A/N: SO SORRY! Oh god, I'm a horrible person! I'm going to try and write up a second chapter by the weekend. Stuff happens guys! So sorry! I'll be a better author I promise! D:

PS: This is actually the third draft of Chapter 6, I couldn't figure out what to do as an aftermath to the last chapter. I hope you like it.

The hallway was dark, and there was screaming, lots of screaming. To use zydrate was too dangerous, they wouldn't know what it would do. Didn't know how it would affect the baby. The pale, dark haired woman on the bed continued to scream in agony as a baby tried to push its way out of her womb. The woman had been under heavy sedation, the same sedation that would erase any memory of a pregnancy. Even the pain she felt now would be attributed to a stomach flu, easily remedied.

There was more screaming, almost unbearable now. The door was cracked open, two young men and a young girl standing there, watching the bloody birth, the boys looked on in great curiosity, the girl just glared at the woman laying there. Behind them came a gruff cough and the three turned, looking up at their large father who simply glared, sending them off without a word. He stepped in, smirking slightly when the woman stopped screaming and the cries of a baby filled the dark room. He didn't wait for the genterns to clean the baby, simply took the infant in his bare hands and clipped the cord, tying it himself and holding the bloody child up.

"Yes…you're perfect. Nothing will stop you, nothing. You will be who I choose, you will get my gold." The baby continued to screech, eyes clamped shut, the man not knowing yet that his perfect baby was as blind as her mother.

He finally handed the cold and messy child to a gentern who took her to get cleaned and dressed, the woman on the bed sleeping, unconscious from the stress and exhaustion. He didn't give her a first glance, let alone a second, walking out of the room. The baby was cleaned, the mother fixed up and cleaned, making sure that she would have no knowledge any more of ever being pregnant, ever giving birth. No one else would know, either. There would be no way.

Hours later and the baby lay back in a bassinette, the three siblings from earlier gazing down at her curiously, though she could not see them, she sensed their presence and cooed, wanting attention, like any baby would. Each of the siblings drew back though, neither of them knowing what to do with this new baby. The eldest just inched his fingers towards the knife he had in his pocket but stopped when the little girl reached up again.

The sister glared at the baby and kicked the bassinette, making the baby cry and scream at the sudden movement and noise. The eldest brother went after his sister to scold her at being a bitch to the baby, forgetting he was thinking of stabbing the baby. The second brother just tried to calm the baby, and when he succeeded he left the room, unsure what else to do, never feeling such affection himself, he figured not crying was sufficient.

Coueira watched her memories play out before her eyes, they weren't perfect replica's, just faint memories in her mind projected through her eyes, faces she could barely remember. She watched as Pavi lost his face, Luigi's attack, and even Carmela's first hit, her first knife to the face. She saw it all with great recall, and when she stopped the playback of her life in the house of Largo she was surprised to find herself crying. She never cried, ever, she can't remember ever crying, not when remembering at least. Aside from the events in the warehouse, she never cried, not since she was a baby. Coueira just wiped her face and stood up, turning around and frowned, seeing her half-sister sitting there, bawling her eyes out.

"You're such a wimp," Coueira murmured, half-hearted in her insult. Shilo seemed to understand so didn't respond, just held her arms open for the girl. Coueira had changed since the warehouse, allowing Shilo to hug her, hold her hand, different things. She still didn't like to be touched, but at least she was letting Shilo do so, meaning they were making progress of some kind.

"You sure you're okay?" Shilo was worried about the girl, knowing first hand what holding back secrets could do to people, many people at once and yet no one really knowing where the lie started.

"Yeah, I'm fine…what about you? I mean…I showed you Mag in so much pain…"

Shilo sighed, nodding slowly. "She was giving birth…not being tortured, technically. Look, let's go have lunch and then check on the garden, okay?" COueira nodded, getting up and heading into the kitchen, pulling out different things for dinner, feeling like something made out of meat, just nothing specific. She was the designated cook now, only letting Shilo help in the mixing and mashing of ingredients when required.

Shilo went around the kitchen, collecting plates, some bowls, utensils, etc. With her side of making dinner was done she went out to grab the paper, frowning at the front page, a grinning Amber on the cover. Or, really, not grinning, but smirking, as was Amber's way. She read it on the way back to the kitchen, eyes widening as she plopped down in her seat.

"Oh my god." Coueira didn't look up from the steaks, carefully seasoning them as they sizzled.

"What's up? Something wrong in the paper? Did your favorite singer bite it?" Shilo shook her head slowly, flipping to the rest of the story, continuing to read. Finally she went abck to the first page and began to read aloud, the news that was so important.

Geneco, the world's savior, revolutionizing the organ industry. Long ago organs were hard to come by, and then when the epidemic happened they were few and far between for healthy organs and we as a race were dying. Geneco saved us, however, thanks to the great mind of the late Rotti Largo.

Geneco has, yet again, come to the rescue of many. The company's new owner, daughter of the late CEO, Amber Sweet, has definitely inherited her father's genius. Miss Sweet has decided to ban all Repo-men. When asked why the sudden decision, she let slip a detail of a recent break through in organ financing.

From what this humble news reporter gathered, the organs will be grown artificially, though they are living organs, not machines, and will make all purchases cheaper, more affordable. There will be new policies in place if one should default on a payment, we assume of course. However, for now that is all we've gotten out of Miss Amber Sweet, new leader of Geneco.

Coueira just looked over her shoulder at Shilo, the older girl meeting her gaze, then turned back to the steaks, continuing to cook. Shilo knew that Coueira was probably seething. How could Amber manage this? Coueira wasn't grown artificially, though the way Rotti managed everything, Coueira didn't doubt that somehow Amber figured out a worse way to kill and make money and build a body count. She was as heartless as her father was, and there was no changing that. All that changed was the style in their cruelty.

Coueira set out the steaks, corn and mashed potatoes on the side, lemonade fresh in a pitcher in the middle of the table. It would have been a nice lunch if the heavy news wasn't hanging in the air. The tension would have been hard for even Graverobber to break, though that didn't stop him.

Both young women heard his heavy boots clunk down the stairs, the sound of his whistle getting closer and closer though they didn't make a move to greet him.

"Hey, ladies. Hear the good news? You know this means more zydrate for us right?" Coueira quirked her brow at him.

"You're bad at economics…" Shilo looked at Coueira, then at Graverobber, trying to do the math in her head, but Coueira just shook her head and sighed.

"With more demand you COULD increase the price, but that's what other robbers are going to do, so you'll still have competition, and then because the new surgery's will be cheaper, so will the medicinal zydrate. You lose, Graverobber." The man thought for a moment, opened his mouth to say something, then shut it, suddenly upset.

"Dammit! You're right, kid! Dammit! That bitch Amber is screwing me over!" Shilo chuckled, glad to finally see Graverobber stressing.

"Wouldn't be the first time, though, would it?" Graverobber glared at Shilo now too, poking her chest as he kneeled in front of her.

"look, we both suffer if Amber does do that, where are you going to get your money then if all our customers start getting cheaper surgery's?" Shilo shrugged, smiling proudly.

"Maybe I could finally get a normal job?" Graverobber scoffed, taking her plate and another chair, turning so she couldn't get around his back to get her steak abck.

"Normal is overrated, baby. What are you going to do? You've got no education, no skills, no idea how to talk to people. Hey this steak is good."

"Give it back!" Shilo actually whimpered, stopping when Coueira pushed her plate towards her sister. "No, it's okay, I'll just get mine." Coueira shook her head, smacking the back of Graverobber's head.

"Give me the plate, go make your own steak, there's a few more in the freezer."

Shilo was glad when she got her lunch back, but could see that Coueira was still concerned, and so was she. What could Amber be doing next that could 'help' anything or anyone except herself?