This is the last chapter guys. Thank you to everyone who has commented, favorited, put the story on story alert. Even those who just read

"Please come Em," Will pleaded. He now had only a week to convince her to go to the musical. He had been politely persuading her, but now he was becoming desperate and had resorted to begging. He had to get her to April so she could tell her the truth.

"Will, why should I go? Give me one good reason why this suggestion even makes sense," Emma said annoyed. "And you have new members now for glee. Why don't you ask one of them?"

"I can't just take one of them Em. The other two would feel left out." He had been riding that excuse for a few days now. "And the kids love you Emma. They all want you to come. In fact, they were the ones who told me to ask you."

Emma paused for a moment and put her head down. That wasn't fair Emma thought. Why did he have to bring the kids into it? "Of course the kids would want me to go," she started. "But they don't know why I can't. You do." When she put her head back up, tears were fighting to come down her face.

Will hated to see Emma cry. Especially over something that wasn't even true. He got up from his seat across from her and began to pace. Suddenly, April's words came to mind. If she loves you, she'll believe the truth coming from you.

Will stopped pacing. "You don't want to go because you think me and April slept together."

"Of course that's why," Emma said wiping her eyes and sniffling away tears.

"Well, what if we didn't?"

"What are you saying Will? Of course you did."

"No, we didn't."

"You said..."

"I said 'How did you find out about that?' I didn't say it was true."

"But Sue, she bugged your house."

"Sue heard what she wanted to hear." Will sat back down and deeply exhaled. "The truth is, yes I made out with Shelby but I never slept with April." He paused then added, "She just slept in my bed."

Now it was Emma's turn to get up and walk around the room. She put her hands on her hips and started to pace. "All you did was sleep?" She asked as she stopped pacing.

"Yes," Will shuck his head adamantly.

"Then why did it take you this long to tell me? Will if you're just trying to break me and Carl up..."

I knew it Will thought. He stood up and walked toward Emma. He grabbed her hands and put them in his. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, "Emma, I love you. What I'm saying is the truth. If you still love me," Emma looked away.

He released one of her hands and cupped her cheek; bringing back eye contact. Then he continued, "If you still love me, which I know you do, you'll believe me."

Emma looked into his eyes, almost searching for a sign, or a spark ,or anything, anything at all to help her know whether or not he was telling the truth.

"Listen up red," April suddenly barged in. "You're gonna take my buddy back right now..." She stopped when she noticed Will and Emma in their embrace. "Oh, never mind," she said with a grin accompanied by a wink.

Will let go of Emma and walked toward April. He grabbed her by the arm and began to nudge her out of Emma's office.

"What are you doing here," he whispered when they were outside.

"Is that how you thank me?" She asked, not trying to whisper at all. "I came all the way back here, a week before my show mind you, to set the redhead straight and this is the thanks I get?"

"Thank you April." Both looked in the doorway. "That's all I needed to know," Emma continued.


"Can you two go now?" She asked. "I have a lot to think about."

Both April and Will stared at each other then he looked back at Emma. "Sure Em. I'm not sure what the truth means now, but if you still want to be with Carl, I'll respect that." Even if I'd hate it.

Emma nodded and then closed her door as April and Will walked away. She really did have a lot to think about.

"Hi Em," Carl said as Emma let him into her house that night. "You sounded pretty urgent on the phone...Have you been crying?" He noticed that Emma's eyes were a little red and he rubbed her cheek.

Emma grabbed his hand and put it in hers. "Have a seat Carl, please. I need to talk to you about something."

"Will, is that ticket still available?" Emma asked as she knocked on Will's open office door the next day.

"Emma?" Will looked up startled.

"I broke up with Carl," she walked further into his office and folded her hands in front of her lap. "Look Will, I thought I loved Carl. I was even starting to believe that we could have a life together. But that all changed yesterday."


"No, no, let me finish. Will I love you. I've always loved you. You were right."

Will lit up at hearing her say it for the first time. He got up from his chair and slowly began to walk toward her as she continued to speak.

"...And just knowing that you didn't sleep with April...I just allowed myself to admit it again. And after I did that, Carl didn't stand a chance anymore... So you said you weren't sure what the truth means. Well it turns out that it means everything. And well, I'll probably need a new dentist..."

Will silenced her with a kiss. Not a small sweet kiss like he used to, but a deep kiss that fully expressed his emotions. He had been wanting to kiss her again for as long as he could imagine and he could hardly get to her lips quick enough after she said she loved him.

Emma accepted the kiss wholeheartedly. This is a surprise sneak attack I was ready for...if that even makes sense. She laughed in her head then went back to enjoying it. Even running her fingers through his hair. I've always wanted to do that.

"Of course the ticket is still available," Will said after they pulled away from the kiss. The comment caused them both to laugh.

"I can't wait," said Emma. "Who wouldn't want to go to Broadway?"

The End(:(:(: