Rainbow by Andrea Churchill
"Are you gonna be the same when they make you change your name? They just break us day by day into millions of small pieces of rainbow. When do you think it will rain? I really wish it could rain now. Take my hand and see we're still part of the rainbow"
-Emilie Simon, song "Rainbow" (I really think the lyrics to this song describe, in a nutshell, this story. I recommend listening, it's a good song.) =]
I think this is the best fan fiction I've written in a long time. It's about Shego's past, before Dr. D, and her life with her brothers, starting around the time they got their powers. Comment and favorite! =]
Over time Shego soon became a well-known criminal wanted in 11 different countries. 'Wanted' signs of her were posted almost everywhere, so soon she learned how to be stealthy and sneaky when going out in public, whether to steal or simply get some fresh air while leaping rooftops. Shego jumped from country to country, but always stayed her distance from Go City. She promised herself she would never return there in her life. She traveled all throughout Europe and stayed lots of her time in the Middle East, getting acquainted with the ever famous black market and its associates. She was surprised to find her Scottish acquaintance one evening working a deal with a big trader named 'Big Daddy Brotherson'. 'Small world to see that guy again, here of all places…' She thought. Shego also mocked the funny name of the big trader, but she quickly had her ego checked when she realized, after a few weeks, how important Big Daddy Brotherson really was in the market. Shego became a frequent trader for some time, getting small jobs here and there for traders. She worked for Big Daddy, for her Scottish friend who happen to be named 'Duff Killigan', and a few others. But, none of them provided the right comfort and the right paycheck that she wanted…didn't mean she ever said 'no' to a job offer, however.
After a few months of working with Big Daddy, Shego was sent all over the world to oversee deals made with other criminals. It gave her a great chance to meet other villains, grow connections, and see the world. The paycheck got her going, but the job was demanding and stressful. Her hours were almost 24/7 and she never had time for herself. Always, she was working. Always, she was under surveillance. She was sent to Africa, Asia, and even South America. For some time Shego worked in the Caribbean and Central America, and got into the villainous culture more and more. She was interested in learning about the mainstream 'villains', not just criminals. Villains were bigger, better. They were like the Las Vegas of malicious activity. They were the celebrities of misconduct. Villains were known throughout the whole wide world. They could practically get anything they wanted, from anyone. The more Shego learned about the life of a criminal, the more she loved it and the more she dreamed of being a villain. She looked up to them as heroes, and judged all as wonderful, evil people. On the outside, everything looked so easy. Shego learned from evil coworkers and friends, those who have been in the business far longer than she, taught her what villains were really like, how different they were, and how all the villains were frenemies to each other.
She learned about the villain media, too—how there was almost an underground, malevolent medium separate than the normal public tabloids, newspapers, and TV shows. Shego was introduced to public gatherings like something called the 'Villains Convention', a place where all the mainstream villains and a few smaller, secondary ones meet up and catch up, and buy or sell weapons and other useful equipment for their schemes. Shego worked with traders for a company called 'Hench Co', which she was told to be the biggest evil trading company in the world. It's founder was a man named Jack Hench. The company is so big, she was told, that they even founded the 'henchman' and employed and trained the best of the best…for a very expensive price, that is. Shego was introduced to evil TV shows like "Evil Eye for the Bad Guy". She was told to check out the biggest evil magazines, tabloids, websites, newspapers…they held advertisements, news, gossip, and information on the latest evil schemes.
One day Shego was reading an evil magazine and came across an advertisement under the job section:
Sidekick Needed
Exceptional pay, housing and protection given
Body guard and thieving skills required
As soon as she could get her green hands on a computer, Shego emailed the given address. She asked if the job was still open and if she could get an interview. Only about an hour later, she got a reply. She was given an address that wasn't too far from where she was. The employer, a man named Dr. Drakken, apparently an evil scientist, had a lair in the middle of the Caribbean. It was on a mountainous island, and when Shego arrived there she could see several 'Keep Out' and 'Haunted' signs on the bottom. At the very tippy top of the mountain was a several story, dark edifice. It had a very spooky effect to it all. That being said, Shego got a good feeling from it.
She was told to enter the lair by the front. One of Dr. Drakken's henchmen would let her in personally. When she rung the bell, the door slid open and standing before her was a tall, large man clad in a bright red jumpsuit with a hood and goggles. The man stepped aside and let her in. The lair was big, dark, and kind of smelly, which set Shego off a little bit. She turned to ask the henchman where to go for the interview, but she didn't have time to ask before the floor gave way and she slid down a spiral shaft several feet down, acting almost like a slide. The bottom opened up and Shego fell into a sitting position on top of a plush red chair. She was in a library, it seemed, with many bookshelves and a roaring fireplace in the back. Right in front of her sat another plush red chair, and in it sat a blue man.
Not only was his lab coat blue, but his skin was blue as well. It was light, but very, very noticeable. Drakken's appearance startled her, not only because it gave off a 'creep' factor but he reminded her of Hego. His hair was black—spiky at the top and a small ponytail in the back, and he had an unfriendly unibrow. His eyes were black and had dark circles under them. And, under his left eye was a thick, long scar that 'oomped' up the creep factor just a little. Shego waited for him to speak as she wondered how he came to have blue skin.
"So, Miss uh…Shego, is it?" he asked. His voice was a little high and cranky.
Shego simply nod her head. She couldn't stop looking at Drakken's blue skin. Was he mutated too?
"So…Shego, what makes you think you are an eligible candidate to be my sidekick? What skills do you have?" he looked at her in a weird way, almost as if he was trying too hard to seem powerful and high-maintenance.
"Well let's see…" Shego began. "I've been a thief for a few years now…the police haven't caught me yet and I'm wanted in 11 countries, apparently. I grew up fighting…um, people and gained martial arts skills that way, I have powers, and I know how to fly a jet. I'm also smart and cunning and I'm pretty good with—"
"Wait—what do you mean by you have powers?" Drakken turned his head to the side like a curious dog.
Shego lifted her hand and showed the scientist her glow. The green, blazing plasma cackled like fire and Drakken's eyes widened like a kid in a candy shop.
"You're hired." He said.
Drakken started her off by stealing a few items for him, and she was allowed her own room in his lair that she was able to decorate to her liking. He told her to do what she wanted to make herself at home, and he introduced her to all his henchmen, including the big one she met. Shego seemed to think Drakken's henchmen were a bit out of shape, but she didn't say anything. She also thought they were lazy bums with no evil potential, but she didn't say anything of that either. Drakken showed her a jet she would be using for transportation, along with many of his inventions. She was introduced to something called a 'Gravatomic Ray', which defied the gravity of an item, and then destroyed it once sucked into the ray. The mad scientist demonstrated with a few pieces of furniture. He also showed Shego another vehicle of transportation, something he called a 'hovercraft', or a round, floating, flying boat it seemed like.
Over time Shego seemed more accustomed to Dr. Drakken and his ways. Soon enough she started to realize that he wasn't what she first thought him to be. It was safe to say that Drakken was a wimp, but he pretended not to be. He also only cared for himself, but that was perfectly understandable for any villain. Shego would be the same, but it was her job now to look after Drakken. She had to give up a lot of things to not tick her new boss off, but considering the fact that he was such a wimp, Shego let her restrictions slide, took advantage of him, and treated him with the same attitude she had with everyone. Shego remembered him once saying to her:
"You're risky and you're smart-mouthed…you should be lucky that you do your job so well."
When he said that, he tried to sound threatening, but Shego knew he could and would never take control of her.
Often times Shego considered quitting the job because of Drakken's personality. She thought her reputation was in jeopardy for helping this guy, but she had to keep reminding herself: 'Alright. So he is a dork. But it is better pay than I have ever seen, and I don't know if or when I will have this opportunity again.'
Drakken would rant to her about how his friends teased him in his youth, about his mother, and most of the time about some guy named 'Dementor'. They were things to tell your best friend, not your employee. But, alas, he ranted away. The worst of it was that every Friday night he would drag her to hear him sing karaoke to some cheesy boy band.
Though the job was…stressful, it had its perks. Drakken gave her so much time to herself to do what she pleased…she had almost complete freedom. As long as she did her job of doing what he asked, he let her do almost anything. It was a 24/7 job, but that didn't mean she was always working.
One day Drakken started telling her of a 'plot' he came up with to take over the world. That was in fact his dream, and the first step in succeeding involved her going into the Amazon to the home of one Professor Acari and stealing an experimental project.
Shego did what he asked—she took the jet, flew it into the Amazon rainforest, found the small tree house that belonged to the professor and did what she had to to steal the project which, she was told, could be found in the computer. However, there was only one problem.
Drakken never told her about the bugs.
Shego tried so hard not to squeal or scream when she found the home infested with the weirdest species of bugs she has ever seen. The computer itself was covered with moths. But Shego knew that being a villain brought some pretty weird cards to the table—she did what she had to, holding in her cool the whole time. She took the disc from the computer, loaded the software onto a hard drive Drakken gave her, and while it was loading, took out a security camera in the corner of the room.
When she got back, it was the same procedure with when she first met blue boy. As she walked into the lair, the floor gave way, she spiraled down into the chair in the library, and Dr. Drakken had his back to her, staring at the fireplace.
"Ever considered a normal door?" Shego mumbled.
He turned around. "Did you get it?" he asked.
"I got it. I don't know why you'd want it, but I got it." She took the disc out and handed it to him. He snatched it and glared at her.
"My plan will reveal itself in due course, Shego." He turned away and looked at the disc, holding it in both of his hands, and sang a little song. "Who wants to build a robot tick? I do, I do!" he gave a little laugh, and Shego walked up behind him with a pitiful expression.
"Uh, Doctor Drakken? You do know you said that out loud, don't you?"
Drakken said nothing from the English language, but instead grunted and made weird little noises in frustration.
Immediately Drakken got to work on his 'robot tick'. He stood in the room with goggles on, holding a remote control, and standing before a machine. He moved the joystick around and around and it controlled a laser, piecing together his project. He annoyingly hummed while working. Shego was on the opposite side of the room watching over the monitors.
Hours and hours went by. Shego waited for Drakken to finish as she read a magazine or two and filed her nails sharper. At around 9 o'clock pm, the intruder alarm went off. Shego eyed the screen as it showed to her a girl, a boy, and a small mammal scuba diving through their territory.
"Intruder alert!" Shego yelled over the alarm.
Drakken turned his head to yell back at her. "Can't hear you! Intruder alert too loud!"
Gosh he can be so stupid at times.
Shego pushed a button on the computers that opened the suction portal. Shego continued to watch the monitor as the portal opened, and sucked in their new three prisoners along with some of the ocean. Drakken sent Shego down to tie up the prisoners and await for him to join her.
She did as such, roping the teenage girl and boy and their odd creature tightly together. She forced them to stand on a small platform, which was raised above a pit infested with hungry sharks. Shego waited, hands on hips, and eyed the three intruders as Dr. Drakken made his entrance. The girl looked vaguely familiar to her, and as her boss came in, he confirmed her suspicions.
"I have heard of you…the world famous teen hero Kim Possible." He said, joining Shego by her side.
"And her…chum." Shego added smugly.
At that moment Shego thought they had 'em. She thought they would get rid of the infamous teen hero and her posse, do the world a big favor, and increase their reputations as far as they could go. She thought Drakken was actually going to win, get away with his plan, and rule the world with her by his side. She felt very, very smug, and truly like a villain for the first time in her life. It felt good to have intruders, torture them, interrogate them, and have someone to take her evil out on. Besides—what's the point of being evil if there aren't any heroes to fight back? She's been through a lot, having to deal with her powers and the pressure and rejection from classmates, the police, the media, and even her own brothers. She was a new Shego, but in a way she was the same. It felt just right where she stood, before the threesome that was soon to be shark bait.
Thing is, Shego really didn't know what she signed up for.