got killed out there!" Rebecca yelled. Asagi rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Sorry…" Rebecca just sighed and readied her Grenade Launcher. Rose finished up her work hacking Delta's Elite Security Bot. Rebecca's eyes widened and her whole body momentarily went rigid, after about a second she returned to normal.

"Guys Sarah is ready, lets move!" Rebecca ordered. Her two sisters nodded their heads and together they made a break for the more forested part of the beach. Asagi dared a glance behind her right shoulder.

"Is he following us?" Her answer to that question was a huge spear that had missed her face by mere inches.

"RUN LIKE HELL!" Asagi screamed out as she left her two sisters in the dust. Rose and Rebecca just looked at each other and shook their heads. They then used the Aero Dash Plasmid to catch up with Asagi. Rose had sent the Elite Security Bot she had just hacked to stall Delta for a couple of seconds. The sisters had reached the beach's forest just as Delta dashed right past them with a Drill swirling in each hand. Delta cursed behind his helmet, he should have been able to take all three of them out at once with that single dash. He was getting sluggish. The three sisters got ready for Delta's next move. Delta took two steps forward and was immediately hit by one of the most powerful electrical surges he has ever felt in his life. Delta forced one of his eyes open and saw that the entire area he was in was overflowing with trap bolts.

'Eleanor, little ones…I'm so sorry.'

And with that darkness took him.

It took me forever to think this up, I hope this chapter met my readers' expectations. ~Cryoshock123~