After realizing that the ninja was Shun, Alice ran outside ton search for him. Suddenly she saw five ninjas sitting around a camp fire. The ninjas were talking about their adventures:
"I rescued twenty people this month."
"I rescued twenty five people."
"Ten people!"
"Twelve people!"
"Twenty nine people." Said the last ninja with a familiar voice. "I almost blew my cover in some missions."
"Yes, you are truly magnificent, but you must keep your secret identity." His friend said, it was another familiar voice. "The master won't be satisfied…He wants a clean work."
"Someone is spyin' on us." One of the ninjas said with a strange accent. He jumped and caught Alice. "How's it goin'? Why are ye listenin' to our talkin'?"
"Bring her here!" His friends asked the ninja. He brought Alice near the fire.
"Welcome to the Russian Burro of Hero Ninjas." The ninja said, who had a familiar voice said.
"Do you have a member named Mysterious Ninja?" Alice asked.
"I think she's talkin' about ye." The ninja who caught Alice said pointing on the ninja who was sitting near Alice.
"Yes, what did you want from me?" The ninja asked with curiosity.
"Shun, I know it is you!" Alice whispered to him.
"Actually, I'm Dan. You forgot?" He whispered back.
"Where is Shun?"
"Here!" Dan said pointing on a ninja who rescued twenty nine people.
"Shun, I want to tell you something." She said to him.
"Dan, you gave away my secret identity!" Shun yelled.
"You just gave mine!"
Suddenly their master came and said:
"Students, what did I tell you bringin' in me order."
"Pappy, she was spyin' on us."
"Spyin' eh? Well lassie, how are ye goin' to explain yeself?"
"I wanted to visit my friends."Alice answered.
"Friends ye say? Ye can stay here as long as ye want. Don't give out our secret identity."
Five minutes passed Shun finally asked Alice:
"What did you want to say to me?"
"Thanks for all the rescuing." Alice said and took Shun to the lake that was near the campfire.
"Why did you bring me here Alice?"
Alice turned red like a potato. She was shaking from shyness. Words came from her mouth:
"I love you too Alice." Shun said and hugged Alice. "I loved you from the first moment I met you."
They kissed. It was short but sweet for both of them.
"Shun and Alice sitting on a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G.!" They heard Lync's voice. "This is rich! I'm entering this video in to the movie contest! Even ninjas can't see that I was spying on them!"
"LYNC!" Shun and Alice yelled.
Lync ran away. Shun called the ninjas. The whole order followed him. But Lync managed to escape.
"He's a strong ninja. After we catch em let's make him a member of our order." The master said.
"But he can reveal to the whole world about our order!" The ninja that rescued twelve people said. He spoke on British English.
"I know where he is! He ran probably at my mansion." Alice said.
The order ran at the mansion. But when they arrived they saw Alice's grandfather cleaning the doorstep.
"Where is Lync, Grandfather?" Alice asked.
"He just left to France for Cannes Film Festival. I think he is entering a movie called "The Black Order Ninja"."
"What? He called our order black? That is preposterous!" The British ninja said.
"I think we're goin' to France." The master's son said.
"Let's use one of Masquerade's cards." Alice offered. They traveled to France, but it was too late. The movie was already showing.
"Well lassie, ye friend just destroyed our cover." The master said.
"Sorry, I didn't know he was spying on you." Alice said.
The movie started in time where Shun saved the people from the bus. It turned out that Lync was recording a movie from that time. It looked like he worked on the movie, because there weren't any mistakes. It looked like a real movie. When the movie reached the last 40 minutes everyone began to laugh at the ninja with the strange accent. They laughed even harder at the master. The ending consisted from a love scene, where Alice tells Shun that she loves him. And then: THE END!
"You kissed Alice?" Dan said smiling.
"I hate kissn' scenes." The master's son said.
Everyone who was in the festival began to clap their hands and shouting Lync's name. Lync came to the tribune and gave his speech:
"Thank you, thank you, you are very kind. I worked very hard on this movie. It is based on real life. And I like to thank the actors!"
The ninjas and Alice went up to the tribune, after all their secret identity was revealed. Everyone wanted their speech. Dan, Alice and Shun thanked everyone. The master of the ninjas said:
"Thank ye for ye patients."
Everyone laughed and clapped again. The order became famous. Everyone who participated in the movie became rich, especially Lync.
The End…