I just have to keep coming back to this pairing, I love them and I think they look so cute together. This is a companion piece to "With You Here," but it can be read on its own. This story is mostly just fluff and sugar.

Disclaimer: I would do a funny disclaimer but I'm tired of saying that it's not mine. It's not mine already!

Summary: "I love it when you say my name.""Maybe that's why I say it even in my sleep." Kyouraku/femUkitake

Rating: T

Warning: femUkitake

Why I Stay

Kyouraku smiled as he walked into the room her shared with a certain white haired captain. Ukitake turned over in her sleep, whispering Kyouraku's name as she did so. Every time she fell asleep before he came to bed she ended up whispering his name until he joined her.

The Eighth Division Captain slipped out of his signature pink kimono and captain's robes before crawling into bed next to the white haired woman. "Shun," she whispered, curling up to him.

He chuckled, softly kissing the top of her head. "Juu, you're a treasure."


Ukitake stretched as she woke up, Kyouraku shifting slightly next to her. "Good morning, Shun," she said softly, turning to face her lover.

"Umm," he moaned as she gently kissed his lips. "I love it when you say my name."

"Maybe that's why I say it even in my sleep."

Kyouraku's deep laugh filled the room. "I thought you didn't believe me when I told you that."

Ukitake shook her head as she curled back up to her lover. "I know you wouldn't lie to me."


Kyouraku tilted her head up, sharing a passionate kiss with his fellow captain. When they finally pulled apart Kyouraku kissed Ukitake's forehead. "I say we take the day off."

Her soft laughter met his ears. "And have my division worrying about me?"

"They'll worry about you anyways. It's just one day, we can go have a picnic. Besides, I'll just tell them it will be good for your health."

Ukitake thought for a minute. Kyouraku usually made this suggestion and she usually turned him down, but today… "What would you want for lunch?"

"Hmm, how about some ume ochazuke?" (1)

He knew he had her then, even though she still seemed hesitant. "That's not exactly picnic food, Shun."

His smile widened slightly. "Well, we'll just have to make it into picnic food."

She finally sighed. "All right," she sighed. "But just this once, Shun."

Kyouraku smiled, kissing her once more. "Say it again, Juu."

"Shun," she whispered, shaking her head, but smiling at the same time.

"That's all I wanted," he whispered against her lips. "Now, shall we get ready for our date?"

"You were listening when I said 'just this once,' weren't you?"

Kyouraku just chuckled, slipping into his pink kimono. "You say that every time, Juu, and every time I get you to do so again."

"Then maybe we shouldn't go."

Kyouraku immediately spun around, a pouting look on his face. "B-but, Juu, you said…"

Ukitake laughed softly, placing a hand on either side of his face. "Shun, you're adorable when you pout." She kissed him, Kyouraku returning it with all the passion he possessed. When they parted Ukitake had fallen back onto the bed, Kyouraku kneeling above her. "Maybe," she suggested, "we should just skip the picnic?"

Kyouraku smirked down at his lover. "Whatever you want, my dear."

"Shun." And with that one word Kyouraku knew he wouldn't be able to resist; not that he had wanted to in the first place.


I finally got it done! Yay! I wanted to get this up before my field study started tomorrow and I actually did. It's sort of sad how proud I am of that. Okay, so it's my shortest story yet, but at least it'ss done. Let me know what you think! I have a poll up for what my next oneshot will be, so go check it out if you want to vote.

1. According to Bleach Wiki this is Ukitake's favorite food.