This is my second fic.(: It's going to be multi-chapter. It starts after Journey and Will's Surprise Sneak Attack 2.0. I may throw in a few flashbacks here or there. (:

Will was a mixture of emotions when he got home. He was so happy and ecstatic that Glee was getting another year, and from all people, Sue no less. But he was sad as well, because he couldn't celebrate the news with the one person he wanted to the most; Emma.

He thought about seeing her in Figgins' office the day before, passionately championing for the club. She had never been more beautiful, he thought. Then he sort of laughed to himself thinking It's hot when her anger isn't directed at me.

He saw her storm out of the office and immediately went after her to stop her. He had to thank her for trying, but assure her there was no use. He, himself had already tried and failed.

"Will, it's so unfair," she said and Will listened to her intently. He started to wonder if all of this passion was strictly for the kids.

"Some things are worth fighting for," she said, the most passionate out of anything else she had said so far.

Bingo, he thought. "You mean the kids?"

"Yes, of course," she said, as if to say, how could I possibly mean anything else?

Will didn't buy it. He continued to goat. "Anything else?"

"No", she said in possible mock shock. "This is about the kids. It is not about us."

All the proof Will needed. He wasn't the one to bring up the Us, she was; meaning she had been thinking about it.

Will remembered him telling her he loved her and kissing her with as much passion as she was giving off with her words. It felt so good to have her lips on his again and was made even more so when he felt her start to kiss back. Doc who, he thought for a quick second.

"Mister Schuester?"

Darn you Rachel, Will thought with a quick laugh. He never got a response from Emma after that.

He had tried to talk to her about it right after Sue gave the good news, but all she said was, "Congrats on the club getting another year." and then walked away.

He would give her some time, he thought, but he sure felt lonesome now, without her by his side, celebrating with him for the club and telling him she loves him too. I'll get her back, he thought. That's a certainty.

Emma was currently in a mixture of emotions as well. She couldn't get over the fact that Will had said he loved her. He has no idea how long I've wanted him to say that, she thought.

A few months ago those words would have been the greatest three words she had ever heard. But now she doesn't know what to think of it.

After Emma found out about Shelby and April, she pretty much distanced herself from Will for a while. She was beyond hurt and even being near him sometimes was too painful.

A couple weeks after her big confrontation with Will in the teacher's lounge, Emma went to her routine dentist appointment where out of all people, her dentist, Carl asked her out.

"Hi bright eyes," he said with a smile as Emma walked into his examining room. "Wait a second, those eyes are a little less bright today. What's up?"

Emma and her dentist were actually quite close. Oral health has always been important to her, so she came to him a lot for her oral needs and he became sort of a confidant. She'd talk to him about the stuff she didn't talk to Will about. So basically she talked to him about Will. Their talks may also be a reason she comes to get her teeth cleaned so often as well. A mixture of the two, she thinks.

"It's nothing Carl, really. I just had a bad day."

"Since when do you have bad days Emma? Something really must be bothering you."

"Well, it's just, Will."

"Hum," he said knowingly. "Come on," he said, leading her to another room. "You can tell me about it while I show you my sterilizing tools. I know you love to see them sterilized before they go in your mouth," he said with a laugh.

The rest is history, Emma thought with a smile. Oh how she has been enjoying their dates. She would have never thought that Carl was interested in her. It was kind of funny that this whole time Carl has been giving advice to her in the same way she used to give marriage advice to Will. He's always just wanted me to be happy. But now, she has one important thought.

How am I going to tell Carl that Will kissed me, and more importantly...that I kissed him back?

Dun dun dun. (; Please comment and review.