Hello, everyone! Welcome to my first ever Avatar: The Last Airbender story! This is a SokkaxOC story, so if you don't like these kind of stories, leave now! If you enjoy these kinds of stories, then enjoy! If you flame me, I will use them to train my Firebending! 3

Chapter One

Prologue: The Strange Water Girl

A young Sokka ran around with his club, swinging it around like he was fighting Fire Nation Soldiers. He had a proud look on his face, his lips curled into a victorious grin as he swung his trusty weapon around. He laughed triumphantly as he continued his game.

"Take that! And this! And some of that!" He stated as he swung his club clumsily. He stopped suddenly when there were calls of panic in the distance. Confused, he went to investigate. He found his father and ran towards him, "Dad! Dad, what's going-!" He stopped when he saw a raven haired girl unconscious in his dad's arms. Hakoda glanced to Sokka and frowned slightly.

"Not now, Sokka. I need to get her to the Healers or else she might not make it." Hakoda told him. Sokka frowned deeply, "But, I wanna help, Dad!" He protested. Hakoda let out a gentle sigh and handed the girl to him, "Keep her warm while I go tell the Healers. Can you do that for me, Sokka?"

"You can count on me, Dad!" Sokka nodded. Hakoda smiled and ran off. Sokka held the girl close and got a good look at her. She was soaked to the bone, her hair stuck to her face like glue. He thought hard and decided it was more chivalrous to sacrifice his own warmth to keep her warm. He yanked off his parka and wrapped it around her, holding her close to him. He felt how cold she was and frowned, "What the heck happened to you?" He wondered softly. Hakoda came back and scooped up the girl from Sokka's grasp, rushing her towards the Healers. Bato approached the young boy and placed his hand on his shoulder, smiling faintly, "That was very noble of you, Sokka." He stated. Sokka looked to him and made a noise, "Why was she so cold?" He asked. Bato frowned deeply.

"We found her on the shore. Half of her was sitting in the water. We were afraid we didn't get to her in time…" He explained. Sokka frowned and looked to the direction his father left.

"I hope she's ok…"

"So do I, Sokka…So do I…" Bato stated.

Sokka and Bato waited for what seemed like hours for Hakoda to tell them the status on the girl. They looked when Hakoda finally came out of the hut and they looked to him expectantly. Hakoda had a relieved look on his face and the two let out small breathes of relief.

"Well?" Bato asked. Sokka stepped towards his dad slightly, "Is she gonna be ok?" He questioned as well. Hakoda nodded slightly, "The Healers say we made it just in time. She won't be conscious for a few days, but when she finally comes to, we'll ask what happened." Hakoda replied. Sokka looked to the hut and Hakoda smiled softly, "You wanna see her, Sokka?"

"Please?" Sokka looked to his dad pleadingly and Hakoda let him pass. Sokka made is way to the sleeping girl and sat next to her. He smiled faintly, "I'm glad you're ok." He muttered. Her breathing was steady and she showed no signs of waking. He wondered if she even heard him. He sat with her quietly, figuring she would want company instead of being alone. Hakoda and Bato watched from the entrance and smiled, moving away to talk.

"Your son is very chivalrous, Hakoda. He'll make a fine warrior…" Bato commented. Hakoda smiled and nodded, "Sokka is a good kid. If anyone can take care of her, he can." He stated. Bato chuckled and pat his friend's shoulder, walking off. Hakoda smiled and went to spend time with his beloved wife.

After a week had passed, Sokka returned to visit the girl as he always did. It seemed routine to him, plus he enjoyed keeping her company. He stepped inside and his eyes widened. The girl was sitting up in her bed, looking around hazily. Her gaze landed on him and she tilted her head.

"He-hello…Wh-who are you?" She asked. Sokka jogged over and sat next to her, "You're awake! How do you feel?" He asked. She frowned softly and lowered her gaze, "You didn't…answer my question…" She said softly. He frowned softly.

"I'm sorry, but I think your well-being is more important than my name right now." He told her. She made a soft noise and looked to her lap. She blinked when Sokka's hand was placed over hers.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, more gently this time. She blushed softly and glanced at him, "I-I feel fine. Kinda dizzy and my stomach keeps growling, but fine…" She replied. He smiled gently, "If you like, I can take you to get some food." He offered. She smiled and nodded, "That would be lovely…!" She told him. He grinned and stood, holding his hand out to her. She took it and slowly got to her feet, her knees buckling. Sokka kept a firm hold on her as he took her to his home.

"Mom! Dad! The girl's awake! She's really hungry, too!" Sokka called as he stepped in. Kya and Hakoda looked up and smiled gently, "Good to see you awake, young lady!" Hakoda greeted. She smiled faintly and bowed her head. Kya made her a bowl of sea-plum soup and handed it to her. She took it gratefully and began eating. Hakoda smiled, "So, little lady, do you have a name?" He asked. She looked up and swallowed the food in her mouth, glancing down.

"W-Well…The thing is…I-I can't…remember my name…" She muttered. Hakoda blinked and Kya frowned, "You poor dear…" She muttered. Hakoda smiled faintly, "How about we give you a temporary name until you remember yours?" He offered. The girl smiled faintly and nodded.

"I would like that a lot…" She muttered modestly. Hakoda nodded and began to think, along with Kya and Sokka. Sokka perked and hit his fist on his hand, "I got it!" He stated. They all looked to him and he smiled widely.

"Chou!" He stated. They blinked at him and Hakoda rubbed his chin.

"Chou, huh? What do you think?" He asked, looking to the girl. She smiled and nodded, "I love it!" She replied. Sokka cheered and Hakoda and Kya smiled, "Chou it is then." She stated. Chou finished the soup and set the bowl down, bowing.

"Thank you for the meal. It was amazing." She said. Kya smiled and nodded.

"It was no trouble." She replied. Hakoda stood and smiled, "Well, I have to return to the troops. Sokka, why don't you show Chou around." He said. Sokka nodded and stood, taking Chou's hand and leading her out.

"Come on, I want you to meet my sister!" He told her as he tugged her along. She laughed softly as she followed him.

"Slow down, Sokka!" She laughed. He grinned and continued pulling her to his grandmother's hut. He stepped in and grinned, seeing Gran-Gran and Katara huddled around the small fire. Gran-Gran looked up and smiled, "Is this the girl Hakoda saved?" She asked. Sokka smiled and ushered Chou forward.

"Yup! Gran-Gran, Katara, this is Chou! Chou, this is Gran-Gran and my sister, Katara!" He introduced. Chou bowed to them and they smiled.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Chou greeted politely. Katara jogged over and smiled, "It's nice to meet you, too! Wanna come with me and see some Waterbending?" She asked. Chou smiled and nodded.

"I'd love to!" She replied and went out with Katara. Sokka blinked and Gran-Gran chuckled, "They're little girls, Sokka. They'll find things more interesting than others." She told him. Sokka frowned and jogged out to find them. Katara was with Chou, concentrating hard as she made a small ball of water. Chou clapped, "That's amazing!" She cheered. Katara smiled widely.


"I wanna try now!" Chou said and held out her hands, concentrating on the water. Katara and Sokka were amazed as she made the water sway and dance in front of her. Chou smiled widely, "I did it!" She cheered. Sokka touched her shoulder, making her lose concentration. She looked at him and saw the frown on his face.

"Sokka?" She asked. He turned slightly serious.

"You should be careful, Chou. The Fire Nation could find out and come to take you away…" He told her. She whimpered, "You'll protect me, right, Sokka?" She asked. He blushed softly and nodded.

"Of course, Chou. On my honor as a Southern Water Tribe Warrior! I won't allow the Fire Nation to touch you!" He stated. She smiled and clapped.

"Thank you, Sokka!" She chirped. He blushed more and rubbed the back of his head.

Sokka slowly peeked out from behind his snow fort, holding a freshly made snowball. He held it high and threw it, hitting Chou in the back. She gasped and turned sharply, glaring playfully at Sokka as he laughed joyously. She grabbed some snow and ran over, jumping on him and shoving the snow in his face. She laughed and he sat up, forcing her off him. She stared at him and giggled at the bits of snow stuck to his face. He smirked and grabbed a pile of snow, ready to toss it at her. But, they both stopped when it started snowing black snow. Sokka dropped the pile in his hands and grabbed Chou's hand.

"Come on!" He ordered and dragged her off. She began to panic.

"S-Sokka, what's wrong!" She asked worriedly. Sokka looked back, his expression serious.

"It's a Fire Nation raid! I promised I'd protect you, and I'm going to do it!" He stated. He arrived at one of his watch towers and ushered her inside, "Stay in here! I'll come and get you again when it's safe!"

"Do you promise?" She whimpered. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course, Chou. I swear. Now, don't move and don't say a word!" He told her and ran off. She shrunk into the tower and kept quiet, tears stinging her eyes. There were lots of screaming and bursts of fire that could be heard. The sound of weapons hitting armor filled the young girl's ears as she waited for Sokka to return. She froze when she saw a Fire Nation soldier walk in front of the watch tower and she tried to stay calm. After standing around for a few seconds, he walked away and Chou calmed. After what seemed like hours, the soldiers fled. Chou didn't move from her spot, just as Sokka had instructed. She drew her knees close to her chest and let out a small breath of air.

Hakoda, Katara and Sokka stood in solemn silence as they mourned over Kya. Katara sobbed hysterically as Sokka and Hakoda stayed silent. The raid was just a distraction, and it worked 100%. Hakoda looked around before glancing to his son.

"Where's Chou?" He asked, his tone laced with worry. Sokka looked to him and then gasped.

"Oh, god! Chou!" Sokka ran off as fast as he could. How could he have forgotten about her? It had to be at least two hours since he told her to hide in the watch tower. He felt so stupid. He arrived at the tower and crawled inside. Chou was curled into a tight ball, asleep. She was shivering heavily but she was ok, just very cold. Sokka let out a breath of relief and shook her gently, "Chou! Chou, wake up!" He called gently. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Sokka?" She asked tiredly. He smiled and nodded. She slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes, "Is it finally safe?" She asked. He frowned, feeling terrible for forgetting about her.

"Yeah, it's safe…" He replied. She frowned worriedly and tilted her head.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen?" She asked. He frowned more and looked away.

"My mom. We found her dead…" He said softly. She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Sokka…I-I'm so sorry!" She said. He shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, Chou. It wasn't your fault…" He muttered.

"Yes, it was!" She yelled, causing the snow to shudder. He looked to her in shock. She whimpered as tears stung her eyes, "If I had never appeared here in the South Pole, your mother would be ok!" She told him. The snow shook violently around her and tears fell down her cheeks.

"It's all my fault! I should've died!" She yelled. The tower caved in and Sokka grabbed her, pulling her close. He pulled them both from the snow and looked to Chou.

"It isn't your fault. So, don't worry, ok?" He told her. She whimpered and sniffed, nodding. Sokka smiled and stood, holding out his hand.

"Come on. Dad and Katara are worried about you." He told her. She smiled softly and took his hand, getting up and following him back to the hut. When they arrived, Hakoda and Katara welcomed them with open arms. Chou smiled, feeling like she was actually home.

Well, what did you think? Good comments are very nice, good comments make me update faster! Hm...Maybe I should say that in my other stories, then I'd get them done faster XD. Anyway~! Comment nicely and the next chapter will be out before you know it~!