



Noise and laughter rolled out into the corridor on deck three, making the uninformed and/or curious poke their heads into recreation room four. The excitement was palpable as crewmen and ensigns crowded around the large screen against the port side wall. The monitor was currently displaying long lists of names in various columns, and from time to time a name would blink out of one group to re-appear in another. Ensign Chekov emerged from the crowd beaming like a man who'd won the lottery. Lieutenant Sulu was at his shoulder shaking his head with disbelief.

"I don't understand how you manage to slip into her party every time." His voice was laced with a mixture of awe and jealousy as he followed his friend to some free space. The helmsman nudged the navigator in the side playfully as he teased, causing Chekov to rub his ribs and give Sulu a look of pure innocence that may or may not have been feigned. "Just who are you bribing and where can I find them?"

"Bribery Hikaru…? Eet's my Russian luck." Chekov's grin was contagious and soon Sulu was flashing teeth as well. The pair made to leave, but unfortunately Sulu was so caught up in their banter that he didn't watch where he was going. The door to the recreation room opened just as Commander Spock and the Lieutenant simultaneously tried to cross the threshold.

The sound of air being forced out of human lungs made the surrounding conversations cease. Sulu landed heavily on his back after being the source of such an uncommon noise. For a moment the Lieutenant thought he had hit a brick wall, until he looked up at Spock with a dazed look. Sulu grinned sheepishly up at his senior officer and mumbled, "Sorry about that Commander."

Spock appraised the helmsman with what Sulu assumed to be interest; after all, Vulcans were so difficult to read by facial expressions alone.

"Did you sustain any injuries Lieutenant?" Spock kneeled to help Sulu back on his feet. With one graceful movement, Spock gripped him by his upper arm and hauled the man effortlessly off the floor. Sulu was dusting himself off and looking a little embarrassed as some of the female Ensigns giggled. Chekov was trying to hide his amusement by lurking behind some of the uniformed ladies.

"No, I'm all right. Takes more then that to keep me down…" But the Asian's attempt to save face went unnoticed by Spock.

"I hope that in the future you pilot the Enterprise with more dexterity then you've demonstrated presently."

A direct insult, from Spock? This comment made both Chekov and Sulu look to one another with less amused faces. Some onlookers laughed then continued with their own conversations, but Chekov and Sulu knew Spock better. Usually Spock wasn't so purposefully curt with his comments - the only exception being Dr. McCoy. Something was irritating him – if that was even possible. However, the mystery remained as such because they were interrupted before they could attempt to pry.

As if on cue, the Captain walked into the room ramming right into Spock's back. "Whoa! Out of the doorway…" The man sidestepped his second in command while he rubbed his nose subtly. The sudden arrival of The Boss made everyone disperse. Chekov and Sulu went out the doorway with a flood of other people, and Spock went to leave with them - despite having just entered. Captain Kirk caught the Vulcan trying to make his get away and maneuvered so that he was next to him with his hand on his shoulder. It was a formal version of 'gotcha' that Spock could not ignore.

Kirk could have sworn that the shoulder he had targeted slumped just a fraction as his hand made contact. "Spock, I've been looking for you all morning."

The Vulcan turned around to face his captain, his face a passive mask. Just as he opened his mouth to reply, Kirk blurted, "I'm ordering you to take your Shore Leave."

Spock closed his eyes and angled his face towards the floor. His faith in what he knew of human behavior had been obliterated. He was depending on the human stand by of 'out of sight, out of mind' to earn him some leisure time aboard the Enterprise, hence his evasion of the Captain. Shore Leave was something that was entirely unnecessary for a Vulcan, and every time they set down for vacation Spock had to slowly explain this concept to Jim again and again. The man never understood – or more correctly - wanted to. This time would be the twenty-sixth attempt.

"I understand and respect your order Captain; however, it is illogical for a Vulcan to 'rest' in an environment that is anything but restful. It would benefit both my cognitive and physical functioning if I am allowed to remain on the Enterprise to work in the laboratory. There are several sections of the biology database that are in dire need of maintenance, as well as some specimens that-"

"No Spock. You cannot bury yourself in work while the rest of us play. Bones said you'd try and pull this stunt, and I didn't believe him until you didn't report to sick bay when I paged you half an hour ago. I'm not allowing this. Do you want me written up? Do you know how bad this looks, letting everyone but the stubborn Vulcan go on Shore Leave? They might think I'm harassing you back at Starfleet... and you don't want them to think that about me do you?" His hazel eyes held the smile he was struggling to repress; this was amusing Jim in some way, and it irked Spock. The Vulcan said nothing in response. He knew that this was Jim's amateur attempt at manipulating him using some form of reverse psychology.

Kirk knew he failed when his first mate went into silent mode. He tried persuasion next. "You need to get your mind off science and onto something… well… mindless for once Spock. You'll like it, I promise." He patted his friend on the arm.

The Vulcan set his hands behind his back and looked down at his captain with dark eyes that bordered on pleading. Spock that knew arguing with Jim - the poster child of human irrationality - wasn't going to get him anywhere, but he needed to try for procedure's sake. "If you recall Captain, I have been 'mindless' at one point in my career and it was not a pleasant event I wish to experience for a second time."

Kirk massaged his temples with his fingertips and sighed. It was a show of weakness that made Spock straighten slightly - perhaps the game was not yet over. The Captain stared straight into Spock's brown eyes and tried to be assertive now that he was at the bottom of his bag of tricks. "That's not what I meant Spock and you know it. You're going to beam down with me and have fun, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming." Spock made to retort, but the sudden appearance of Kirk's finger hovering at his nose made him think twice. "And don't tell me that that's a contradiction… or a hypocritical statement… or… whatever! Pacifica's Carnival is the number one rated Theme Park in the Alpha Quadrant and I'm not going to be my First Officer miss the opportunity of a lifetime!"

Defeated, Spock gave a very small sigh and took Kirk's bait. "And what opportunity is that, Captain?"

"Contortionists Spock. They have contortionists…" The way Kirk said it the word made Spock want to roll his eyes. A passing Scotty raised a hand as if in a toast to his Captain, "Aye aye Captain! I'll drink ta that! I'll drink ta that!"

If Spock were any more human, the urge to refrain from expressing his extreme displeasure would have been too much.

Author's Notes:

I'm testing the waters with this story as well as trying to eliminate my writers block. It's sort of humorous at the moment, but its going to get darker the further I go. I'm trying to keep it canon... but then again Star Trek canon has been on debate for many decades, and I'm definitely going to be taking advantage of that. So expect some 'subtle' Spock and Kirk moments... maybe I'll toss some McCoy ones in for any of that fandom (I'm not myself, but I do try to please whenever possible. Also, if you ARE Bones/Spock, I suggest listening to the song "LuvSik" by Mozella. Damn I wish I had a method of creating music videos).

Please read and review. I can't improve otherwise!