I am going to say this straight out, this story has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with Pokémon other than the character names. All the main character's ages are 15 and they all go to the same high school.

Now, on with the story!

It had been the same rough morning. Dawn had to get up at 7:00 to finish her homework which she didn't even start last night and by 8 o'clock, she had to get ready to go to school without even having breakfast. She was starving right now partly because she didn't have much to eat at dinner yesterday.

"Stupid, stupid me… Why didn't I eat that second helping my mom offered me…" Dawn thought to herself.

"Hey Dawn."

Ash walked up beside her.

"Oh, hey Ash. How was your morning?"

"It wasn't bad, but still pretty dreadful. I mean, I bet I'm the only one in school who wakes up at 7 in the morning to finish my homework which I should've started yesterday. I didn't even have time to eat breakfast!"

Dawn was surprised by the coincidence. "Are you serious Ash? That sounded really similar to my morning."

"Really? So you didn't have breakfast either?"

"Nope… and my stomach's paying the price for it…"

Ash felt sympatric to do something. He swung his bag forward and opened it up. He took out a sandwich and ripped it into two pieces.

"Here Dawn. I was planning to eat it all by myself but I'm not that greedy."

"Ash… I shouldn't…"

"Hey, don't sweat it. I mean after all, it's the benefits of having friends." Dawn gratefully accepted the other half of the sandwich and they both ate and talked together while walking to school.

. . .

It was finally lunch time. The math class almost made Dawn puke but the science almost killed her. She was walking with Ash to the cafeteria while discussing about her morning with him.

"I think I failed the Science Test." Dawn said without a hint of shame.

"Well, I think I blew both the Science Test and the assignment. I'm glad I'm not taking Science next year. I mean, who'd in their right mind want to spend their morning with Mr. Weaver?"

They both laughed at this. Mr Weaver had to be the dullest teacher in the entire universe. He was always talking in a tried voice as if he had just woken up and would go bananas on anyone who was caught talking.

By the time they had finished their discussion, they met up with May.

"Hey May. I'm guessing your morning was fantastic judging by that look on your face."

"I know! I think I scored a 100 on my English essay because the teach looked impressed! EEHH! I can't hold in the excitement!" she then ran off towards the cafeteria with a dozen pair of eyes looking towards the direction she ran off to. After more walking and talking, they met up with Drew, the alleged coolest dude in the whole school.

"Hey Drew. How are ya' doing?" Ash asked.

"Phff, I don't have time to talk to losers like you." He then turned his head towards another direction then flicked a goodbye-wave.

"What a jerk." Dawn commented.

"Talk about bragging about being the coolest guy when he has no true friends. They'd leave him in a second if it wasn't for his dad's job at the military."

Drew had always bragged about how his dad was a high-ranking general in the army. When he bragged about it, he'd often draw a lot of attention and then he'd start off on stories, like the how his dad led a raid against an enemy stronghold and captured it victoriously. Ash couldn't believe half of the stuff Drew had told them so he did his best to avoid Drew; unless they met accidentally.

Ash and Dawn had finally reached the cafeteria and found most of their friends waiting for them. Misty was sitting in the corner; waiting for her chance to get Ash to sit next to her while most of his other friends were at the tables a few rows away from her. As an instinct, Ash and Dawn moved towards their group of friends but someone appeared in front of them…

"Ash!" Misty said in a false-surprised tone. "You're eating with me today!" she then grabbed his wrist and started to pull him away.

"Oh no you don't Misty!" Dawn then grabbed Ash's other hand and pulled him towards her. Now the two girls were in a tug-o-war situation with Ash being the rope. The war had attracted many people and now there was a crowd surrounding them.

"UGH! DAWN! MISTY! LET GO!" Ash yelled. Dawn loosened her grip as Misty tightened it and as a result, Ash fell flying side-ways and landed on top of Misty; making her blush.

"Oh, hey Ash…" she said in a somewhat seductive tone.

"Uh yeah, I'll see you later Misty." Ash then got up and brushed himself off before heading towards Dawn again.

"Wait Ash! Could you sit next to me today? We can eat lunch together and talk and –"

"Misty, if you want to talk to me that badly, why not join us at our table?"

Misty frowned at this. "I wanted some privacy between us, and them." She then pointed to the group who were now waiting for Ash and Dawn to join them.

"Um… sorry Misty. Think I'll pass."

He then slowly walked away with Dawn to the group's table. Misty never liked rejections nor did she receive much in her life. Sure she had been dating Tracey but she knew he wasn't the right person for her. After all, Tracey did admit that the only reason he had dated her was to have an excuse to spend more time with Daisy; her sister and now that they had admitted their feelings for each other, he didn't need her anymore. When she heard that, Misty felt as though she had been slapped across the face and so she slapped him before running away; swearing to never talk to him again.

Tracey and Daisy were now a couple and Misty felt somewhat, envious. She thought that maybe if she went out with Ash, Tracey would rethink what he had done… or so she thought.

. . .


The bell signifying the end of school had rung. The entire school roared with talking and commotion before all the noise was drowned at the exit doors. Ash had managed to stay with Dawn but told her that he would meet her outside.

"Alright, don't forget to wait for me!" Dawn yelled over the sea of voices.

"Hey! I'm not that slow!" he then gave her a wink before she went off smiling.

. . .

Ash was waiting outside the school now. He was standing right next to the exit doors of the school and was carefully examining each face that left the building. Ash was searching for Dawn but instead, he found Misty. She noticed him standing next to the doors and ran over to him.

"Hey Ash!" she said in a fake-cheery voice.

"What's up Misty?"

"Nothing much… so I was wondering if you'd like to take me out to the dance on Friday?"

"Whoa, Misty. You know I can't do that, you're in a relationship with Tracey." He then took a closer look at her expression and saw the truth. "Oh… I'm guessing your relationship didn't go too well?"

"Yeah… Tracey and I broke up, but I was wondering if you'd like to take me out to the dance."

"Sorry Misty. That's a no-can-do. I hope you understand."

Misty gave out a sigh of disappointment when Ash had rejected her invitation and with a sad face, she turned around and began to walk away.

When Misty was out of eye-sight, Dawn came out through the front doors. Ash pushed through the sea of people to meet up with her.

"What took you so long?" Ash asked.

"Traffic, it's always an issue in society these days." she replied with a sarcastic tone.

Ash chuckled before moving on. "Alright, let's go now."

. . .

The way back home was a silent one. Neither of them had spoken because both had something on their minds. Ash was wondering whether to ask Dawn to the dance or not and Dawn was wondering if Ash was going to ask her to the dance. Of course, Dawn's answer would've been a yes but Ash hadn't asked her, yet. When they arrived at the crossroad separating their houses, Ash finally got the courage to speak-up.

"Dawn, I got something to ask you."

"Huh? What is it Ash?"

Ash hesitated for a moment before asking her the question.

"Will you go out to the dance with me on Friday night?" he asked.

Dawn was shocked at the question but at the same time, she was happy. She didn't give her reply and that made Ash worried.

"Listen Dawn, you don't have to accept if you don't want to…" Ash said with a disappointed tone.

"You must be out of your mind if you're thinking that I'm going to reject you."

Ash lifted his head and with hopeful eyes, he wanted to confirm what he had heard.

"So… that's a yes?"

"Well, if it's a no you want…" Dawn said sarcastically.

"No! I mean yes I want a –…"Ash stopped for a moment to think over what he had just said. "Ugh I feel so stupid now…"

Dawn started to laugh hysterically and soon after, Ash joined in. "Hey! I was just kidding! Of course I want to go to the dance with you! I mean after all I -"

"Huh?" Ash instantly stopped laughing to hear what Dawn had to say. "Was she about to say that she loved me or am I jumping to conclusions?"

"I… wouldn't want to go with anybody else other than you Ash." she said quickly improvising.

"Oh… alright then. I'll see you tomorrow Dawn."

"You too. Bye Ash!"

"Bye!" Then the two both went their separate ways while waving back to each other.