This is the end! Comments/reviews will be very much appreciated. Thanks to everybody for sticking by me :)

4yr old Ryo and Kyo….

Akihito dropped his kids off at one of Japan's most prestigious pre-schools, the one Asami just had to make sure his kids attended. He headed home after his daily routine, hoping with all his being that Ryuuichi would leave him alone this morning. Ever since the kids started school a year ago Asami had been taking every opportunity he could get to fuck him during school hours; and sleeping hours if possible. With his husband it was all about sex, kids, sex and more sex…with a hint of kids.

Akihito barely had time for himself anymore. Sometimes he couldn't tell who was more demanding; the children or his husband.

The boys though were becoming even more mischievous. Kyoichi had made lots of friends; it even looked like some kids feared him. He arrived at school to pick them up once and saw Kyoichi in the play yard barking orders to a few of the other children, and this one kid was holding an umbrella over his head to block out the sun. He sighed at how much Kyo acted like Ryuuichi sometimes, it was uncanny.

Akihito could remember him and Ryuuichi being called to an urgent parent teacher meeting for something Kyoichi had done once. They had gotten homework which stated they should draw pictures of their family. Ryoichi drew 5 stick figures, labeling them mommy, daddy, brother, me and the maid. Kyoichi on the other hand drew 'pet' under Akihito's figure and 'bastard' under his father's. He had never seen such a shocked expression on Asami's face when the woman held up the drawing for them to see. He almost burst out laughing, almost because the situation at hand meant they would have to talk to their kids about 'grown up' things.

The talk hadn't gone as well as they thought it would…

"Well guys, we have to talk about some of the things you hear from your father and me," Akihito said to the boys seated across from him on the huge couch. Asami sat facing Akihito, making sure his kids were paying attention to their 'mother'.

"Dad's a bastard mom and you're his pet," Kyoichi stated confidently while he looked between both his parents. Asami cocked a brow and looked at his 'wife' while Akihito gave him a weak laugh.

"Listen to me," Asami stated firmly after turning his attention to his twins and both boys' head's turned so they could look at him.

"We are grownups," Asami said while pointing between him and Akihito. "…And you're children; kids. What grown ups say kids should not practice, do not repeat anything me or your daddy says that you know should not be repeated.'

"But we learn from you first dad, so we do what we see," Ryoichi said in a voice so innocent Asami knew it was fake. Still, it was a very smart answer and he marveled the fact that his son was already a thinker who was using his head. It would prove useful in the future.

"Well…" Akihito started. "Its not everything we do you guys should practice, you know, some things are strictly for us and not for you."

Kyoichi was getting irritated, he wanted to go play in the toy room instead of sit and listen to his mom and dad talk, so he tried to distract them.

"Mommy, I'm thirsty and hungry."

"No your not, you just ate," Ryoichi countered.

"Did not."

"Did too," Ryoichi shouted before standing up as if he wanted to pounce on Kyoichi.

"Stop it kids," Akihito said firmly to them both.

"Did not you bastard!" Kyoichi shouted before standing and balling his fists while leveling a glare at his sibling.

Kyoichi jumped suddenly from fright when his father grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pull him towards him, pulling his face so close to his he could feel his warm breath on his skin. The look in his father's eyes scared him and he realized a second later that Ryoichi was also being held by the front of his shirt beside him.

"What did Akihito say to you both?" Asami asked in a low growl.

"That we should stop," Kyoichi answered in a meek voice with his head downcast in fear.

"And?" Asami asked further, this time throwing the question at Ryoichi.

The youngster took a second to think before answering. "That we should not say some things you and mommy say."

"Good, now take a seat and stop whining," Asami directed at both boys.

Ryoichi smirked; it was so easy to rile his brother up.

"Let me take you guys out on a picnic," Akihito offered in a bid to eas some of the tension in the house.

"YAY!" both boys shouted in unison before running towards their room to get their things and Asami cocked a brow in question. Akihito really must want to get away from fuck time with him to be taking the kids out for a picnic.


Akihito shook his head and sighed at the sight of the three bodyguards stationed around the park. They were so obvious in their black suits he couldn't help but wonder why they were ruining such a perfect, sunny afternoon with their presence. They were receiving glares from the other parents who also brought their kids to enjoy the park; some even wanted to leave. He sat around a small wooden table in the grass with a green and white checkered tablecloth on it, the benches were also attached to the table and there was a couple of them scattered around the area. The maid had made some delicious snacks for both him and the kids to take with them. But as soon as the boys were out in the sun they wanted to run around. He couldn't have done any better than to let them go.

Akihito only took his eyes off the boys for about a minute to look around, then all hell breaks loose when he looks back and realize they're nowhere in sight. He stood up abruptly and yelled their names out in a panic. Without even looking at the guards, he runs to where he saw them last and looks around quickly, listening to his heart pounding in his ears from fear. What if somebody took them?

Jumping out from behind a boulder close by were the boys, who both yelled out surprise at their fretting parent. Completely startled Akihito jumped before grabbing both boys and holding them close. He knew they were too young to fully understand the sort of danger their life would be in but that didn't stop him worrying constantly about what they did sometimes.

"Are you two all right, Nothing happened, right?" Akihito asked in a frantic voice while noticing the three men were now guarding them closely.

With a glare at his sibling Ryoichi mumbled, "Kyoichi wanted to play a joke."

"I didn't mean to scare you mommy, I swear," Kyoichi said in an apologetic voice.

Akihito breathed a sigh of relief before hugging them both once more. He didn't know what he would do if something did happen to them.

At that moment Asami arrived and saw Akihito hugging his sons. While walking over he raised an eyebrow at the display before him. Akihito looked like he just survived a trip through the Twilight Zone. He threw a glare at the boys and they immediately became extremely quiet and rigid. He didn't know exactly what they did to scare Akihito like that but it seemed they would be having another family chat soon.

"Mommy, daddy's here," Ryoichi informed Akihito when he saw his father approaching.

Asami paused right behind Akihito and a shit eating grin appeared on Kyoichi's face.

"Daddy, can you take mommy back to the car and make it start rocking like you do sometimes? I want to go play," Kyoichi demaned in a whiny voice.

Hearing those words, Akihito collapsed on to his back on the grass with a perplexed look on his face. Why were they so observant for their age? Then his thoughts slowly turned to anger towards Asami for always doing it in the back of the limo; even in the garage when he thought the kids would disrupt them. Come to think of it, where wouldn't Asami fuck him?

"Asami…." Akihito hissed while glaring at the man, this was all his fault.

"Sounds like a good idea boys, except, you two are going home," Asami informed the youngsters who groaned in response.

"What?" Akihito asked surprised. He stood up abruptly and looked between the kids and Asami. This would not be good for his ass.

"I'll take them home, we can all go home." Akihito laughed nervously. He did not want to be alone with his husband in a car at the moment.

Asami grabbed Akihito's hand and pulled him away when he tried to get the children. "Tetsuya, take the boys home," Asami said to the guard he was passing, who bowed in acknowledgement before turning around and leading the boys towards the car they had originally drove to the park in.

Akihito pouted the entire time Asami held his hand and led him away. Just like his sons had predicted, the car would be rocking violently in a few minutes.


Asami had hired help for Miname-san, who looked much older now and wasn't as active as before because of a few ailments. She couldn't see properly out of one of her eyes and had a bad case of arthritis in her right hand. She suffered a stroke six months ago and had to be rushed to the hospital. Asami took care of all her expense while Akihito made sure she got to see the kids. They always brightened her day.

They both knew it wouldn't be too long now before they lost her, but she was a part of the family and was treated as such. The idea made Akihito extremely sad, because the woman was always there when he needed someone. He loved her a lot and so did the kids.

By the time she finally left them for a better place one year later, Asami threw her the most elegant funeral he'd ever seen. His husband looked after her in life, and gave her the best in death.

Now two years later on the anniversary of her death they all stood by her headstone, reminiscing about the life of somebody dear to them.

Akihito held on to one of both his sons' hands and sniffled lightly. He didn't want his six year olds to see him sad.

Ryoichi looked up and didn't like the sad look on his mother's face. He felt so bad about it, even though he didn't understand why a piece of stone was making his mother cry. He kept quiet though, because he wanted his mom to have his privacy. Hopefully they would leave soon and could go home to cold popsicles and chocolate chip cookies.

Kyoichi on the other hand was down right irritated. He didn't get it about the stone either and he wanted to leave, now. He scratched his head before starting to fidget.

A moment later he couldn't take anymore and started whining. "Mommy, can we go home now?"

Akihito looked down at his youngest sadly, "Just give me another minute, please."

Kyoichi pouted. He didn't like to see his mother sad either and that's why he didn't want to stay. He pulled on Akihito's arm and repeated that he wanted to leave.

Asami raised one eyebrow questioningly at his son's behavior; so Akihito-like.


Asami cleared his throat and Kyoichi immediately piped down. His father was so quiet he forgot he was there.

"Are you ready?" Asami asked a few minutes later and Akihito nodded. Kyoichi shouted happily while they headed for the car while Ryoichi only smiled.


17yr old Kyo and Ryo…..

"MOM, WHERE'S MY COAT?" Kyoichi shouted while he searched his brother's room high and low for the item. His 'mother' always knew where everything was and unlike his kids and their father, his memory was actually good when it came to the house.

"Why the hell are you shouting?" Ryoichi asked his brother in annoyance from his position on the bed. "Your being way too noisy, go to mom if you want to talk to him."

Kyoichi shot his older brother a glare. The younger Asami kept searching, knocking over his brother's books along with other stuff while he watched him in annoyance.

"Damnit! You left your coat in the damn kitchen last night after you came in, don't you remember?" Ryoichi asked hastily, trying to get his brother to leave the room.

Kyoichi shot him a huge grin and Ryoichi's hazel eyes narrowed into slits; his brother could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

On his way out Kyoichi turned to face his sibling, "Hey, you going to Sarah's party tonight? "

Ryoichi gave his brother an inquisitive look. "You know mom won't allow us to go, he said her parents are dad's rival when it comes to their clubs."

"We'll go, don't worry," Kyoichi hinted with his golden eyes shining mischievously. His blonde bangs fell over his forehead, giving a much more devious look than before.

"And how will you do that?" Ryoichi's eyes narrowed dangerously while he wondered what his troublemaker brother had planned.

Kyoichi smirked, "Get mom into trouble with dad."


"They'll be going at it all night till morning, they won't even realize we're missing," Kyoichi concluded in triumph while he stared at his brother's shocked expression.

"B…but, you know what dad does to mom, don't you? You heard them that night when they thought we were out,' Ryoichi said with slight concern.

"I know! That's why it's perfect," Kyoichi responded while his brother looked at him incredulously. He couldn't understand why Ryoichi wasn't seeing the ingenuity in his plan.

Kyoichi was a ditz, that much he was able to tell from the day they were born. "NO! I mean, mom'll probably be limping the whole day again, I wouldn't be able to stand knowing I caused it. Besides, what'll dad do to us if he finds out?" Ryoichi asked with a trace of fear in his voice while he worried his bottom lip with his right index finger. He knew his parents well enough to know Akihito would claw his father's eyes out to get his way but in the end his father's dominance reigned supreme.

"It's not like he'll go easy on us if he finds out we intentionally caused him to hurt mom. As a matter of fact I doubt he'll care we're his kids."

"Your right, we'll be in big trouble if dad finds out. So, any suggestions?" Kyoichi asked.

"How about….mmm?" Ryoichi started. He had a look of deep concentration on his young face and he knew Kyoichi was hanging on to his every word. "How about we…don't go!"

Kyoichi face palmed before shooting his brother a glare while backing out of his room.

"Sometimes you're a real pain in the ass," Kyoichi spat.

"Funny, I just thought the same thing about you, Otouto," Ryoichi answered in a bored voice.

Kyoichi paused at the door. "Otouto? Why you…you only got a forty second head start damnit!"

Ryoichi grinned after his brother slammed the door shut.


Both boys attended The Takuetsu High school, a school for the kids of the powerful and wealthy. Kyoichi was as mischievous as ever but he got good grades and everyone thought Ryoichi was perfect. Both boy's were famous and the girls flocked and fangirled both of them every chance they got.

"Kyo-chan's golden eyes are so captivating," one girl sighed dreamily from around the cafeteria's lunch table and her friends all agreed.

"Well I love Ryo-chan's hazel eyes too, they can see right through you," another girl sighed.

They sat in the lunchroom debating which Asami twin they were in love with for whatever reasons. Just then, both boys entered the room and audible sighs and words of endearment could be heard.

Ryoichi smiled at the girls but Kyoichi frowned while they made their way to an empty table. The younger twin threw his lunch down on the tabletop and angrily took a seat.

"What's your problem, why are you in such a bad mood?" Ryoichi asked with concern.

The blond's eyes settled on his brother's face, "I just wish they would leave us alone."

"Why? I thought you love the attention?" Ryoichi asked after he took a bite of the sandwich Akihito made for them.

"I won't let anyone harm you Ryo-nii," Kyo stated with a serious expression on his face. He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.

"Baka, who would want to harm me?"

"Word is your monopolizing the gangs and some people don't like it, their planning something,' Kyoichi stated. Of course, he heard that one gang leader was planning to do 'things' to his brother.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me," Ryoichi grinned with a mouth full of bread.

Kyoichi didn't let on that he wasn't mad at the idea of someone targeting his brother; Ryoichi could take care of himself. What boiled his blood was the idea of someone touching his brother in any inappropriate way; it pissed him off more than anything else because nobody should touch anybody unless they wanted them to.

"Hey, mom is sending us to America next month to look for grandma," Ryoichi stated.

"Huh? But it'll be dad's birthday next month," the brunet added a little surprised. "Only heaven knows what mom has planned for him to send us away."

"Yeah, I heard dad saying on his phone once that mom's the only creature that could turn him on completely," Kyoichi snickered. Now that the mood wasn't so solemn anymore he drew for his own sandwich and took a bite. It was love at first bite; he never met any other cook whose food tasted as good as Akihito's.

Well, nobody but the maid that they grew up with, according to his mother.

"I got my first ever hard-on from hearing mom and dad once," Ryoichi stated and Kyoichi stopped mid-bite and looked at him in shock.

"You heard them too?"

"Hey, let's forget about mom and dad, thanks to them I'm always horny," Kyoichi said while he finished his sandwich.

Ryoichi snickered at his comment. He had to admit that it irked him at first to accidentally hear his parent's sex games but as he got older he got used to it… maybe a little too used to it.

Although their parents tried their best to not get caught, the boy's had heard them once before.

"Hey, I need to use the bathroom," Ryoichi said suddenly before getting up and leaving his twin at the table. He quickly made his way to the school's facility because he couldn't wait. When he entered the bathroom he quickly found an empty stall and began to relieve himself. He heard the sound of the bathroom door open and close but thought nothing of it. When he was through he exited the stall to wash his hands and was surprised when he was quickly grabbed by the collar and pushed towards the wall, hard. He groaned and looked at his attacker while the person pinned his hands against the wall.

Ryoichi saw familiar brown eyes staring intently at him and he instantly sneered. It was third year Shizuki Miwa, another wannabe gang leader. Shizuki had short spiky dark hair and a well built body, he wasn't bad looking and he belonged to the soccer club.

"Well, well, well…" Shizuki smirked. "…If it isn't Asami Ryoichi, son of the great Asami Ryuuichi."

"What the hell about it?" Ryoichi scoffed while he tried to pull his arms from Shizuki's grip.

Shizuki placed his knee between Ryoichi's legs…against his will and started to rub it against the other's groin.

Ryoichi didn't want to admit to himself that what he was feeling probably should have felt a lot worse, even if he was hating it.

"What the hell are you doing?" the brunet asked in an irritated voice, trying to hide the feelings running through his body at the other's touch. "Let go of me!" he shouted while Shizuki licked a trail up the side of his neck. His hazel eyes widened at Shizuki's action; did he want to do to him what he was thinking?

Ryoichi wanted to defend himself, he could; but the tingle running up his spine prevented his body from co-operating fully with his mind.

Suddenly, Shizuki was pushed hard against the adjacent wall and he yelped when a foot connected with his side, kicking him away.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on him you asshole," Kyoichi ground out in anger and the boy doubled over on the bathroom floor.

"Let's go," the younger twin muttered angrily before grabbing his older brother's arm, leaving a stunned Shizuki on the bathroom floor.

A semi-confused Ryoichi was pushed roughly from the bathroom while Kyoichi kept a strong grip on his arm, pulling him through the cafeteria towards a table unoccupied in the far corner.

Ryoichi came back to his senses when Kyoichi angrily pushed him down on the bench.

"What the hell, what's wrong with you?" Ryoichi asked after it registered that his brother was mad at him for some reason.

Anger rolled off Kyoichi in waves while he stood in front his older brother. "What's wrong with me? I told you someone was after you, that asshole touched you!"

"What?" Ryoichi muttered in bewilderment. "You're mad because he touched me?"

"And you were obviously enjoying it!" Kyoichi shouted while his eyes narrowed into slits. "You should have seen your damn face!"

"You sound like a jealous boyfriend, Otuoto," Ryoichi hissed.

"Forty fucking seconds doesn't give you the right to call me Otouto, bastard," Kyoich replied angrily before turning his head to the side and crossing his arms.

"You're so damn cute when you're angry Kyo-chan," Ryoichi teased.

"Baka, how the hell can you be telling me I'm cute when some guy tried to molest you in the bathroom?"

"I can take care of myself dammit," Ryoichi tsked.

"You son-of a bitch, you wanted it!" Kyoichi shouted before getting up and pointing an accusing finger at his twin. "I'm telling mom!"

"Idiot, wait!" Ryoichi shouted before taking off after the other teen that was now running away. He'd beat the crap out of him if he ever mentioned a thing to their parents; he was in no mood for another lecture from either of them.