Sorry guys for the late update
just on holiday, but heres the
next chapter, hope you like it!
Edward's POV
As the light hit our bodies, we pulled away from another and started to dress again, before Nessie started to worry we were. Hand in hand we ran back to the cottage, only to find Alice pacing the room, and her thoughts louder than her, Where do you think you were? Have you any idea what has happened to Charlie, Phil and Renee?
I had no answer, and signalled for her to go on, and she did but aloud, "Bella, Edward I have really bad news for you, especially you Bella. The things is I didn't even have a vision of the accident but only the funeral so I-" she may have been speaking softly, but Bella didn't.
"Alice why don't you just tell me, instead of being like this, it's really annoying, what happened?" she shouted managing to wake Nessie, who came running into the room.
Renesmee's POV
When I heard mum shouting, and of all people at Alice, I ran into the room, only to find mum, dad and Alice in two different corners of the room. That's when Alice continued to talk, "Bella you have to understand that I'm sorry, I didn't know-" dad cut her off, "Alice just tell us what happened or at least stop saying the alphabet backwards?"
And so Aunt Alice reluctantly said what she actually needed to, "Bella, Edward, Charlie, Phil and Renee have had a car crash last night on their way back from dinner, we all found out this morning, and Carlise has taken them to the hospital and is trying his best, but I've seen all their funerals, and I'm so sorry Bella." She said it so fast and then ran to hug mum, who had sank to the floor, and I stood there staring, mum had gone paler than she already is for a vampire.
It took about just the rest of the day to calm mum down. We had taken her the big house, where everybody had gathered, the wolf pack and the vampires to calm her down, and she eventually did, and that's when the planning began.
Sorry for the short chapter but I just had to get to the point quick! Thanks for reading please review!