Hey guys :) So this is my story Lunar Light.
Nicolete's half-vamp half-human mother has just been killed by a vampire and after killing her mothers attacker, she has to find her father. A certain Quileute Alpha Wolf that has no idea she even exists. She finds him easy enough but with this girl nothings ever easy for long. She's can phase too and not long after, two wolfs have fallen in love with her, one by choice and one by imprint. Which one will win her heart and which one will break it? Oh and if thats not enough, the vampire she had killed was Alec from the Volturi. Now they want revenge and the wolves and vamps once again have to come together to save this one person who seems to have captured so many hearts. And she will have to decide if shes worth it. Will she let so many people she loves risk their lives for her? Or does she have something else planned. With this girl you never know.
Don't be afraid to leave a comment wether its good or bad!
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Please and Thanx
I was about to argue with her when she grabbed the front of my shirt and dragged me down to her level.
"Run Nicolete. Run and don't ever look back."
Tears rolled down my face freely as I prepared to leave the one person I loved.
She smiled and with a shaking hand, wiped a tear off my cheek.
"Don't worry sweetie, you'll be fine now. Just look for who I told you and I promise everything will be alright."
I leaned my cheek into the palm of her hand and she cradled my face.
"Don't forget Lete, I love you. Always have. and always will."
Her hand fell from my face and with a sigh, she closed her eyes.
"Mom?" I whispered.
"Mom? No please mom, please!" My body shook with grief as I cried over my fallen mother.
A twig broke behind me and my head snapped up. I shot up from the ground and whilred around.
Out of the brush stepped a immensly beautiful boy who looked to be about 15. He had incredibly pale skin and dark shaggy brown hair.
But what I noticed most were his eyes. They were red, bloodred. My body continued to shake, but with anger this time.
Uncontrollable burning white hot anger.
The angel looking boy smiled at me as he wiped blood from the corner of his mouth.
"Ah" He said in his singsong voice. "I had forgotten how good half-breed blood tasted."
As he spoke he glanced at my mothers lifeless body on the forest floor, which I had found only moments before.
At that moment I lost it. The anger burned through me, like fire in my vains.
With a ferocious yell I charged towards him, leaping into the air.
In my subconcious I faintly heard a "Riiiipppp." And all of a sudden I felt different.
I must've looked it too because the young vampires eyes widened and he backed up and turned to run.
I wasn't having any of that.
I lunged towards him and landed on top of him. Knocking him off his feet.
I turned my anger on him and was blinded by the red in my eyes, red from the anger I was feeling.
Soon my anger subsided and I fell to the floor. I landed on something lumpy.
Rolling over on my side, I picked up the object I had fallen onto and stopped cold.
Gasping, I looked down to make sure what I was seeing was real. I was... furry.
I had paws and was covered with, fur. Pure white fur that covered me head to toe.
Thats when I caught a glance of my reflection from the lake and realized that it didn't cover me from head to toe.
The snow white fur covered my body from... tail to snout.
I was a wolf.
With a gasp I fell backwards, landing on my butt.
My very cold, very exposed butt.
"What the...?" I was now laying naked in the forest, then I remembered.
"The legends." I said aloud. Mom had told me about the legends, of people who could shapeshift into wolves.
Finally realizing what had happened, I glanced down in horor.
At my feet lay the severed head of the young vampire boy. I had killed him.
Me, Nicolete, a wolf.
All moms stories about the cold ones flooded into my mind and I knew what I had to do to make sure this vampire never hurt anyone again.
I made a fire, quickly burning all the pieces of the dismembered bloodsucker.
I was now really cold as a result of being outside naked, in the middle of October.
I looked towards my mothers body and knew what I had to do.
I remembered where she had told me to go in case something like this ever happened.
But I couldn't do it without clothes.
Steeling myself for the grief I walked towards my mom and as quickly as I could, I removed her clothes.
It's a good thing we wore the same size, or used too.
A new wave of sadness washed over me and it took all my will power for me not to throw myself on her body and cry my way into the night.
I stood up and started on my way to Washington.
I needed to find Jacob Black.