A/N: This story plot just popped into my head. This is a Bella/Harry story. I will only be updating when new ideas pop into my head. I will probably put a few chapters up today and tomorrow, but after that I won't be sure. Oh and this story is going to have an Assward, not Edward. He is totally going to be a dickhead in this story, so sorry to those who like Edward. I'm not sure about the rest of the Cullens, some might be nice and others might be mean. So anyway, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight.

Gabrielle's POV

What an asshole! He left me in the middle of the forest right after he broke up with me in the cruelest way ever.


"Bella come take a walk with me," said Edward.

We walked in silence for about 20 minutes. Then he stopped and turned around.

"Bella we're leaving," he said in a bored tone.

Thank Merlin! I can finally go home. I won't be late for my fourth year...oh wait...I got to make him believe that I'm in love with him.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Oh my gawd! I thought I could do this nicely, but you just seem to be really slow," he sneered at me. "I never loved you. You were just a play thing to me, even to Alice. I used you for your mind, you're the only person I can be around that I can't 'hear'. It was fun while it lasted. Now you just bore me."

I was shocked. My mouth was hanging open, I couldn't even speak.

"Oh, before I forget...I was cheating on you. You could never be good enough for me because you are a stupid, pathetic, ugly human. I found some one that is way better then you," he said and then disappeared.

End Flashback

I can't believe he did that. I know that he was a controlling, over protective guy, but I didn't peg him as an asshole.

I mean, okay so I used him to pass the time here, his family was fun, but he didn't needed to say all that.

If I was really Bella Swan, I would probably still be in the forest and crying my eyes out. But I'm not. I'm not even all the way human. I am a witch, but not an ordinary witch. I am part Veela and I am a metamorphagi. I can also have visions, when I have them, they are always right.

My real name is Gabrielle Delacour, and I am really 14, not 18. I have blue eyes and long silvery-blonde hair. I am not very tall, I am five feet two inches. My body is curvy in all the right places, I have an hourglass figure. My chest is pretty big, a D cup. And I have a great ass. So I really don't look like plain Bella Swan, so what he said didn't hurt me.

So now I get to go back home to be with my real family. I don't have to do this muggle study anymore. I was sent here before second term started and could come back during the summer. I have never been so far away from my big sister Fleur for this long. I miss her the most, I now she has to be worried about me, she always does. She's afraid that Voldemort might come back and get me, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Let you me tell you more about me. I am one of the children that lived. My family were friends with the Potters. I was staying at their house with them in hiding. Apprently there was a prophecy about us and my parents wanted to keep me safe so I was with the Potters. So the night that Volemort showed up, he tried to kill both me and Harry Potter, but instead we made it out alive with a scar each. Harry's is on his head and mine is below my right collar bone.

I haven't seen Harry, but I heard he goes to Hogwarts now. Hopefully I'll see him some day.

Today I was going home. I sent an owl to Madame Maxime and told her I was ready to come home, and she said to use the Floo Network, and she would send someone to make all the memories of Bella Swan disappear.

I had all my stuff with me and was now standing in front of the fireplace. I had changed into my original self, but I couldn't have my accent back until I got home because I can't use magic yet outside of school. I called out "Delacour Mannor" and was transported to my home.

"Mum, Dad, Fleur? Where are you? I'm home," I said.

"Gabrielle, iz zat you? Vut 'appened to your accent?" asked mum as she came to hug me.

"The school used a spell to take it away, I need one of you to give it back," I answered.

Mum stepped back and placed her wand to my throat and said the spell to change it back.

"Ah, zat iz better," I sighed. "Zank you."

Just then my big sister came running into the room and yelled, "Gabrielle! I 'ave mizzed you."

"I mizzed you too!" I exclaimed and ran to hug her.

"It 'as been a boring zummer wizout you. Ve leave in a few dayz to go to ze school. Ve just need to get you new robes, ve already got your school zupplies," she said as she let me go.

"Vere iz dad, I vant to zee 'im before we leave to get my robes," I said.

"I'm right 'ere. Now, vere iz my my baby girl?" dad asked right before I tackled him.

"Come on Elle, ve need to get your stuff and zen spend ze rest of ze time talking about your stay in America," said Fleur as she dragged me out of the house.

Today is our first day back at Beauxbatons Academy. We are eating dinner and just talking about our summers. I was telling Fleur and mines thee best friends, Katrina, Octavia, and Vanessa, about Assward and what he did to me.

"Yeah, zat's vut 'e said, 'e iz zo lucky zat I didn't love 'im," I said.

"It iz zo like you too play around viz vampires," said Nessa with a giggle.

"I 'ad a vizion of ze Cullens ze other day. It vaz Azzward, ze pixie bitch, and ze ice queen. Alice and Rosalie are cheating on Jasper and Emmett with Azzward. Zose poor boyz deserve better zen zose sluts," I said to them.

"From vut you told us about zem, zey zeem nice. I vonder if zey are good looking," said Tavia.

"Zey are," I giggled.

That's all I got to say about Jazz and Em before Madame Maxime stood up to talk.

"Velcome back ladiez and gentlemen. I 'ave a few announcements tonight. First, I vould like to velcome back Miss Gabrielle Delacour. She vas on a muggle study in America. Now, I vould like to announce zat at ze end of October ve vill be 'eading to 'Ogwarts because zey vill be 'osting ze triwizard tournament. Only sixz and sevenz years are going for sure. Ze only zird years zat are going are Vanessa Boyette, Octavia Allore, and Gabrielle Delacour..." She went on, but I stopped listining after she said that Nessa, Tavia, and I get to go.

I was excited because I finally get to see Hogwarts and meet Harry Potter. This is going to be a great trip.


A/N: I want to know if I should keep going or just give up now, so please let me know what you think. I might put another chapter or two up tonight, but if not I will tomorrow.