"Just leave me the hell alone!" My voice was frantic as I screamed for dear life. Chasing me were a pack of demons practically straight from hell. Every time they let out a growl, I pumped my legs faster gasping for air.

"Come on Max. We won't hurt you. We just want to help. You said so yourself you don't belong…" their rough voice taunted, and they laughed.

"Yeah right. And by help you must mean to skin me alive and eat my insides." I ran harder and harder, but they were just as fast.

When I turned around to see their hideous faces, it was blurry. I could barely see a figure there at all. Really, I could only feel their existence and hot breaths so close to my neck.

I needed to lose them, so I pushed myself harder. With a sudden burst of adrenaline, I jumped through a tangle of bushes hoping my luck would land me somewhere nice and demon free.

"Ha! Demons not today! Gah!" I had jumped right off a cliff. Great! Thanks a lot luck for bringing me what I was running away from: death. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst hoping my mind would shut down by then, so no pain would come. Instead, I heard and felt a sudden whoosh of air. I barely opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of a wing and a couple of floating feathers. A bird saved me? Before I could see anything else, I blacked out and heard a loud beeping noise.

Review if you'd like for me to continue...