OH GOD, IT'S BEEN LIKE FOREVER! I'm sorry that I didn't update for so long! I've been on writers block so I had a few difficulties on this chapter. I'll really try to get some more updates in when I really can, but don't expect very much since I'm now stuck on school as it came back up! TT^TT

BTW- Chase may be a bit OOC, sorry! Please don't hurt me! TT^TT"

Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story. All Harvest Moon Characters belong to their rightful owners in Natsume Productions. Now that's out of the way, let's continue on to the story.


Chapter 22: Misunderstanding part two

Chelsea's POV-

I woke up from a force of someone shaking my whole body in order to wake me up, but as my last night was not the best one I ever had, I was completely in no mood for this. I waved off to whoever was there to signal them to go away, but soon the same shaking motion attacked my body, a little rougher than the last one. I gave an angry groan and flipped the sheets over my head, hoping that this person would just get the hint and leave me alone.

After a few seconds, I finally thought that I was now alone, but as soon as the thought flowed through my head, I felt a sudden sharp pull from the sheets under me and my body was following the direction to where the force was. I then met contact with the hard wooden ground when I went over the edge of the bed. I quickly sat up to meet whoever was in front of me and was about ready yell until I met a pair of eyes that seemed to be angrier than I was. I paused in confusion when the pair of eyes that were piercing right through me belonged to my cousin, Akari.

"A-Akari. W-What is-" I was cut off by a snap from Akari.

"What happened?" I winced from the raw anger that rose from her voice.

"W-What do you m-mean?" I nervously mumbled. A huff came out of Akari and an upset pout replaced her furious face.

"What I mean is what happened last night. You and Chase were getting along so well, yet all he does is plant one on you and you run away crying? Don't you think that you were over reacting? I know the past was a little rough for you, but it's been seven years, now eight, don't you think all that should be behind you now?" Akari's eyes showed concern, trying to comfort me a bit, but I looked the other way, avoiding her gaze. Again, I was in no mood for this and I really didn't want to remember what happened last night, more so because I didn't think up of an idea to fix the problem.

"That's none of your business, it's mine. I'll fix this myself and I don't need you giving me a lecture about 'letting go'." I asserted, turning my face back to hers with a determined look.

A light sigh escaped Akari's lips, but despite the sigh, a small smile washed away her negative expression.

"I see. Alright then, but I'll only give you today to fix it. Chase is probably still confused about it and it'll be bad if he gets distracted during cooking, got it?" I gave a smile at that sentence, glad that Akari trusts me that I can solve this problem by myself.

"Well, I got to go. I got a farm to take care of." Akari turned around and left the house, leaving me by myself to think about how I'll be able to explain this to Chase.

After changing into my usual attire, I thought over on how to make this work. I know that Chase is probably angry, if not, very upset, I mean, who wouldn't be when your own date reacted to something that really wasn't a big deal. I scratched my head in confusion as I ran through the fresh thoughts in my head.

"hmmmm… Let's see… Plan 1: Beat around the bush and let him get the hint… no, Chase probably won't stick around that long to get it…

Or Plan 2: Get someone else to apologize for me?… No, I already told Akari that I'll solve this by myself…

Plan 3? Hmmm… Tell him about my past? … WHAT? NO FRIKKIN' WAY! WHAT AM I THINKING? UGGHH. I just mind as well be blunt with it!"

In my thinking session, I decided to move on to the Inn, but my thoughts stopped short when I already made it there. Before I knew it, I was already inside of the Inn, and met with an odd atmosphere that seemed to make the room a bit darker. I walked up to the service counter where Maya was, but she looked like she was kind of creeped out by the emptiness of the atmosphere. Seeing as she was unusually gloomy, I decided to try to start a conversation with her.

"U-ummm…. Maya? Maya? Something wrong?" I questioned, only to be answered with a nervous lift of the hand with a point to the kitchen. As of seeing the source of the atmosphere, I knew where this was going and I didn't like it one bit… Nevertheless, I moved over to the kitchen, seeing if I can somehow fix this problem.

As I entered the eerie kitchen, I saw a familiar peach haired character, but I as I neared the character, he gave no notice of me. I tried to get closer to him, but failed as I really couldn't do it, I mean, I'm very sorry about last night, but I've still haven't planned out on how to put my apology to words… At least, until my mind exploded and said, "TO HELL WITH IT! I'M JUST GOING TO BE BLUNT!" I moved into his range of seeing to begin my blunt break up and apology.

"Chase!" I shouted to get his attention, which work and failed the same time, because all of the sudden, he started getting up and exiting the Inn. I gave a surprised gasp at him leaving the Inn like he's avoiding me or something. Now that I think about it, He is avoiding me! Just at the thought of it and at the same moment when I decided to apologize to him made me boil over. I huffed out a frustrated sigh and marched out of the Inn to follow that troublesome person.

Once I left the Inn, I saw Chase making his way up to Akari's farm, and I followed, my head fuming in the process. Chase soon disappeared to the Farm, me following not so far behind. I entered the farm, getting ready to scream at the top of my lungs to get Chase's attention, until I saw him already in a conversation with Akari. I neared a little bit, to listen onto the conversation, though feeling a little guilty in the process, it really is not my place to listen, that's mostly the Devils' job.

The two sat on the edge of the stairs that goes up to Akari's house and started their conversation there. I hid in the other side of the house, well out of their view, but still in clear sight for me. Some mild talking sounded in the silent air, and I started to stretch my ear outwards to hear what they were saying. Chase started the conversation.

"Thanks Akari, you know, for helping and all that stuff."

"No problem!"

"Well, since you already know about what happened, do you have advice on how I can fix it?" asked Chase.

My eyes slightly widened from the statement that came out of Chase's mouth.

"Nope." A blunt remark came from Akari.

I nearly tripped down to the ground from the unsuspected reply, and from the look of Chase, he nearly faltered as well.

"W-What? B-But I-" Chase started but was quickly cut off by Akari.

"Chelsea is doing the same thing so I give you no advice, just wait and she'll apologize." Another blunt remark escaped Akari's lips. Akari soon started to stand up and retreat to her house, but was stopped by Chase who grabbed her hand.

"But Akari! I want to fix this too! If I can't, at least tell me why Chelsea reacted like she did last night." Chase begged with a determined stare.

I admit, I was very surprised by his determination, but all in the same, I feel like I'm watching a drama movie, not that I'm a big fan of those anyways. I was soon caught off guard by an amused giggle from my cousin.

"Phhfff…. C-Chase, do you know how much you look and sound like Chelsea?" giggled Akari. Chase's head gain a small popped vein from that statement, in which bought another laugh from Akari.

"Hah. There's the Chase I know and love." Akari moved her way down to the edge of the stairs again and shared a smile with him, but was soon replaced with a depressed one. Oh no, I know where she's going with this! She had better not!

"You see, Chelsea didn't have the best life ever known, in fact, it was a very tough one. I really won't go in depth with her past, mostly because she'll kill me if she finds out, so keep the information you know to yourself if you could?" Akari asked. Chase only answered with a nod, and with me deciding on two sides.

Either I go out and blow my cover to stop them, but get in a lot of trouble afterwards, or I just stay and watch Chase learn about my past and both of us getting an understanding. I really want to stop them, but I know there are probably more benefits if he learns about it. Apparently my decision was the latter, seeing as I had no choice now that Akari is already starting the story.

"You see, Chelsea's life was harsh, it was full of betrayal and death, and seeing as usually males were the people who degrade her, she started to grow a strong hate for them. In fact, the only guy she's ever held a conversation with was her brother, Mark. The guy we saw just a few days ago, remember him?" Chase gave a nod. "Yes, well back to the story, Chelsea started to hate almost every male she saw, but I was really glad that she grew such a close bond with another male, you. That is until you planted one on her, but don't worry, she's not too troubled about it now. Yet, it surprises me, Chelsea almost lost her life at the Caramel Falls incident, yet she's so nonchalant about it." Akari paused and started to tear up. Chase then gave a small sigh, knowing that he'll have to deal with this.

"What's wrong?" Chase asked half-heartedly.

"N-Nothing, j-just that l-looking back on it, Chelsea's life h-has been really hard on h-her, but she can still b-be happy with others. I guess I still feel kind of bad for h-her, you k-know? In fact, all in the same, I envy her too. D-Despite her short temper and harsh words, she can still be happy with others." mumbled Akari.

"S-So, if you could, c-can you forgive Chelsea? N-Now that you s-somewhat understand her past and stuff?" Akari started crying.

Akari's tears soon became larger as her pity and envy for me grew. Chase then seemed nervous and uncertain on what to do, and reacted by pulling Akari in a tight hug. Now seeing in how this scene was going, I started lowering my eyes. Akari gave a surprised gasp, but did not resist Chase's act of comfort. All I did at the time was staring at Chase's face that was hidden under his bangs.

"C-Chase?" Akari whispered in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry. I should've known, and I'm sorry that you're suffering too." Chase stated. He then raised his head up, the features of his face was twisted in regret. A smile from Akari was shared with him, and the comfort Chase gave to her was answered back by returning it. Now in front of me was my cousin and Chase hugged together for comfort.

"Thank you. Thank you for letting me know about this, and I promise to not try that ever again." Chase said in a soft voice. Akari only answered with a glad smile and the two separated after a set amount of time.

The set finally left the scene satisfied with what just happened, in which leaves me by myself. For the whole time my eyes were lowered in reaction to the tears that Akari shed. I should've known earlier, Akari was suffering from my past as well, and now reacting like I did last night just caused more stress and disturbance to her. I regretted everything, I should be the one who's apologizing, and I should be the one to solve the problems that are involved in my past, I… I… I should be the one saying 'I'm sorry for being alive' and I am, because pain is inflicted on those who are better off without me.

My face started to change into regret, because I knew that this was my entire fault that the ones close to me were getting hurt. It's just like those guys said back then. 'Everyone is better off without you. You should never have been born into this world.' I clutched my face with my left hand, wishing that my nails will just claw into it, kill me, and be rid of the "sin" of this world, that is, until Akari appeared in front of me. My eyes widened and I quickly let go of my face. Thankfully, Akari's expression shows that she didn't know anything of me listening on their conversation or of my attempt of death.

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you Chelsea! Chase is looking for you and he said that it's going to be a double apology." Akari grinned. A small beat of sweat threatened to travel down my face as it was one in stress of the situation. I only answered with a small nod, hoping that Akari doesn't notice my discomfort.

"R-Right, I'll be there…" I exclaimed half-heartedly. Apparently, Akari was too caught up in her own happiness that she just gave a large smile in content.

"Great! Chase is back at the Inn, now get along, you hear?" Akari lightly pushed me to the exit of her ranch. I turned back and tried to return the smile, but failed horribly, only to turn back once I saw her. In the end, I only returned the acknowledgement with the raise of a hand to signal my farewell.

I quickly arrived at the Inn and speed-walked my way in. When I entered the Inn, the atmosphere was much brighter than before, and there were actual customers in here too. I looked over a few steps away from me and saw Chase talking to another person at the bar. I stared at Chase in wonder; his personality was dead a couple minutes ago, and after a conversation with Akari, he looks so alive. I was slightly surprised that his mood changed so suddenly, but was glad all the same that my cousin was the one who was able to solve this problem. I quietly closed in on Chase, hoping that my apology will come out correctly, but it seems that I didn't had any time at all seeing as he noticed me right away.

"Chelsea!" called Chase.

Beads of sweat immediately started to fall as of still being unsure as to start apologizing. Nevertheless, I walked up and Chase's hands signaled that he wants to see me in the kitchen. I followed.

Once I situated myself into the kitchen, I opened my mouth to start speaking, but Chase beaten me to it.

"Hey, umm... Chelsea, I wanted to apologize about last night. I guess I should've understood your feelings first before I started anything, you know?" Chase began.

"Akari already told me that this was all a misunderstanding, so we're alright, right?" questioned Chase.

I gave no answer but a nod, but tried a small smile, and thankful that the smile actual made it to my face. Chase returned it with a thankful smile, glad that we have an understanding, but as I stared into his eyes, he seems to be very lonely, despite his 'hardy' like personality, I knew that I had to do something to fix it; it was my all my fault that this happened anyways. I knew that what I was going to say next maybe a gamble, but I had nothing to lose.

"H-Hey, Chase?" I murmured. Chase answered with a grunt, I continued.

"From now on, can you take care of Akari for me? She may be older than me, and seems to be lively on the outside, but she has a lot on her shoulders, so if it's not too much to ask, can you be with her?" I asked, wishing that there was hope. I knew that the two belong together, they held such comfort with each other, and I just know that I'm making the right choice.

"Uh, sure, I guess…" Chase mumbled. I looked up from my position, surprised of the answer he gave.

"That's not a problem; I do owe you for what happened anyways." Another grumble from Chase answered my plea. I thanked him, I was glad that he will help Akari, and I just had a feeling, something that'll tell me that those two belong together.

The burden that I felt before was now off my chest, but there was this one feeling that I couldn't shake off. This feeling, a premonition, like something fatal will happen, but I guess I'm starting to get a bit too paranoid.

Still though, what is this odd feeling?

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. nuff' said. I truly do hope that you'll stay tuned for the next chapter!