Hello everybody! Here is the epilogue of this story. I'm glad you guys loved it. Sorry I took so long to submit this. Review please!

Jazz returned home from school. She was excited that the first semester had just ended and that she could have the rest of winter break to spend with family. Even though her parents were obsessed with ghosts and Danny was one himself, Jazz still loved them all. Winter Break was the end of all the drama of school and people asking her about how lucky she is to be related to Danny Phantom. That got annoying after a while. It was no wonder Danny wanted to go to a Boarding School in the Ghost Zone.

Jazz plopped onto the couch before noticing Danny coming out of a random portal inside the Living Room. This made Jazz almost jump out of the couch.

"You really gotta stop doing that," Jazz glared.

"Sorry. I'm still trying to figure out how this haunted door works. At least it wasn't in the bathroom like last time," Danny said before his two friends Ryan and Maria followed their friend out.

"Wait, you ended up in the bathroom?" Jazz asked in surprise.

"They don't have a bathroom anywhere in the school and how was I supposed to know I'd end up in Valerie's bathroom? Not the greatest experience in the world."

"Valerie? Was she in there?"

"Worse, her dad."

"Sorry I asked."

"At least he was brushing his teeth."

"I'm glad winter break is finally here. I still have plans for Christmas," Maria grinned before taking out her list. Danny took the list and made an annoyed look.

"Pranking the Ronder's?" Danny asked.

"Oops, that's for Halloween," Maria blushed before snatching the list from Danny's hand.

"You have a list for every holiday?" Jazz asked surprisingly.

"Even Labor Day," Danny answered with his arms crossed and an annoyed look.

"And Veterans Day," Ryan finished.

"Here's the Christmas list! Maybe I can be the new Santa this Christmas. Hopefully, that Ghost Writer won't ruin it like last time," Maria grinned.

"Maria, you know they choose one ghost per country. I'm sure they'll choose you this Christmas. I know they chose you two Christmas' ago," Ryan said.

"Guys, are you gonna talk about Christmas or are we gonna watch Monsters Invade?" Danny asked as his friends grinned and the trio left through the wall in less than a second.

Danny, Ryan, and Maria made it to the drive-in theater. They watched movies at the drive-in, because watching movies inside the theater with two ghosts would be very distracting for the other viewers. The drive-in was different since the viewers watching the movie were inside their cars and watching the movie inside a car was less distracting to the audience. The only problem with watching movies at the drive-in was that only a few movies were chosen to be watched at the drive-in. The movie had to be very popular.

Danny and his two friends fazed inside Mr. and Mrs. Manson's van. They would use the van when Sam's cousins would come to visit. Now, it was more convenient since their daughter had six friends. Pam and Jeremy noticed Danny's, Ryan's, and Maria's appearance at the same time Danny changed into his human form.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Manson. Thanks for inviting us," Danny thanked.

"At least it's not rated R," Pam said.

Sam rolled her eyes before Tucker opened the van door with two buckets of popcorn. He had a hug grin on his face.

"Got the popcorn!" Tucker cried.

"Thanks Tuck. It's good to have friends here together," Danny smiled.

"I call this a triple date," Tucker said.

"Over my dead body!" Valerie glared with her arms crossed.

"Can you two behave for one night?" Sam complained.

"Fine, but if mayor Tuck touches me, he dies," Valerie said half warning Tucker.

"Hey, maybe if he's unrested, he could always end up like us. Our world is a really good place," Ryan teased.

"Wonderful," Valerie said sarcastically before everyone except Pam, Jeremy, and Valerie started laughing their heads off.