Ok guys here's the first one-shot! Enjoy!




Amon cursed inwardly as he brought his fist down on his alarm clock with a force that could have almost broken his hand. It was Friday morning and it was 6:00; two things that should never be mixed together in his book. He sighed inwardly as he rolled out of bed to get ready for work.

It had been over five years now that he and Robin lived in New York in their upscale apartment that Nagira was able to purchase for them. After the factory collapse and having to evade the STN-J for awhile, he decided that he and Robin should go to America to look for a safe place to live. New York seemed like a great opportunity for the two and everything was close together so he could always keep an eye on Robin.

Looking over Central Park, he and Robin shared a living space that was by no means in close quarters. It was in fact in all essence huge and it was located at the very top floor of the building.

"Amon! Hurry up your breakfast is ready!"

As Amon got dressed he could hear Robin's faint call from their kitchen and his eyebrows rose in surprise. Robin was never up this early, especially to make him breakfast. She only did this when she was in a very good mood, or something was bothering her. Shrugging his shoulders he made his way into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

As he watched her place his meal in front of him he studied her carefully and could tell she was nervous about something. She never ceased to amaze him at how her emotions could change so swiftly. Smiling she sat down across for him and folded her hands in her lap. She gave a warm smile and gestured for him to start eating. He wasn't fooled a bit.

"Alright Robin, what is it?"

His sharp voice startled her and she looked at him puzzled.

"What do you mean Amon?"

"I mean the fact that your up at 6:00AM when you don't have to be, and that you are making me breakfast. Now either you tell me what's bothering you or I send you back to bed and there will be no more discussion. So pick."

She frowned at his tone but she wasn't surprised. You'd think after living together for over five years he would change a little bit. Let her in a little bit more. But it seemed she would never crack that icy barrier and so she always felt like she was skating on thin ice with him for any topic of conversation. Sighing she rubbed her forehead and leaned back in her chair thinking.

Amon sat waiting patiently taking the time to look at her while she contemplated on what to say. She looked different this morning. More natural then he had ever seen her. Her hair was down and tucked carefully behind her right ear, and her eyes seemed a deeper green then usual, she had no worry lines except the small crease in her forehead as she carefully collected her thoughts on what to say to him. The June morning sun was just shining in through the window to hit her face gracefully. Summer would start in just a few weeks, one of his favorite seasons. It wasn't as if he had never noticed these things before, after all she was 22 now, almost 23, and her body had changed drastically since being 15. Of course he would never say anything to her about this because that would be crossing a line that should never be crossed. But lately it was becoming increasingly difficult to not take that step. He would never admit it but his feelings for her had begun to change over the years. And if that wasn't bad enough he had to repeatedly remind himself of what she was and what she was capable of doing. He was so lost in his thoughts that he barely heard her when she voiced her request.

"I want to go for a walk today Amon, before it begins to rain."

It was such a simple request but one that took no consideration on his part.

"Absolutely not."

A look of pure hurt washed over her face, as she stared back at him. Her eyes quickly turned defiant as she began to speak.

"But Amon-."

"I said no. You know I have work today and that you are to not leave when I am out. You can take a walk tomorrow when I am home and I will go with you as always."

And that was that, or so he thought. She seemed to bow her head in defeat but something in her eyes made him second guess himself.

"Robin I am warning you..."

She just smiled at him and nodded her assent.

"Very well Amon I suppose I will just go upstairs and read by the pool than."

That was her one saving grace. The fact that their apartment had a pool on the roof became her haven and she often spent a lot sunny days there. Amon would not let her work and she was barely allowed out, and so she found it a comfort. She did have her own large bedroom separate from his, as well as her own bathroom, however the rooftop just seemed like the right place for. But for some reason today she felt angry and rebellious. This whole paranoia of the STN-J coming to attack her and Amon was starting to wear off. It had been over five years and not a peep! Nagira himself even said things had died down. But for Amon, he wanted to take no chances at all. But not today, today she was going to have it her way, if just this once.

She bid him a farewell and walked down the hall to her room and closed the door behind her, leaving Amon to eat his meal in peace. But he was brooding the entire time. He trusted her not to go out, but he was annoyed that he had to even put up with these tiresome conversations.

It was 7:00 when he left, and when Robin got dressed in her favorite outfit. Throwing on her knee-high black skirt and green tank top, she slipped into a pair of black flip-flops and put her hair up in a bun. She was going out and that was that. Grabbing a pair of sunglasses and her purse, a gift Amon had gotten her for her last birthday, she made her way out into the busy street. All she wanted was to walk around Central Park for awhile and read a good book under a tree. Was that too much to ask?

Back at the law firm office that Amon worked at as an adviser, he had a hell of a time concentrating. His mind kept wandering back to Robin and the look of hurt that had been on her face and then the look of mischief when she had given up so easily. As he continued to go over the paperwork for upcoming cases for the day, a growing suspicion kept nagging him. Before he could make up his mind on whether to go check on her, a crash of thunder sounded and the lights in the office flickered. A huge storm was ripping its way through New York and within seconds rain hit the windows hard. Amon stopped what he was doing and had a terrible feeling that Robin was caught in it.

"Oh no! Now what?"

Robin had been reading under one of her favorite spots when the first bolt of lightening hit the sky and a crash of thunder soon followed. She had only been sitting there for an hour and a half and she was dismayed at the timing. She took off her sunglasses and put them with her book into her purse and tossed them over her shoulder.

"If only I had left earlier!" She scolded herself.

Now it was pouring and everyone including her was scrambling to get back home where it was safe and dry. But in all the commotion and the rush of the crowd, Robin was swept up and carried deeper into the heart of the park. She had no clue how it happened and just a tiny bit of fear sprung up in her when she realized she had no idea where she was. Even though they had lived near the park for so many years she had only walked through it a handful of times, and it was always with Amon. And they only ever went the same way every time they went.

And of course on all of the days to leave her cell phone at home, it had to be today. Her pace sped up when she realized this, and now more than ever she wished Amon was with her.

"Sam I need to leave."

Amon had knocked on his boss's door and when he had answered Amon rushed in quickly.

"What's the matter Amon?" Sam questioned.

Amon looked at his boss and thought of what to say when he decided to just go with the truth. Or as close to it.

"It's my friend Robin she is very ill and needs me to take care of her. Is it alright if I go? I already filled out the paperwork today that was needed for the upcoming cases you requested."

Sam looked at Amon thoughtfully and with a smile he nodded his head and sent Amon out without further delay.

"Damnit Robin you better be there when I get home." He murmured to himself.

"How could this happen of all days!"

Robin sighed as she sat down on a bench, clutching her purse to her chest. Even though it was the beginning of June she was starting to get cold from the rain and began to shiver a bit. She just wanted Amon to come and get her because she was completely lost. At the same time however, she feared his anger that he would have waiting for her. As Robin was well aware of, Amon did not like to be disobeyed.

"Robin!" Amon shouted as he burst through their front door.

He ran throughout the entire apartment and just as his gut told him before, she was gone. When he found her cell phone on the living room table, panic rose in him and he seethed.

"How could she have forgotten her cell? Shit! Where the hell could she be?"

He sat down on the couch frustrated as all hell. He took a few deep breaths and thought of all the possibilities when he looked up at the picture on the wall across from him. Smiling at his realization he threw on his leather jacket and ran out the door.

"Thank God she is a sucker for Central park." He thought as he ran down the steps and out into the street.

"Maybe if I go this way it will lead me to the street?"

By now Robin was in full out attack mode. She kept her senses in check and she put her glasses on in case she needed to defend herself. She might have been out alone but she wasn't completely vulnerable. If she had to use her craft she would. The rain had let up ever so slightly for her and it would just be enough. Barely.

Every time she heard a twig snap, or saw small movement, her heart raced. It was starting to grow dark, and she wondered if Amon knew she was gone yet.

"Robin!" Where are you?"

Amon had finally arrived into the heart of the park and had been calling for her for over ten minutes now and was starting to become worried. Another crash of thunder startled him and as he rounded the corner of another path, he could make out a speck of black and light brown in the distance.

"Is she nuts? She's standing in the middle of a field!"

He growled as he took off in her direction shouting her name the entire time.


She heard it like a whisper at first until it began to grow louder. She knew that voice anywhere. Turning around she tried to figure out what direction he was coming from.

"Amon? Amon! I'm here where are you?"

She turned around just in time to collide with a solid chest that ended up bringing them both to the ground.

"Jesus Christ Robin! What the hell were you thinking?" He murmured into her hair.

He had her in his arms and she was fighting back tears as she clung to him with a force she didn't even know she had.

"I'm sorry Amon! I didn't-I don't-."

But she was silenced with a soft kiss as Amon embraced her hard. Her eyes flew wide open as first shock took hold of her and then happiness. She kissed him back passionately as one by one his icy barriers shattered. But he had to figure out what was going on before he could let his emotions run wild. She had scared the hell out of him, more than he would let him self admit. He pulled away and cupped her face gently while looking into her eyes seriously.

"Why the hell did you leave? You could have been in terrible danger!"

A tear fell down her cheek as she took hold of the hand that rested on her face.

"I was tired OK? It has been over five years Amon! They aren't looking for us anymore! I don't want to live in this constant fear! I want to be happy and free. I-I want us to be happy. I want you to-to smile again. I want to smile again!"

She collapsed against his frame as sobs overtook her body. She almost felt like 15 again, when she was so much more exposed and scared half the time when they were on the run. All she wanted was for the man she loved to be happy.

Amon looked up at the sky as another lightening bolt hit and a clap of thunder made Robin jump in his arms. It was full out pouring now and he knew they needed to get home. He sighed and forced her to look at him.

"Robin we need to get you home and out of these wet clothes. Come on."

She looked at him cautiously as a new emotion rested in his eyes. Then without warning he touched noses with her very slowly.

"I promise I won't bite. I am just glad you're safe."

With that he took her in his arms and practically ran back to their apartment. Robin was completely overwhelmed and she clutched onto her purse so she wouldn't drop it. It felt dearer to her now than ever. As he ran through the streets she thought about this new Amon. She had never seen him joke, and when he smiled her heart had melted. When he burst through the front door, he set her down gently and removed his coat throwing it on the floor. He took her purse and set it down on the kitchen table and turned to look back at Robin. She looked at him waiting for him to say something but all she got was another kiss. Wrapping her arms around him tightly she kissed him back with all she had and when she felt his hand slip behind her back to hold her closer, her resolve broke in two. She wanted him so badly, and she knew he wanted her but he stopped abruptly when he felt her shake with the cold.

"Let's get these wet clothes off of you."

He picked her up and carried her off into the hallway bathroom with intentions that Robin really wasn't quite sure of yet. Setting her down on the tiled floor he gave her a questioning look as he began to lift her tank top over her head. He then undid her messy bun, and her light brown hair cascaded down her bare shoulders, taking his breath away. She smiled and kissed him letting him do as he pleased. She was just glad to have him touching her. After her tank top was gone Amon wasted no time in removing all of her clothing and before she knew it she was naked and bared to him. She wrapped her arms around herself feeling the cold hit her skin.

"Don't. You are so beautiful Robin."

"Oh. It's not you Amon I-I'm just cold that's all."

Maybe a few years ago she would have felt shy, but now all she wanted was for him to strip down for her. Before he did anything else he turned on the shower and ushered her into the warm water. Moments later he tore off his clothes and stepped in behind her.

She blushed as she looked over his naked form in front of her. She could tell he was already hard and seeing him so exposed only made her want him more. She smiled as he wasted no time in warming her up. He kissed her softly before she could do anything and soon she was kissing him back letting his tongue snake into her mouth. Her senses were on overload as their tongues danced, tasting each other. She moaned softly as he kissed down her neck to her shoulder blades and back up to take her mouth again. He massaged her back as she clung to him wanting more with every new kiss.


She gasped as he kissed down to her right breast taking her nipple into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue. She knew that Amon was experienced when it came to women, but he was making her feel wonderful! She had no experience with men, but she was not naive. That was a conversation of sorts her and Amon had to have, albeit a very uncomfortable one, but necessary as she had become a full woman just a few months after she turned sixteen.

When he was finished with her right breast he moved to the other suckling and flicking it with his tongue. He grazed her nipple with his teeth earning a loud moan as she arched her back making him take more of her breast into his mouth. He smiled against her hot skin and brought his mouth back to hers. He knew his self control was starting to fail but he didn't want her to do anything she did not want to. He cupped her chin and looked at her as she opened her eyes half way.

"What is it Amon?" She asked becoming more alert.

"I just want to make sure this is what you want. Because once we continue I don't think I can stop." He said seriously.

She gave him a warm smile and answered him by pushing him up against the wall in a deep kiss.

"Amon, I want you. I always have. I don't want to stop!"

He looked at her intensely as he stroked his hands up and down her sides making her shiver with anticipation.

"Alright, but I won't take you here. I want you under me, in my bed, screaming my name."

Her knees almost buckled as a wave of pleasure shot through her at his whispered words. Speeding up shower time, Robin quickly washed her hair as Amon washed his. When they were done, he wasted no time in practically almost throwing her over his shoulder as he carried her to his room. Laying her down gently he kissed her hotly leaving a trail of fire down the valley of her breasts towards her stomach. When he reached the inside of her thighs she whimpered in anticipation. But every time it seemed he would go near her point of pleasure, he turned and kissed her somewhere else. She was getting wet and she wanted him to stop teasing.


He looked up at her innocently catching her heated gaze.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"I want you to touch me."

He smiled at the bold invitation and without further hesitation, he delved inside of her tasting her with his tongue. She gasped loudly at the new feeling and cried out when his tongue flicked her bundle of nerves hard.


She dug her hands in his hair and pulled him further between her legs urging him to keep going. He pulled his tongue out of her and replaced it with his index and middle finger making her even more wet. She bucked against him as he continued to finger her hard and when she thought she was about to explode, he pulled his fingers out and climbed back up her body.

"Amon!" She cried in frustration.

"I know, but I want to be inside of you when you come."

She huffed and looked down in between them, her irritation and curiosity getting the better of her. With a wicked smile she quickly pushed Amon and threw him on his back laughing at his surprised expression.

"My turn!" She whispered gleefully.

He smiled but soon had his eyes closed as she kissed and sucked her way down his neck and body. She ran her hands up and down his chest feeling his muscles ripple at her touch. She loved the feel of him, and the hardness of his abs. He was gorgeous in her eyes and all she wanted to do was please him. She wasn't sure what to do exactly but instinct kicked in and she took hold of his shaft gently making him moan. She liked the response and ran her index finger lightly from the base all the way to the tip, tapping it lightly. The sensation overwhelmed him and he grew even harder under her feathery touch. She began to pump him hard as his breathing quickened and his grip on the sheets tightened.

"Hmmm Robin don't-don't stop!'

She grinned inwardly as she stopped gripping him and decided to take a different approach.

"Oh God!"

She took him in her mouth without a single thought and began to gently suck on him as he thrust into her mouth. He couldn't believe how she was making him fall apart and how good her mouth felt on his throbbing member. Up and down she bobbed and she licked him hard. He could feel himself at the brink of orgasm but he pushed her away with what little strength he had.

He sat up and took hold of her and threw her on her back. He fit himself between her legs and looked up at her one last time. As if he could stop now anyway.

She kissed him hard and ran a hand through his hair as he placed his tip at her entrance. She quivered with want and ran a hand down his back urging him on. He looked into her bright emerald eyes and saw her need as plainly has she could see his.

"I will try to make this as comfortable as possible Robin. But it will hurt."

She nodded and smiled and laid her head down on the pillow closing her eyes as she waited for him to take her. God she was a patient woman. Watching her face relax and her breathing slow he took his time and when she exhaled a large sigh he thrust into her quickly, breaking her barrier in one stroke. She cried out as the pain hit her hard and she gripped his shoulders as he stopped moving instantly. Waiting for her to adjust to the new intrusion, he massaged her thighs and kissed neck softly. When he felt her move under him he lost his grip on whatever control he had and started moving with her.

Robin had never felt anything so good in her entire life. With each thrust she wanted him deeper inside her. In and out, in and out. She was panting and now her hips rose up to meet his as she clung on to him.

"Oh Amon! Amon!"

He pounded into her as he kissed her hungrily and used everything he had to give her everything she wanted. He was coming close to the edge and he knew she was too. Reaching his arms behind her back he pulled her up into a sitting position and thrust into her forcefully as she gripped his hair tightly. She couldn't feel, taste or see anything but Amon. She knew now what making love was and knew Amon was the only one she ever wanted to make love with. Soon she had him on his back and began to ride him. She was slow at first but picked up the pace as she got used to the feeling of being on top. As she slammed down on his cock she could feel the pleasure boiling over and she screamed his name as her walls clenched around him, and at the same time his seed spilled inside of her.

Falling back against the pillows he held her in his arms as she laid there catching her breath. He stroked her cheek as he watched her chest rise and fall as she closed her eyes savoring the sensations. Warmth flooded through her as Amon tossed the covers over their naked bodies and made sure she was comfortable. They looked at each other a long time wondering who should speak first.

"Amon-I-well-. Well I'm just going to say it. I love you Amon and I don't want to be with anyone else. You are all I have and all I want. I'm tired of being alone, and you make me so happy."

He smiled at her words and kissed her lovingly before pulling her fully into his arms. He tucked her head under his chin and kissed the top of it lightly. She waited anxiously for his reply, and when she heard his voice it was so soft she almost didn't hear him.

"I think I've always known that you would be the one to claim my heart. Don't worry Robin I couldn't leave you if I tried. I think a part of me has always known."

She smiled happily as she snuggled closer to him. But a thought crossed her mind and she looked up into his eyes seriously.

"But Amon, will you still keep your promise?"

His brow furrowed and he looked at her questioningly.

"Do you want me to?"

Her gaze pierced into his as she took his hand and entwined their fingers.

"Yes. I don't want to be a murderer and I don't ever want to hurt you."

"Then I will keep it. But you know Robin I cannot live in this world without you."

"Then we won't be apart for long then won't we?"

"Hm. No I suppose not. But I don't think we will have to worry about that at least for a long time."

And with that he kissed her one last time, and they both drifted off to sleep content with how their lives were. Before they fell fully asleep Robin heard Amon whisper.

"I think I'll take that walk with you tomorrow."

She smiled and kissed his neck as she sighed with her last bit of strength. These nights were definitely going to wear her out. She couldn't wait.

Well guys hope you enjoyed! Please review!