A is for Agrabah

"…Don't you say one word," Leon hissed, eyes narrowing as he saw the blond's mouth open.

Cloud smiled. "How can I not? I mean—"

"I will stab you through the gut. It may not kill you, but at least it'll debilitate you for a few days and you won't get any sex at all."

The blond frowned. "That's not very nice."

"I'm wearing something that looks like it came out of Princess Jasmine's closet! I think I'm entitled to being a little mean!" the brunet snarled, motioning toward the black version of Princess Jasmine's pants and shirt—which he felt did not cover enough of him and, though light and airy as to prevent heat stroke, he would have preferred his heavy leather.

"…Don't forget the cute little silver slippers," Cloud added, smiling, before letting out a yelp as the brunet smacked him in the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Just for that, I hope a camel spits in your face!" Leon hissed, then began stomping away.

The blond blinked in surprise before hurrying after him. "Camels spit?"

"Yes, Cloud, they spit. Sort of like llamas."

"Llamas spit!"


"…I've never seen a camel. Is their spit poisonous?"

"…I swear, sometimes you really make me want to kill myself." The gunblader sighed and came to a stop. "Just… don't tell Yuffie about this. She'd never let me live it down."

Cloud smiled brightly. "I'll keep my mouth shut as long as I can take advantage of you in that outfit!"

Leon blushed a little, honestly startled, before he glared at him and angrily hissed, "Camel spit!"

"Ma'am, is this man bothering you?"

The brunet turned in confusion, then blushed even more. "Oh, God, not you."

Aladdin blinked at him in surprise, then tilted his head in confusion. "…Leon?"

"Shut up. Just shut up and ignore what I'm wearing." So saying, he huffed and crossed his arms.

"…Well, I have the books you wanted to borrow," Jasmine stated after an awkward silence. "If you want to come to the palace and get them."

Leon sighed. "Please." He hesitated, then smirked and turned to Aladdin. "Aladdin, could you possibly show Cloud some camels? He's never seen one before and he wants to know what they look like."

Aladdin rubbed the back of his head in confusion but shrugged nonetheless. "Sure, I don't see why not."


Twenty minutes later, Leon could only chuckle to himself as a loud, outraged squawk rang out from the menagerie. He could only assume that that was the same sound Cloud had made the first time a chocobo had tried to court him; he didn't really know, as Tifa was the only one that could remember it, but she still cackled about if from time to time.

And he could only assume that Cloud had learned firsthand that camels really could spit and that their spit was not poisonous—by way of actually aggravating a camel into spitting in his face.