I'm just playing in someone else's sandbox. Loads of speculation and mild spoilers ahoy. Theme: Sono Hi Sora wa kitto Aoi, Haruhi Suzamiya's season 2 theme. All right, onto the story.

"G' morning, Rukia," Renji said, dissecting his omelet. "Morning, Kotetsu-jo, what are you doing here?"

Isane smiled. "Morning, Abarai-san. Rukia-chan let me stay over. It's closer to Tenth Division then my quarters at Fourth."

Renji blinked. "Don't you have that big ol' place near Ukitake's house?"

"It's being redecorated."

"What about Hitsugaya-taicho's old quarters?"

Isane coughed nervously. "The reiatsu shielding's all worn out, and Sado's music gives me a headache. I'm glad Matsumoto's doing better, but I feel like I'm living with a pair of newly-weds on their honeymoon."

Renji turned red, and Byakuya studied his tea leaves. Isane helped herself to some miso soup and rice. The truth was, she just couldn't stay at Tenth beyond work hours. Sado and Rangiku were uncomfortably close,(if not actually intimate), and she kept seeing Hitsugaya's left-behind belongings as a silent reproach. Rangiku only trusted Sado, and refused to seek Unohana's or Isane's help.

Isane didn't blame her, she had nightmares as well, and deserved every bit of blame. She could've saved Hinamori for sure, maybe even Sarugaki, but not while protecting Unohana from attacks. Unohana had told her to fight and leave the wounded in her hands. And Isane had obeyed, even though she should have ignored those orders.

Rukia poked at her breakfast, feeling uncomfortable. No wonder she hadn't seen Sado much lately. She'd initially put it down to his muse taking him hostage (and a seriously bruised heart). For some, music was a hobby; for Sado it was an addiction.

Come to think of it, she hadn't seen any of her friends much lately, except for Ichigo, Renji and Kiyone. She only saw Renji so often because he'd pretty much moved into the mansion. Ichigo was spending time with his family today, and Kiyone was busy training for shikai and spending time with her fiancé. If Iba didn't have a well-trained set of officers, he wouldn't have time to sleep. His clan and division duties kept him busy, and he had a student to train as well.

Sentaro always seemed to be busy: gaining shikai had been a mixed blessing, as Kensei was a stern taskmaster. Rukia couldn't remember the last time the Shinigami Women's Association had met. The President was actually taking an interest in her duties as a lieutenant, and the Vice-President was helping the Kido Corps disable booby traps.

Hanataro had just been promoted, and Ganju was now a rookie shinigami at Eleventh. Tessai was busy too, as he had to screen recruits and defuse various kido traps left around Seireitei. Tatsuki was kept hopping by her sensei, and Ishida was in the living world. Orihime was working at Fourth. Most of her powers were tapped out, but Unohana always needed a spare set of hands. Rukia made a mental note to catch up with everyone.

"Renji, do you have to be at Ninth early?" Rukia asked.

"Not really. If you want to, we can walk together."

"I have more paperwork to do," Isane said. "Oh, Rukia-jo, did you remember to turn in your design for your personal seal?"

"Actually, I have to go by Eleventh today. Yachiru-fukutaicho offered to design one for me."

She was not looking forward to that. She needed to talk with Ikkaku, but she really didn't want to. He was so dumb, blurting all that out. How could anyone not want to be a captain?


"Renji, you know Madarame pretty well, right?"

"Yep. Listen, Rukia, you've gotta give him a chance. Did you know, he won't even consider anyone else? Not even Yumichika?"

"He'd probably have to fight Shihouin-hime, and I know he's not very fond of Second, in general."

"Second broke up a hollow-elimination scheme he'd set up. I don't think he's ever forgiven Soi-Fong-taicho for that. Anyway, you have to understand that Ikkaku hid his bankai for years, because he didn't want to leave Eleventh."

"He had it before the war?"

"Yeah. Shuuhei, Yumichika and I were the only ones who knew about it. I'm pretty sure Zaraki-taicho guessed at some point, but he probably kept quiet 'cause he didn't want to lose Ikkaku."

Rukia could understand that. Kenpachi had had a bit of trouble in the early days of his command, but Ikkaku and Yumichika had always been his trusted right hand men.


"What do you think, Rabbit?" Yachiru asked anxiously. She'd done her very best on Rukia's seal.

Rukia smiled. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

Yachiru smiled back. "By the way, Rabbit-chan, do you like your name? 'Rukia?'"

"Of course I like it. Why?"

"If I get a baby sis, I want her to have your name! After all, you were the one Baldy chose for his second, and you're a hero of the war! She'll probably have to be 'Ruri' for a while, so you two don't get mixed up."

"I don't have any problem with that," Rukia said finally. "But don't you think 'Kirio' might be better?"

"Hmm.. I'll have to ask Ken-chan!" Yachiru said. "Crown-san'd be pleased. Did you know, she's moving back here with Chiyo-chan?"

She ran off. Tatsuki sighed.

"Something wrong?" Rukia asked. "Want to come out for lunch with me?"

"I'll have to smile and endure baby names for an hour when Zaraki-sensei gets done with his work. I'd like to come, but I'm having lunch with someone, and I have to get a start on my homework before that. Just like school, only we get to blow things up."

"Later then," Rukia said.

"Oh, and one more thing. I know Ikkaku can be a jerk, but at least, give him a chance."


There was a little noodle shop that Ikkaku liked to go to every once in a while. The food was pleasant, and the staff was nice.

It was near Seventh's area of the Seireitei, and it was just perfect for a not-really-a-date lunch. Tatsuki surveyed the restaurant, gave a small nod, and stepped inside. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

"What do you usually have?" she asked.

"The ginger beef udon's my favorite, but everything they've got is good."

Tatsuki glanced at the menu when they got their table, and quickly chose. The service was prompt. Ikkaku had done a few fix-it jobs around the place when the boys got too rowdy.

"So what did you talk with Urahara-san about? It's hard to believe he was your teacher," Tatsuki asked.

Someone's been blabbing. I shoulda drowned that brat in a rain barrel, Ikkaku thought darkly.

"I wanted to know if he knew any useful lieutenant-wrangling techniques. He was too hungover to help much. I don't think Kuchiki's the kinda woman who gets off on kicking people in the balls, anyway."

"His lieutenant wasn't Soi Fong-taicho was it?"

"No. His second was a girl named Hiyori Sarugaki. She's dead now. Anyway Soi-Fong doesn't do that sort a thing. She just ninges, and then the enemy's dead."

"So, what's with Zaraki-sensei and names?" Tatsuki asked, changing the subject. Everyone in Eleventh tried not to mention Hiyori.

"Names are important ta him. You know Sora Inoue, right? He and Zaraki-taicho both have bad cases of konso amnesia. Taicho forgot the name he had, and Inoue-kun lost a few years of memories."

"That explains it," Tatsuki said. "Anyway, Rukia came by to pick up her seal while you were gone. I still don't get that, it's like something out of the middle ages."

"Each captain and vice-captain has a personal seal. It has to have the division's symbol on it, but beyond that, the design's left up to the person. That patch on your shoulder is Zaraki-taicho's personal seal- it shows that you're his apprentice."

Tatsuki ran a finger over the embroidery: a sword with a necklace hanging from its guard, with a yarrow flower and ginkgo leaf in the background. She'd never considered that Kenpachi had chosen this design for himself. He might be her teacher, but she really didn't understand him at all.

Ikkaku smiled to himself. One challenge down, one to go. Spending time with Tatsuki was really pleasant, and he hoped she agreed.

"Hey, Tatsuki," Sado called. "Madarame, haven't seen you in a while. Uh, Tats, this is Rangiku."

"We've met," Tatsuki said. "I'd been wondering where you'd gotten to, Chad."

Ikkaku gave Matsumoto a sharp look, as she gave Sado's hand a squeeze. She was gonna make the poor kid blush himself to death.

"Congratulations," Tatsuki said. "I heard you're going to be a captain."

Sado shrugged. "I think Yamamoto just wants to keep tabs on me. Congratulations, Madarame. And don't worry about Kuchiki, he'll eventually come around."

"Hey, Ikkaku, if you see Renji, tell him that I want my copy of The Black Book of Kido back. I've been trying to find him all day. Want to join everybody for lunch?"

"If I see Ichigo I'll pound his face in," Tatsuki grumbled. "Pass."

"It's good for him," Sado said. "You should probably beat him up more often."

"Yasu, be a dear and order for us. I'll have the noodles with leeks and plum sauce," Rangiku said. When he left, she gave Ikkaku a wink.

"Actually, I just had to get him out of Tenth. That boy, he just wants to play music and scribble lyrics all day...oh, hang onto this notebook until the ceremony, would you?"

She pulled a much used notebook out of her pocket. Ikkaku recognized it as Sado's, but pocketed it anyway. It annoyed him that Rangiku used the same tone of exasperated fondness about Sado that Unohana used when she talked about Kenpachi. Rangiku coulda had any man at all- and she went cradle-snatching. Hozukimaru muttered something about a pot and a kettle.

"I've never heard of that book," Tatsuki said, when the couple left. "Is it a book of forbidden spells?"

"You'd think so," Ikkaku said. "It's actually, um, interesting applications of the binding spells."

"What- oh. Is it just me, or did someone dump a buttload of pheromones on the Seireitei?"

"Unohana says it happens naturally after every war. People start pairing up and having brats."

"Kusajishi-fukutaicho was complaining about it the other day. Apparently the Shinigami Women's Association hasn't met in months, and the Men's Association is defunct."

"Yeah, I know. Iba was after me to take over from him."


"I got better ways ta waste my time. 'Sides, most of the members are either bagged by the SWA or dead. The manliest guys I know are boring their subordinates with baby names or tryin' ta get their captain ta keep her clothes on."

"We have terrible taste in friends," Tatsuki muttered.

"Can't say I have any argument with that," Ikkaku agreed.


Rukia felt a bit melancholy as she surveyed the 'picnic area'- a small area of green space near Sixth. A year ago, before her mission to Karakura, she'd come here with a few other shinigami. She could still picture everyone who had been there on that day. Yumichika gossiping with Rangiku, and both of them flirting with Shuuhei and Kira. Hitsugaya, scowling into his lunch while Hinamori rattled on about Fifth Division's doings. Kiyone and Sentaro quarreling and then getting teased by Iba. Isane stealing a few choice morsels from Iba's lunch while he was distracted. Yachiru had coaxed Nemu into climbing a tree, and Nanao dozed over her green tea.

Rukia'd been reading the latest reports from Karakura, preparing for her departure two weeks later. Since Kaien's death, she'd lived by the motto that one could never be overprepared. Hah! Back then, she'd only been concerned about missing the annual hanami that Ukitake hosted. The mission to Karakura had seemed easy: hunt a hollow or two, get back in a month. How was she to realize it had already gone so wrong?

So many lost, so many hurt and injured along the way, she thought. For a few weeks after the war, her days had been filled with nothing but funerals. She'd attended all of Thirteenth's services, and Sarugaki's funeral as well. Sarugaki, despite her century spent as a fugitive, had been buried with full honors. Hinamori's funeral had been the worst. Hinamori'd died of her wounds in the Seireitei, although some said she could have been saved. Gin could've been healed too, but she knew two shinigami, two humans, and an Arrancar that swore up down and sideways that he'd refused all treatment. Tousen and Aizen were ashclouds in the dust of Karakura.

A small marker had sprouted near the grave of Tousen's lady-love, despite Yamamoto's order that no memorials were to be put up for the traitors. A highly suspicious ginkgo and persimmon trio had been planted near Sokyoku Hill. And two new graves were made in the town of Karakura for Isshin and Tatsuki.

Thirteenth seemed to be smaller these days, and she kept looking for comrades who weren't coming back. Hitsugaya had departed sometime during the retrieval of Ashido- his status was unknown, but Hyorinmaru was still active.

Kira swore that he'd never take up Wabisuke again, and spent his time with his new wife and his clan elders. Soi Fong had thrown herself into her role as clan leader. Ukitake was retiring, planning to find a wife and settle down.

Iba had been a minor renegade noble then, now he was the head of a major house. The Shibas had been reinstated- Kaien would've been proud. Shuuhei had new scars, and diplomatically ignored Rangiku while he sat in the sun with Orihime. Rangiku, for her part, was teasing Sado about his sensitivity to cold. Rukia knew, better than most, that wounds to the heart were the hardest to mend. But Rangiku seemed to be healing, a bit.

All those children that she'd met that spring were now men and women. If she'd never taken that mission, would those events have changed? Archimedes had once said he needed a lever to move the world- had he ever considered that the lever might prefer the world to stay put?

"Rukia, it's been too long," Orihime said. "Did you know Byakuya tried to kill Iba-dono with a picture frame? We've all been exchanging stories about our friends."

"If Kuchiki-taicho'd been serious, I wouldn't be here," Iba pointed out. "But from now on, I'm sticking to plates as wedding gifts- no more paintings. Ah, Kuchiki-jo, I was wondering if Kiyo and I could name our daughter after you."

"You'd have to ask Zaraki-taicho, I seem to have promised him that honor."

"Good for him," Rangiku said. "He always seems so happy when he's got little kids to herd."

"I plan to be far away when that happy event takes place," Yumichika said, looking up from the Orihime special he'd looted from Shuuhei. He already had a captain to babysit, fuckyouverymuch.

"Doesn't it worry anyone that Zaraki-taicho and Dad are considered parental role models?" Ichigo asked. Rukia made a mental note to get him to do something about his hair. It had stayed long and shaggy since the war. His reiatsu and zanpakuto hadn't quite recovered, either.

"Hey, if I do as well with little Retsu, or little Saijin, I'd be a proud man," Iba replied.

"I thought we agreed on 'Ryoko' for a girl," Kiyone murmured.

"You want to name your kid 'violent'? I feel sorry for any of your offspring," Ichigo said.

"At least it's not 'strawberry,'" Rukia teased.

"My name means 'number one guardian' and don't you forget it!"

"Are you sure about that?" Iba asked. "I'm kind of surprised Karin-jo wasn't named 'Mikan.'"

"Leave my sisters out of this!"

Orihime chuckled, watching her former crush and the nobles squabble. Rukia smiled. Sometimes, it was nice to take a break. This place, these people were what she fought for, and she wanted to always remember that.

Each of these men and women were doing something to mend Seireitei, and gathering their strength for tomorrow's battle. She, too, had a role to play in Seireitei's rebirth. She might be walking down the same road Hinamori and Ichimaru took, but Ikkaku was no Aizen. She didn't admire Madarame, but he was powerful and skilled- certainly worthy of respect. She didn't plan to be like Hinamori, following blindly behind her captain. She would be Madarame's partner, helping to lead the division into the battle dance.

Hinamori, did you want to protect this place too? Or could you not see anyone but him? You always were too trusting, my friend. I hope, as a human, you find more happiness then you did this time around. Someday, I'll thank Madarame for this chance, but I plan to make him suffer a little first.

1. We all know there's got to be something like "The Black Book" floating around Seireitei. Oh, and 'Yasutora' is actually Chad's first name. Fooled me too.

2. A 'mikan' is a winter orange, a 'yuzu' is a lime-like fruit.

Sorry for the abysmally long wait.