The day after it all finally ended, George and I finally had a moment alone. This time alone, however, wasn't ideal. The circumstances weighed on my heart and I knew the look on Georges face somewhat mirrored on my own. There was nothing I could do though. He would hurt and he will hurt for awhile. All I could offer was my hand.

"It's okay to go in George." His hand gripped mine as I said so.

"I know."

I brought my hand up and moved his face from the shop to look at me, "We'll always be with you." No other words were required, he knows that when I say 'we' I mean me and our child.

His grip on my hand tightened and he turned back toward the shop. After taking a deep breath we walked in. It was quiet and there was dust everywhere. The shelves were bare but only because he and Fred hid everything before taking me into hiding. The nostalgia this place offered was almost unbearable but I couldn't let George back out. I knew he would regret it if he did.

"How about we clean up?" I suggested.

He nodded and for the next week all we did was clean until every speck of dust was gone, all things broken were repaired, and the shelves were stocked again. We even managed to make the apartment upstairs liveable and homey again, with the exception of Fred's room. We left his room alone. George will cross that bridge when he feels that he's ready.

We could have used magic and had everything done within the hour but the manual labour seemed the best way to go. We woke up at dawn to start working and went to bed at dusk. We didn't talk much but somehow we both knew, no words were needed. I knew he cared from the little things he did for me. He would take the heavy boxes from my arms, keep me from going up to high on the ladder, and hold me close at night.

It was when he put the last Canary Cream on the shelf that he finally turned to me with a sigh. I looked over to him with concern from the front counter that I was wiping down.

"The store is ready to be opened again…" He said.

"It is…" I said and walked around the counter and over to him, "but don't feel any pressure. Do it when you're ready. I'm the last remaining Black, which means I get everything. I have more than enough money to keep us comfortable for a very long time."

He brought me into a hug, "Thank you." He pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "I never really asked you this week how you are." He said.

"I understand why. I'm not important right now."

He frowned and shook his head. "You are the most important." He put his hand on my cheek, "I'm sorry for not letting you know that."

"It really is okay." I told him, "We both needed time to think and mourn our losses. We needed to put our energy into something else for a bit."

He kissed me then, before bringing me into another hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

After we went up to the apartment, I started to make dinner. We still had some stuff that Molly sent with us when we left the Burrow a week ago. Tonight we were going to have spaghetti. As I was stirring the meat sauce, George came in and leaned against the doorway watching me. It was kind of unnerving but I acted like I didn't see him anyway.

Well, I tried to ignore him, but he made it hard by coughing to get my attention. I gave him a quick glance and then turned back to the meat sauce.

"We're having spaghetti?" George asked.

"Yeah," I replied quietly, "It probably wont be as good as your mothers but I wanted to try."

"I'm sure it will be great."

"The meat sauce isn't turning out right though…" I mumbled. For some reason I felt like crying.

"Then lets have something else."

I turned and glared at him, "We are going to have spaghetti." I snapped.

"Okay." It was irritating me how calm he was being. Like he didn't even care.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him fiddling with something but I couldn't quite make out what it was. I tilted my head slightly to see it better but it was so small and his hand covered it. I tried to fight the curiosity.

I lost, "What is that you have?"

"Nothing really." He was baiting me, that much I could tell.

I wasn't going to give in but it's the first time since the war that I saw that mischievous glint in his eye. I felt I couldn't disappoint him so I after letting out a sigh, I turned toward him.

"It can't be nothing. I saw you playing with it just now." I said.

"You wouldn't be interested." He said.

"If I wasn't interested, I wouldn't have asked about it." I was annoyed now. I walked toward him with my hand out. "Let me have it."

"Are you sure? The last time you demanded me give you something we ended up in bed together."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sure that wont happen now."

His eyebrows rose, "What if I want it too?"

"George, as much as I love that little spark you've lacked in the past few days, I would really like it if you stopped playing games with me." I walked closer, my hand still out, "Now let me have whatever it is you have in your hand."

"Alright but I have to warn you first," He said, "once you have it, you have it for life. You can't give it back. I wont let you."

I hesitated for a moment but then shook my head, "I told you, enough of this game. Hand it over."

He kept eye contact with me as he lifted his hand and placed the small object in my palm. He even kept my eye contact when he lowered his hand back to his side. He kept his eye contact when he straightened up from leaning against the wall.

The eye contact was finally broken as I looked at the object in my hand and my eyes widened as they flickered up to Georges and back down. I was speechless, there was no words that could describe the feeling that welled up inside me. It took everything I had not to well up in tears. In my hand, was a white gold ring with three diamonds. The centre one was the largest, just coming out of the band whereas the other two were imbedded on either side.

"W-What is this?" I asked.

I don't think he was expecting my question because his eyes dulled a bit, "W-well, I just thought that…I want…You're al…" He stopped a moment and then proceeded, "We never really got on in school but despite that you always felt a part of the family. I wanted to make you an official part of the family and…I wanted to start my own family with you."

He must have noticed my blank expression as I looked at him because he shifted uncomfortably, "I-if you don't like it or don't want it-"

"Are you stupid?" I shouted, "Of course I like it…Of course I want it!" And to prove my point I took the ring and jammed it on my left ring finger. "You knock me up and you really expect me to say no!"

I think I was scaring him…good, "The nerve of you, George Weasley. Practically making me beg for you to give me this ring, telling me I'm not allowed to give it back to you, and then turning around and trying to take it back from me." I shook my head and went back over to the stove, "Sit down. Supper is ready."

I took out two plates and slopped noodles and meat sauce on both before taking them to the table. I sat down across from George and started eating, all the while starring at the ring. It really was stunning and I knew it definitely wasn't in his budget. After a few moments of letting George calm down and realise that I wasn't really upset, I spoke.

"Thank you." I said quietly, "It's beautiful."

"I thought you might like it, considering who it belonged to."

I looked up at him confused, "Who it belonged to?"

"It was your mothers engagement ring." He explained, "Tonks gave me a small package when we were at Shell Cottage. She told me not to open it until after the war. I didn't really get around to opening it until yesterday.

Anyway, inside the package was this ring and a note explaining it's heritage. When your mother died, there were only a few trinkets that could be salvaged from the explosion and they were given to Tonks. One of these trinkets was your mothers engagement ring." He had this soft look in his eyes as he watched me gaze at my mothers, now mine, ring.

"Tonks gave you this at Shell Cottage?" I asked.

"I was curious. I almost did open it but I'm glad I waited."

"Why?" I was confused.

"If I opened that up at the cottage, I would have asked you to marry me right away." He said, "I know that if I asked you a week ago, you would have said no."

I looked to the side with a guilty conscience, "I would have."

George, sensing the mood I was brought into, changed the subject, "I told you this spaghetti would be great. I think it's even better than mums."

My eyes teared up, "Stop lying. The sauce is soupy and the noodles are sticky. How can it be good?"

"I'm not lying." His voice was soft, "and it's because you made it."

That was the last straw, tears started spilling from my eyes.

"What's wrong?" George asked alarmed, "Did I say something wrong?"

I shook my head.

"Then what is it?"

"You're just being so sweet."

He laughed a little and it was like music to my ears. He was slowly getting back to normal and it was helping me feel better in the process. My heart didn't feel as heavy anymore and I just hope he was feeling the same.

That night, we got ready for bed and he pulled me close like normal. This night, however, we actually decided to talk. It was nice. My back was to his front and I could feel his breath on my shoulder as he smoothed his hand down my arm and held the hand with the ring. I looked at it too.

"Mum wants us to come to dinner at the Burrow tomorrow." He said, "I'd like to tell everyone."

"What do you think they'll say?"

"I think they'll be happy for me…for us. Especially considering you're carrying this little one." He moved his hand from mine and rested it on my stomach. This was the first time, since he found out, that he showed affection for him or her.

"I hope so."

"Have you thought of any names?" He asked.

"Winifred for a girl. Fredrick for a boy." I said quietly. I turned around in his arms to face him, "I hope you don't mind, it just feels right."

George just looked at me for a moment before bringing me into a kiss.

"You mean it?" He asked.

"Of course." I said and he kissed me again.

He pushed me onto my back as we kissed, him hovering over me. For the first time, it wasn't just sex. He made love to me that night and when I woke up the next morning, he was already awake, watching me. I smiled at him and he just frowned at me.


"You're not going to run away? Get out of bed and tell me it was a mistake? Tell me nothing can come of this? That it w-"

I smacked his arm, "Oh shut up." He just laughed.

We got up after that, showered, ate breakfast and went to pick up some food for the week. When everything was put away into the pantry, I walked into the living area and saw George staring at Fred's closed door. I walked up and stood beside him.

"I suppose we should make it into a nursery." He said.

I put my hand on his arm, "We don't have to."

"Then where do you suppose we put the baby?" He asked.

"In our room. For the first month or so." I replied, "Let's not think about this now. We need to go over to the Burrow."

He nodded and then we walked over to the fireplace. He handed me the pot of floo powder and I took some, flooing to the Burrow. When I landed, I quickly moved out of the way to allow George to come through. When he did, we went into the kitchen and were greeting by Molly and Arthur.

"Oh how good it is to see you both!" Molly exclaimed and then gave us both a hug. She held me by the shoulders and gave me a once over, "And how are you dear? Eating well? I think I see a bit of a bump there?"

"I'm fine, thank you Molly. I've been trying my best to make sure George and I eat well."

"Wonderful deary." She said and then pointed out the back door, "The others are out in the garden. You can join them if you wish. Harry even has Teddy with him. Supper will be done in a moment."

George and I went out and sat at the large picnic table with the others. We all talked while we waited for the food to appear on the table. When it did, Molly and Arthur joined us and we all tucked in. We were all smiling and laughing and enjoying each others company; it's just what we needed. There was a slight hollowness because we were missing one person, but we were all trying and I think that's what Fred would have wanted.

It was when Molly was serving dessert that she noticed the ring. She took my hand and practically dragged me across the table, "What's this?"

"I gave her the ring." George replied as he released my hand from Molly's and sat me back down beside him. He then stood up and looked around the table, "Uh, everyone…Adri and I are engaged."


And then…

"Are you crazy!" Molly shouted, "You're to young…The war just ended! How are you going to-"

"Calm down Molly." Arthur said.


"No buts…there is nothing you can do. They're old enough to make their own decision." Arthur said and then looked at George and I, "I just hope you both know what you're doing."

"We do." George said and took my hand, "I want us to be a family."

Everyone looked at me and I swallowed before speaking, "A few weeks ago, I thought there was no point of marriage or any type of commitment at all. I don't know how but George got under my skin." I looked at everyone and then directly at Molly and Arthur, "I want this, just as much as he does. I want something permanent for once."

Molly came around the table and took me out of my seat, "Then welcome to the family deary."

I hugged her as tight as I could, "Thank you so much."

"Welcome to the family Adri." Charlie said.

"O-officially, he means." Ron added.

Ginny rolled her eyes at Ron, and then smiled at me, "You've always been like my sister."

Harry, Hermione, and Percy said their congrats too, before Bill said anything.

"It's about time." Bill said as he shook Georges hand in congratulations, "Who would have thought that you would be the next to marry."

"Eet iz wonderful newz." Fleur said, "And to zink zat little Victiore iz going to grow up wiz someone her own age."

"You're having a girl?" Hermione asked, "When did you find out?"

"We found out earlier this week, on Tuesday." Bill said.

"That's great news." I said.

Two months later I found myself waking up in the middle of the night. It was two days after our wedding and you could definitely tell I was pregnant. I was already huge, for five months. George and I wanted to get married before the baby was born and it was a beautiful wedding.

I reached behind me but my hand hit cold sheets. George must have been up for awhile. I slowly got out of bed and put on my slippers. George goes berserk when I walk around with out my slippers on now. He said the floor is to cold and he doesn't want it affecting the baby. Anyway, when I exited out room, I saw him in front of Fred door. I caught him doing that quite often.

"George?" I asked.

He turned to me, "What are you doing up? You should be sleeping." He sounded concerned.

"I couldn't sleep. The little one is a little restless." I said, followed by a yawn. "What are you doing up?"

"I had a dream. I've been having the same dream for awhile actually." He said, "it keeps telling me there is something important in this room."

"George." I took his hand in both of mine.

"I ignored the dreams at first…but now…" He was speaking quietly now, "I want to go in."

"Did you want me to go with you?" I asked. He nodded and then reached for the door knob. He hesitated before turning it slowly.

He wasn't the same George I knew before the war. He's not as impulsive and his smiles aren't as big, his eyes aren't as mischievous, his laughs aren't as loud. I wanted him back to the way he was before the war and I had no idea that I was about to get what I wanted. We weren't expecting to see what was on the other side of the door. No one could have foreseen it because there, on Fred's bed, leaning against the wall was…

"It's about bloody time you came in here! Do you know how bored I've been? It's not like I could actually get up and look for you either!" The portrait shouted, "I was beginning think you weren't coming back."

"Fred?" George asked.

"Of course it's me? Who did you think I was? You?" He asked.

"B-But how?" George and I were both stunned.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it for awhile but what's done is done." Fred said, "I had this portrait made a week before Bills wedding. It's one of the magical ones where when the subject dies, their memories get transferred to their portrait self. I didn't want to take my chances with the war and all."

"I can't believe you've been here all this time." I finally spoke.

"Oh, Adri…you're huge!" Fred's eyes widened.

My cheeks puffed up in anger and I started to turn red, "Watch what you say!" I snapped.

"I was only stating the truth." Fred shrugged his shoulders.

Fred and I bickered a little more before we were interrupted by loud boisterous laughter. We both looked at George, who was leaning on the wall by the door, laughing really hard.

"G-George? Are you okay?"

"I think he's gone mental." Fred said.

"I'm fine." George finally said, trying to catch his breath, "Just watching you two fight like that…It felt like old times."

I smiled widely at that and then I started laughing too.

"They've both gone mental." Fred said with a roll of his eyes.

After George and I both calmed down, we took Fred's picture and dusted it off. We then carried it out into the living area and hung it above the fireplace. We then sat on the couch and I fell asleep while Fred and George continued talking. Fred's eyes almost popped out of the portrait when he heard we were married. Life was definitely starting to look up.

It was at breakfast that Fred asked when we were going to move into a house.

"Not for awhile. This apartment is good enough for now." George said, "Besides, I only reopened the shop three weeks ago."

"Can I have some say on how you redecorate my room then?" Fred asked.

"Redecorate?" I asked.

"My niece or nephew needs their own room."

"Fred, we can't re-"

"No, it's okay Adri. I'm okay with it now." George said as he took our empty plates to the sink.

"You're sure?" I asked.

George turned to me with a bright smile and nodded.

"Great!" Fred exclaimed, "When so we start?"

19 Years Later

"Henry, please stop crying. You'll be back at Christmas."

"But Jake and Todd said that I have to fight a dragon when I get there! I'm scared!"

"Todd and Jake were lying to you. There are no dragons. I promise."

Henry finally calmed down, "Okay, I'm ready."

"Alright, sit with Marina and her friends. She said you could." I told him.

"Alright." Henry then gathered his things and got on the Hogwarts express for the first time.

George then walked over, followed by Teddy and Winifred.

"I have a feeling he's going to be a Hufflepuff." George said with a sigh. He's talking about the kind and soft hearted Henry of course. I get chills whenever I look at Henry, he looks exactly like my father. You can tell he has Black blood in him. The only difference between the two is that Henry has Georges eyes.

"A Weasley in Hufflepuff…That'll be a first." Teddy laughed.

Teddy and Winifred are like brother and sister. We didn't expect anything less as they are cousins and grew up together. Teddy looks almost exactly like Remus and Winifred looks like me, only her black hair has a tint of red to it.

"We need to do something about Jake and Todd. They keep terrorizing Henry." Jake and Todd are twins and going into their fifth year at Hogwarts. They look exactly like Fred and George did at that age. Fred calls the three of them triplets, seeing as how Fred does age in that portrait.

"Don't worry, Fred and I did the same thing with Ron and he turned out alright." George said with a grin. I glance over to where Ron and Hermione stood with their children and then frowned at George.

George sighed, "Calm down Adri, it's Marina we need to be concerned for. If that Brice Pucey doesn't leave her be, I'll make sure to give him a Sex Switch Sucker to change him into a girl. He's to old for her." Marina, who has the famous red hair of a Weasley but my facial structure, is going into her second year. Brice, Adrian's son, has a bit of a crush on her and George can't stand it.

"George, he's only a year older." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Whatever, let's go home." George said and then turned toward our oldest daughter and her boyfriend, "Alright Teddy and Freddie, ready to go?"

"Actually dad, Teddy and I are meeting up with friends in Diagon Ally. Is that alright." Winifred asked.

George flapped his hand at them, "Just don't get into trouble and by trouble, you know what I mean." He said.

"George!" I smacked his arm.

"What?" He fiend innocents, "You were thinking it."

I just shook my head and apparated home, knowing he would be right behind me. I arrived in the front yard. It was a beautiful four story country house with wide open fields all around. There is even a lake over the one hill and huge maple trees scattered here and there. We had it built when Winifred was three. We were able to afford it because WWW was doing magnificent. We even opened up shops in three other wizarding villages, including Hogsmade.

I went inside and immediately flopped down in a chair in the living room.

"You look tired…and old." Fred said with a smirk, "I think that's the only good thing about living through a portrait, I can't age."

"Oh shut up." I said.

"Jealous?" He asked.

"If you don't give me some piece and quiet, I'll eat a Honey Dukes chocolate bar in front of you." I threatened.

Fred's mouth dropped open, "You wouldn't."

"Oh I would, and I'd enjoy it too." I said with a smirk.

I heard a crack from outside and the front door opened soon after, revealing George.

"Georgie! Control your wife! One mention about her age and she threatens me with chocolate!" Fred complained.

"I'm sure you deserved it."

"Oh, I see how it is." Fred said and then turned to me, "He only defends you because you've got the parts."

"That's right…and since we have no kids in the house, I'm going to do many things to those parts." George gave me a wicked grin before pouncing on me and apparating us right to our bed on the fourth floor. This floor was solely ours.

"George, do you really think I'm going to sleep with you just because, for the first time in years, we have no kids?" I asked with amusement.

"I don't think you're in a good position to fight me." George smirked.

"Really?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I flipped us over so that I was on top.

"Oh, this is war!"

I'm sure you know how this particular war ended.