We solemnly swear our writing's no good!

Disclaimer: You all know it all anyway but here it goes, we don't own anything! We are just playing with J.K. Rowling's characters!

A/N: C.Moony and S.Prongs (S.Padfoot is her split personality) proudly present this fic! Nobody wanted to be Wormtail, well can you blame them? Ever heard the phrase `be careful what you wish for because it might come true'? Hint...hint...hint! Anyway this is for all you wonderful H/G shippers, other ships more than welcome to read but you have been warned. Also L/J, the best ship ever and the greatest couple of all time! We are still carrying on with our Roger Davies story `Two bludgers to the stomach and one to head' so don't despair Roger Davies fans! It's just we really like where this story is going.

To wish on a falling star

Chapter 1- Who the hell are you?

The only sound that could be heard was a faint whistling of the wind, as it gently blew around the grounds of Hogwarts, making trees sway to a silent beat. Suddenly it was joined by another sound; one of crunching footsteps along the twisting gravel path. Harry Potter shivered and pulled his cloak tighter around himself, as the wind whipped it out behind him. He carried on walking. Entering the deserted Quidditch pitch, he hesitated. The idea of flying certainly did appeal to him, however he had left his Firebolt in the dormitory, so instead opted for a seat in the stands. His jet black hair blew in the heavy breeze, making it even more tousled than before. Taking off his glasses, he rubbed his weary emerald green eyes.

He needed to get out of the common room; it was driving him insane. The way people stared at him with pity, some looked slightly anxious, others just looked down-right scared. People didn't really seem to understand what was happening, but they all knew it involved Harry. Ever since last year, the end of Harry's fourth year, things had been bad. Ever since Voldemort had returned deaths had increased, Cedric had only been the first and Harry felt the guilt weighing him down. However this wasn't the only thing that was tearing him up inside.

Reflecting back on this a few months later Harry still couldn't stop the aching in the pit of his stomach when he remembered the silvery ghosts of his parents emerging from the tip of Voldemort's wand. He hadn't realised at the time, but at the back of his mind he wanted to give up, wanted to die, if only for the chance to be with his parents. However he wouldn't let himself give up, he couldn't let himself give up and allow Voldemort to win. His parents had died for a reason and he wasn't about to let them down.

Placing his head in his hands, Harry sat still, in his mind picturing one of his favourite photographs of his parents. They were sat in the Quidditch stadium, arms wrapped around each other and smiling happily. Occasionally Sirius would fly past, whip out his wand and charm James' robes to disappear, Lily's hair to flash different colours or transfigure their seats into to anything with teeth. Remus would fly past trying to conceal his laughter before accio-ing Sirius away from the two lovebirds. One time James had grabbed his broom and gone after Sirius but usually he just changed himself back and decided to hold Lily instead. Harry allowed himself a small smile as he opened his eyes and lifted his gaze to fall upon the bright twinkling stars.

A shivering Ginny Weasley slowly made her way across the Hogwarts grounds and towards the Quidditch pitch because for once she wanted to be alone. Usually this wasn't a problem; she didn't have very many friends and was easily forgotten about. Usually she would have given anything for some company or even a little acknowledgement from the other students but today was a different story, all she wanted was some peace and quiet.

She had tried to read in her dormitory but the other fourth year girls had made that impossible with their giggling over the newest addition of Witch Weekly. A mumbling Ron interrupted her in the common room, apparently he and Hermione had gotten into another fight over homework, somehow throwing Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour into the equation. Ginny had then opted for the library but was cornered by Hermione and heard `Ron is a git' twenty times before she could escape. Then on their way back from detention Fred and George had found her sitting in the corridor outside Gryffindor tower and pestered her to try their new invention for `Weasley Wizard Wheezes', well after she had heard the very funny story of their latest prank. The Quidditch stadium was her last resort.

As Ginny entered the Quidditch pitch her heart gave a jolt as she spotted the person sat in the stands. It was Harry sat alone, head in hands. He seemed lost in thought but Ginny noticed his pained expression, her heart sank. She stood still not being able to tear her eyes away from the boy in front of her, let alone turn around and walk away. Ginny mentally cursed herself for being such an obsessive idiot and then Harry for making her feel the way she did.

Harry still hadn't noticed her, she could leave now and save herself any embarrassment, but it wasn't that easy and she couldn't do it. Ginny continued to watch as his pained expression faded into a thoughtful one. Her heart leapt to her throat as he lifted his head and a small smile crossed his lips. Still not being spotted, Ginny followed Harry's gaze as he lifted it towards the sky.

Harry's smile faded and he let out a sigh as he concentrated on the stars above. After noticing several constellations he became bored and began to make his own. `I suppose that looks like a broom,' he thought to himself. `Ugh! A blast-ended screwt, a pumpkin pasty- oh that makes me hungry, a flower, a stag, shooting star, a snitch.... SHOOTING STAR!' His green eyes went wide and focused on the flash of white and gold light.

"I wish..." Harry muttered to himself, took a deep breath and closed his eyes tight.

Ginny's eyes scanned the sky of bright stars, wondering what Harry was thinking about at that precise moment, she snuck a glance his way. She noticed his eyes had gone wide so she quickly directed her gaze to where he was staring. The flash of white and gold light caused Ginny's jaw to drop as her own brown eyes went wide. Blinking she focused on Harry once again and then back at the shooting star.

"I wish..." she muttered to herself, before shutting her eyes tight.

It seemed as if there was an explosion of light before everything plunged into darkness in the blink of an eye. The dizziness cleared as emerald green eyes met chocolate brown ones.

"Who the hell are you?"

Fan fic managed!

Well, what do you think? Don't be afraid to click on the review button, I mean what is the use of freedom of speech if we don't use it? Flames as usual used to toast Wormtail but even though we hate the creep nice reviews better (we can think of a more gruesome way to make that prat Pettigrew suffer!)