Disclaimer: IZ and Alice in Wonderland does not belong to me.

It was just another normal day. Well, as normal as it could get for a paranormal investigator protecting his home planet from an evil alien invader. Skool had just ended, and Zim was going on and on about the superiority of the Irken race... whatever. It was really getting old, and Dib had to get home. He had half a mind to leave when Zim said something that started an irreversible chain of events for the both of them.

"What's that, an Earth rodent?"

Dib turned to where Zim was pointing. The leaves of the bushes were shaking, revealing something had taken off with speed.

"Probably. Why-" Dib didn't even have time to finish asking his question before Zim shot off, headed straight into the shrubbery. Dib stared as Zim ran. It could be a trap, but at the same time, he couldn't leave Zim alone. Who knows what trouble the Irken would cause; and whenever his nemesis causes trouble, it always seems to come back to him. So, with the hope that Gaz wouldn't doom him for being late, he followed after Zim.

Man, he'd forgotten how fast Zim could be! Chasing after the alien turned to be more of a chore than Dib thought. While Zim's body seemed to be built for chasing and fighting, Dib's wasn't. Sure, he was in shape compared to most humans, but the human body wasn't built to run at the speed an Irken's could. It wasn't long before Dib found himself straggling along, but he didn't stop, nor slow his pace. In fact, Zim seemed to be slowing his...

Dib collided with Zim's back. Apparently, the Irken hadn't just slowed; he had stopped. Zim turned around and frowned at the human, "Can't I do ANYTHING without you stalking me?"

"W-well, this could be another plan to destroy humanity!" Dib retorted. Zim looked at him as if he'd suddenly grown a second head.

"I was just following an Earth rodent... and I got a good look at it!" Dib raised both eyebrows, "It was white, and had long ears... and it was wearing a waistcoat!" Insert insane, uncontrollable Dib laughter here.

Zim scowled, and slapped the human, "Do not laugh at ZIM! It's true, I swear on the Tallest themselves!" Dib had no idea whether that was meaningful or not. Weren't the Tallest Zim's leaders?

"Listen, if it was white and had long ears, it was probably a rabbit. And rabbits don't wear waistcoats. There, mystery solved. Go home, Zim."

"NO!" Zim shouted suddenly. Dib had to cover his ears, "I will find the white rabbit and PROVE to you that it WAS wearing a waistcoat. It went down that hole!" He pointed to a rabbit hole in a nearby tree. Zim went over to the tree, and leaned down, poking his head through the tree roots, trying to see what was inside. Dib, sure he wouldn't find much, decided Zim wasn't doing anything that threatened humanity and turned around to go home.

A scream stopped him dead in his track.

Turning around, he found Zim was nowhere to be seen. How could someone just vanish like that? And that scream... it didn't sound as if he was in pain, more like he screamed out of shock or fear. He couldn't have been kidnapped or something. Dib would have noticed someone else following them. Then, he looked back at the rabbit hole.

No, it couldn't be... could it?

Dib leaned down. This was where Zim had screamed at, for sure. But it was just a rabbit hole. How could he have...?

Dib leaned to take a peak inside, and gasped. It was certainly a lot bigger than it looked! Zim must have fallen down there... good. Less work for Dib. No more alien invader, no more taking over the world, no more stopping him from taking over the world. If he went and fell down a rabbit hole, well good riddance!

Dib turned around to leave, but froze in his track. Without Zim, what would he do? Sure, he could study REAL science, but that was boring! He could hunt other supernatural creatures, but it wasn't likely he'd find one. Plus, Dib was a hero. Didn't that mean he should help people in need? ...even if that person was an alien invader whom he had hated for what feels like forever. Sighing, Dib turned around. Curse his conscience!

Slowly, very carefully, Dib slid himself down into the rabbit hole, and allowed himself to fall...

Short, and probably not that good, but it get's better! ...Hopefully.