A/N: A little idea that came to mind. Let me know if it's any good.

Times like these were what kept me living now. With Edward gone, and no hope for my friends at school, the days spent with Jacob were those that I lived for. Today, we were going out to work on our motorcycles. Well, he would work on them. Slowly but surely, they were coming along. It was only days until we could go out and ride them.

Even though our friendship used to be more than friendly, Jacob has realized that right now... All I needed was a friend. One real, true, best friend that I can go to. And he is great at being that for me now that the chance of his little crush ruining it for both of us is gone.

As for right now, he was working on the motorcycles while I watched, helping him when he needed it. Basically, I was hopeless when it came to the work in the garage.

"Jacob? Are you out there?" The voices making me jump a little.

"Chill, Bella. It's just Quil and Embry," Jacob said, giving me a pat on the leg. Then he turned out facing the garage door and yelled, "We're out here guys!"

I had heard Jake talking about Quil and Embry before, but I had never actually met them. With what Jake had told me, I don't know if I'd call it a friendship, it was more of a brotherhood. They had each other's backs. If you messed with one of them, you messed with all of them, and after that... No good could come to you.

"Hey, Jake," Quil and Embry said simultaneously. "Well, who is this?" One of them asked flirtatiously.

"This is Bella, guys," Jake told them.

"Ahh, the infamous Bella. The one that's been hogging you so much lately!" The other one said jokingly. "Well, I'm Quil and he's Embry."

Oh, Embry. He defiantly had something to look at. Tall, I was guessing 6'4, or so.

Defiantly some nice muscles too. Oh, and that smile. That was one for the history books. Against his tan, native skin, his teeth sparkled. Those deep brown eyes that I could probably get lost in, and they were staring back at me giving me a once over.

Sure, Quil was attractive too. A little taller than Embry and not as much muscle. He didn't stand a chance, even if I had just met this guy. Hopefully his personality was as good as those looks.

I laughed nervously before I could manage to tear my eyes away.

"Hi," I said, my voice quivering.

"Hi yourself," he replied.

Jake and Quil, who had watched this whole exchange go on, looked at each other with the raise of an eyebrow.

"We came by to see if you wanted to hang out, but since you have company..." Quil said, breaking the silence.

"Oh! Well, I should be getting home soon anyway! I have, uh, homework and everything. You can go hang out, Jake. You've been spending all your time with me," I said, feeling a little bad for stealing their best friend.

"No, Bella. I was already going to hang-" Jake started, before Embry could cut him off.

"You can come too, Bella! We're probably going to go to a movie or something, you're welcome to come," he told me while Jake and Quil rolled their eyes at each other.

"So, do you want to go?" Jake asked.

"If its fine with you guys, why not? As long as I won't be blocking the ladies from you," I said with a wink.

I sure hoped there weren't any ladies needing to be blocked from my Embry. Hold on, what? My Embry? Since when did I have dibs on him? But I sure did wish I did. We had such an instant connection. If this is what love at first sight feels like, then I pity whoever doesn't get to have this feeling.

Well... As long as he felt the same way.

"That movie was pretty good, you think?" Embry asked me on the way out of the theatre, with an arm around my waist.

Jake and Quil were lagging behind a bit, and I'm sure they did because of request for us to be alone. The three of them had a sort of telepathic thing going on.

"Yeah, it was good. I'm not a huge action movie fan, but even I liked it," I said, even though truthfully, I had been distracted by the gorgeous man sitting next to me. Not that I would ever confess to that though.

"Oh... So I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to do this again? Without the company, of course. We could go see something more your type, if you want," Embry said nervously.

"Yeah, that would be great!" I said, and then realized that I might sound a little too enthusiastic and creepy. Well, it was too late now! "Sounds fun, this Friday sound good?"

"Sounds perfect. I'll pick you up at 6-ish. Any requests on the place?"

"Nope, I'm good with whatever you would like."

"Well then I'll just have to surprise you, won't I?"

I went to bed that night feeling happier than I ever have. More than went I met Edward, when Jacob came into my life, EVER. Pure joy filled my body, and I hoped that this Embry was here to stay. Whether he was or wasn't, I wanted to see him as much as possible. I couldn't get ahead of myself though, because I don't think I could take another loss.