Note: And here we are, the epilogue. It's all over! I loved writing for all these characters and hope you all enjoyed it too. I tried to tie most of it up neatly, but still left a few things open ended for everyone to come to their own conclusions.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Axel lay comfortably on his bed, with Roxas' spiky hair tickling his chin. This is the life, he thought. A smirk appearing as he gently brushed his hand through Roxas' soft hair.

"Mmmm..." The blond mumbled, bordering the line between consciousness and sleep.

He continued to stroke his Roxy's hair absentmindedly as thoughts drifted and reflected on the past few weeks.

The two had successfully pinned Marluxia to the ground, whom held a nervous smile.

"Can't we be civil about this?" He asked, only to get a jab in the ribs by the butt end of a Keyblade.

Roxas' cold blue eyes bore into him, pure hatred seething from him. Without a word, his keyblades winked out of existence. He then held his hand up to the side and pulled open a portal.


Marluxia was puzzled, "Go? To where?"

"GO." He said again, lifting Marluxia by the collar.

"But where am I-AARRRGGG!" He yelled as Roxas threw him into the portal, hurling him across dimensions until he landed face first onto soft sand.

Marluxia felt light, almost weightless, and strangely cool. Not cold, but not warm either. He observed his surroundings in the dim light. Where the hell am I? He thought.

He then heard a very familiar tune, but couldn't place where he had heard it before. He couldn't help but hum along, it was so damn catchy. A few bars later light and movement came towards him. Finally, I can get some help. He thought, until he saw what approached. Were Why are they singing...?

His eyes bulged as cold fear and recognition flowed through him.

"No, no, no." He said, bubbles floating out of his mouth.

"...Da sea!" A red crab sang, marching forward, leading a conga line of smiling fish and aquatic life.

He looked down in horror. He no longer had legs, they had been replaced by a scaly, muscly tail. Just like a mermaid.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He bellowed, as happy fish encircled and carried him away.

When Roxy gets mad, he gets creative, mused Axel.

Luxord, Xigbar, and Xaldin had all been banished from the castle as well, but where Marluxia had his destination chosen for him, they let them choose where to go.

Axel remembered the painful and self-hating look Luxord had before opening up a portal and leaving the castle forever. Not pausing to look back at Larxene. She took it harder than she led on, spending a few days in misery locked up in her room only allowing Namine' to console her. She seems to be back to normal, though a small part of her wonders about Luxord from time to time. He does the same.

No one knew where Xemnas had gone, fleeing the battle while everyone was distracted in one way or another. Axel, along with the rest of his friends, assumed he had fled the castle and wouldn't be a problem for the time being.

Demyx and Zexion had taken to fixing the library after the damage Marluxia and Roxas had done to it, mostly for the sake of Zexion's sanity. Demyx helped when he could, but would almost always end up seducing the studious Zexion.

Axel grimaced at the thought of those two being intimate.

Speaking of intimate, he slowly drifted his hand lower and lower until he paused just above the rim of Roxas' boxer briefs. Usually the blond would smack his hand away, but he didn't this time. Emboldened, he slid his hand under the cloth fabric to bare skin.

"What're you doing?" Roxas asked against Axel's chest.

He froze, "I was thinking we could...y'know..." He said awkwardly.

Roxas looked up to Axel with curious blue eyes, "Hmmm, not now."

Axel tried to hide his disappointment, "Oh, uhm, yeah that's fine."

Roxas cupped Axel's cheek, "We can fool around after my nap."

Instantly Axel brightened, "Yeah okay!"

"Good." He said, turning over and curling up, pulling Axel behind him.

Axel scooted up, putting his arms around Roxas. The two lay in silence for a few moments, comfortable and content.

"Hey, Roxy?" He said.

"What?" He responded with mild irritation.

"I just wanna let you know I love you." He said, then kissed the back of his neck.

There was a pause, "I love you, too." He said quietly, gently squeezing Axel's hand.

It's all done! A little bittersweet, but glad at the same time.

Thanks to you all for reading!

