A/N: So this is a collection of one-shots that revolve around EC. The beginning of every chapter will have an excerpt from a song that relates to that particular chapter. The chapters as a whole, however, are not related, and don't necessarily follow with the episodes story-wise or chronologically. Please read!

Don't you hate hearing that clock on the wall chiming
Singing its time and,
Don't you just wish we could stay right here together all day long.
You know it wouldn't be a crime if we crawled back into bed
Got as close as we could get
Tried to figure out where this thing is going.
Baby, baby don't, don't just say you're leaving why don't you stay a little bit longer
Got it goin' on, and I just can't believe it
This feeling it just keeps getting stronger.

-Don't, Billy Currington

Eric Delko woke feeling lighter than air that Monday morning. A strange sensation, considering the extra weight upon his chest, rising and falling with each breath he took. Through the groggy haze of sleepiness and the semi-light of dawn he took in the sight and used what little brainpower he currently possessed to put together the events of last night that could have possibly led to the present situation. Calleigh Duquesne was sleeping in his bed, her head upon his chest the reason for both of the atypical feelings he was experience. Smiling, he softly cupped the back of her head and let the butter yellow strands of hair tangle through his fingers, and he reveled in the soft sigh his touch produced.

Last night had been one of the best of his life. They had been planning this night off for a week, agreeing that they no longer spent enough time together and vowed to let nothing short of death come between their night together. Originally, it was supposed to be a restaurant "date" and a movie, maybe some ice cream on the boardwalk afterwards, but after a stressful day neither felt a night on the town was appropriate. So they remained at Eric's house, opting instead to order their favorite pizza – stuffed crust, extra cheese, ham, bell peppers, anchovies, olives, mushrooms, and pepperoni – which was usually reserved for the two of them only, considering the rather unique combination of toppings that appealed to no one else, plus the fact it was their pizza. Eric dug through the back of the cabinet of his entertainment center for Calleigh's very favorite movie, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, which didn't see the light of day unless she was there. So together they had their night off, dining happily on hot pizza and Shiner Bocks whilst watching, Eric had to admit, a funny movie. When the movie was over, the pizza gone and both of them no longer drinking to avoid the obvious, conversation began. It was mostly little things, like his soccer star niece's game-winning goal, and the latest gun added to her personal collection. But as they enjoyed each other's company, the depth of conversation mattered little. They were happy to be together.

Suddenly the clock above the mantle had chimed twelve and Calleigh had given a little start when she realized the time. Eric grinned fondly at the memories of the resulting event.

"Oh, Eric, I'm sorry. I didn't realize how late it's gotten!" she apologized, picking up her plate and heading towards the kitchen.

Eric chuckled. "Well, Cinderella, it's not entirely you're fault. We were both talking."

After catching her reproving look, no doubt for the nickname, he followed her into the kitchen and watched her rinse the sauce and cheese that had fallen on her plate before placing it in the dishwasher. He thought for the countless time that night how beautiful she looked, all casual and comfortable in her not-too-tight jeans and rather small New Orleans Saints t-shirt, long blonde hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. She turned around after shutting the dishwasher to find him leaning against the granite-top island and staring shamelessly at her.

"What?" she questioned playfully, leaning against the matching granite counter.

"You look amazing."

The words were out of his mouth before he could rationally hold them back. This was Calleigh he was talking to, his best friend and co-worker. He decided it was worth it, however, when that tantalizing blush crept up her cheeks and she responded.

"You're not too bad yourself."

Eric looked down at the large sauce stain on his yellow button-down, which he had been too wary to change out of while with Calleigh. "I do look rather dapper, don't I?"

Calleigh let out an honest to God giggle and Eric felt his chest swell with pride at having elicited that rare sound from her. "Red and yellow work for you," she said.

They both laughed and during that time Eric gathered up his courage, walking that short distance between them to stand in front of her and place his hands upon her hips lightly. He swore he could feel the mood change from playful and light to thick with…tension of some sort. He hoped to God he wasn't making the wrong move when he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss upon her cheek and nuzzling the spot with his nose before whispering gently,

"Stay here tonight."

Calleigh let out a quivering breath and it was all Eric could do not to kiss her fully when she placed her tiny hands on his elbows, bringing them that much closer. His lips trailed feather light to her ear where he added a quiet, "Please?"

He felt Calleigh nod against him, and he grinned at his victory. Throwing what little caution he had left to the wind, he pulled back and lightly planted his lips onto hers.

She was just as soft and sweet as he had ever imagined yet simultaneously so much better with the added elements of her scent, honeysuckle, and her sounds, like the light moan of approval she gave when his tongue slipped into her mouth to join her own. Much sooner than he had liked, however, he pulled away in the hopes of not letting things get too carried away. The adorable soft sound of disapproval she gave made him give in and he reconnected their lips briefly before keeping only their foreheads touching, and it only made him realize how far gone he already was.

"Come with me," he said gently, tugging her by the hand to follow him up the stairs.

There had been absolutely no sex nor were they anywhere near it, and for once in his life Eric was glad for it. The innocent kisses and cuddles were more than enough to satisfy him with Calleigh, and he knew she felt the same way. Now here they were, each of them having shed their jeans and Eric his stained shirt, leaving them each in a shirt and underwear. He watched Calleigh sleep peacefully, her beautiful face free of stress and completely relaxed. Eric reached his other hand up to her forehead and ran the tips of his fingers across her hairline, brushing a stray blonde strand or two away from her closed eyes. Pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, he wanted nothing more than to stay here forever.

The alarm clock on the nightstand declared everything but, however. The angry red numbers stated to him that he had only nine precious minutes to spend with sleeping Calleigh before its annoying blare would resound through the quiet room.

But to both his dismay and pleasure, Calleigh was saved that rude awakening as she began to stir, unconsciously burying her nose in Eric's chest. As her eyes blinked open, however, his own were met with a shade of green he hadn't seen before in those hypnotizing orbs. She looked up at him and smiled, laying her head back down on his chest to Eric's immense delight. Snuggling her closer to him, Eric couldn't stop the corners of his lips as they turned upward in an infatuated grin he could not suppress.

"You've been watching me sleep, haven't you?" she asked. It wasn't an accusation, but merely a curious suspicion.

"How'd you guess?"

Calleigh let out a sleepy chuckle. "I've known you for a while Eric. And I've caught you staring at me enough in broad daylight to know you wouldn't hesitate to watch me sleep."

Eric sighed, feigning remorse. "Guilty as charged."

Calleigh treated him to that same giggle. "That's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Well good, because if I have it my way, this will happen again." He paused, not wanting to scare her away by being too forward. "Do you want this to happen again?"

"Of course."

"Because if you want to take things slower, I under-"

He was cut off by her lips upon his in a slow press and slide that left him sighing contentedly into her mouth. It wasn't until she pulled away that he noticed she was straddling him.

"Eric, I'm in your bed in nothing but a pair of my favorite underwear and a too-small t-shirt. How many men do you think have been in your situation after one night?"

Eric grinned, running his hands along her smooth thighs and up to cup either side of her waist. "Hopefully only the one under you right now."

"You catch on fast," she whispered seductively, leaning down slowly to capture his hands in both of hers, lifting them up and above his head as she touched her lips to his once again in a more playful kiss. She ran her tongue teasingly along his bottom lip before sucking it gently between her own and worrying it gently with her teeth, releasing it and soothing it with another swipe of her tongue and gentle press of lips.

The sudden, resounding beeping of the alarm clock scared Calleigh out of her skin, jumping so high Eric had to laugh. With the moment now officially ruined, Eric sat up to lean against the headboard and pillows and raised his legs to create a makeshift seat for Calleigh to recline on. He felt her warm hands cup the sides of his neck and she interlocked her fingers at his nape, sighing heavily.

"I don't want to go to work."

"Then don't." He knew it was irrational and figured she would never go for it, but he had to try.

"I can't miss work, Eric. We both have multiple cases to work on."

"It's my day off."

Calleigh gave a sort of harrumph. "Then my multiple cases just became several cases." She glanced at the clock. "And all the more reason for me to leave."

She made no move to get off his lap, however.

Eric ducked his head and buried his face into her neck, breathing in her flowery scent mixed with that of sleep. "With your attendance record I think you can afford one tardy."

Calleigh smiled gently. "Eric, I think we both know if I stay I won't leave for a long time."

He grinned into her neck as he pressed little kisses to the skin there. "Please, Cal?"

Calleigh placed her hands on his head and pushed him away rather reluctantly and unsuccessfully. "Oh no, mister, that won't work again. Besides, I can't put all of that work on the others."

"Please don't mention them right now."

"Sorry," she laughed.

Sighing, Eric pulled back. "Come on, Cal. It's not just the four of us anymore, remember? There are two more CSIs now. And they all agree that you seriously need a day off." He smirked and kissed her lips. "And what better way to release all that stress than spending a day with me?"

Calleigh tilted her head thoughtfully. "I don't know. I could always go shooting, or running, or even indulge in the rare shopping day…"

"Hmph. Well, we could always do those things together."

Calleigh grinned. "Are you going to pay for my new shoes?"

"Of course."

"Then I'll seriously consider that option," she said, giggling. Now that he had elicited that sound from her, it seemed she couldn't hold it back.

"So, is that a yes?" he asked hopefully.

She sighed, but he could tell she was feigning annoyance. "I guess, but only because you're so pushy."

He chuckled. "Would you like to call Horatio, or should I?"

She glared at him, but the light in her eyes told him it was merely playful. "I will. It would sort of blow our cover otherwise, don't you think?"

Agreeing with a grin, Eric scooted down and rolled them over so he was on top of her, his own whiskey colored eyes meeting that new shade of emerald he was quickly losing himself in. "I'm glad you didn't go," he murmured gently.

"Me too."

A/N: Well, like it or not I'd like to hear a response. This is one of my favorite songs and it reminded me of this couple so much I just had to write something for it. Please review!