You can't break a broken heart
Hermione decided to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays and help the staff rebuild the damaged castle after a recent battle with Voldermort's followers. But will a threat made be enough to bring the witch closer to Minerva?
AN – please review nicely. I haven't published anything for a while because of my exams. Remember, more reviews means more chapters. :)
Chapter one
1O minutes. That's how long it had been since Hermione had run out of Minerva's office in tears. She knew that partially it was her fault, and that she should be grateful that Minerva hadn't made the situation worse by demanding to know what had caused it, but still the pain that coursed through Hermione's vein was excruciating. Bursting through the portrait, Hermione flung herself onto the sofa in front of the fire, hot tears rolling down her cheeks despite her futile efforts to wipe them away. Something soft gently brushed itself against Hermione's hand. Hermione looked down; her heart sinking when she realized it was Crookshanks, not Minerva. She scooped up the large ginger cat, holding him close as the tears began to flow anew.
"What have I done Crookshanks?" Hermione sobbed. The large cat mewed softly, offering his owner comfort with his presence. Hermione felt her eyes grow heavy. She had no idea how long she had remained there her silent sobs racking her body until the physical and mental exhaustion took over.
Minerva stared at the door that her protégé had just run out of. Minerva knew she should go after her, but how could she? Hermione had just dropped a bombshell on her doorstep. Sighing loudly, Minerva wiped her eyes, not surprised to find her tears had not yet dried. Reaching behind her, she grabbed a bottle of fire whisky, her hand hovering over the stopper of the bottle. What am I doing? Minerva growled angrily storming out of her office, leaving the bottle behind her. Her mind replayed the critical moment where her relationship with the one student she truly trusted in her teaching career could have been destroyed.
"Miss Granger? What on earth are you doing out of bed?"
"Please forgive the late intrusion professor, but I'm afraid this couldn't wait. "
"What is it? Are you hurt?"
"In a manner of speaking, yes—"
"Oh gods, we have to find poppy!"
"Minerva! Please, let me explain. I don't know how to explain this so I shall just say it. I love you. I have from the moment I walked into the great hall seven years ago. At the start, I hoped, prayed that it was a simple crush that would fade over time, but if anything, my feelings for you have deepened. I love you Minerva, and I know you feel the same way."
"M-Miss Granger have you any idea how old I am?"
"52 years, 9 months, 7 days."
"Yes, and you are 18. You're still young; you're just confused about your feelings."
"NO! I have wrestled with my feelings for you for seven years. I love you Minerva McGonagall."
"I think you should leave. Now. I am your professor, and nothing more."
Minerva stopped abruptly, had she really said that? She shakily drew in a breath, leaning against the wall as the tears flooded her emerald eyes. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Her feelings for Hermione had developed over the years and she was unable to deny that she was in love with Hermione Granger. Admitting her feelings for the head girl was difficult, but telling her that she had no romantic feelings for her was almost impossible. But she knew she had to do it. It was improper of her to pursue a relationship with a student no matter how badly she wanted it.
"You should go after her you know." Minerva turned slowly, her mouth hanging open in shock and fear. Bellatrix Lestrange stepped out of the shadows; a mad grin spread across her war torn features. On instinct, Minerva reached into her robes, frowning when she remembered that her wand was lying next to the bottle of fire whisky.
"You won't need that my dear Minerva." Bellatrix taunted stepping closer to the professor who had taught her many years ago.
"What do you want Bellatrix? Surely you know that the others are on their way?"
"Ahh yes, but there is a little flaw in your plan my darling. You see; I'm not actually here. "Bellatrix laughed loudly, her voice echoing off the walls. Minerva shuddered at the sound, her body already pumping with adrenaline. Bellatrix studied the professor closely, before grinning, the sight making the hair on Minerva's neck stand on end.
"You haven't aged a bit my dear Minerva. I can't blame Granger for falling in love with you. If I were you, I would go after her, just to make sure she" Bellatrix smirked as the realization struck Minerva like a speeding bullet.
"If you hurt her –"
"Oh so you do care for the mudblood!"
"Don't call her that!" Minerva growled angrily. Bellatrix walked slowly behind Minerva, her lips hovering slightly above Minerva's right ear. The close proximity was enough to make Minerva shudder softly.
"I must admit I'm impressed. But don't you think it was a bit foolish to destroy her trust in you? I don't think it was wise of you to allow her out of your sight."
"If you even think of harming Hermione you son of a –"
"I think you've harmed her enough for both of us."
"MINERVA!" Albus Dumbledore shouted, his wand drawn out. The other professors, upon seeing Bellatrix drew their own wands in shock.
"Oh don't worry; your dear transfiguration professor is quite well. But I wouldn't say the same for your mudblood friend." Bellatrix cackled before being engulfed by flames. Minerva rushed backwards, shielding her eyes from the intense light.
"Minerva? What was she talking about?" Poppy asked, her voice shaking slightly. Minerva shook her head, in confusion. She knew very well what that witch of a woman was talking about, but she would be damned if her fellow professors found out. No, she would have to speak to Albus about this. She looked up at Albus, who immediately ushered the professors to secure the castle, leaving the two old friends alone to deal with the issues that had arisen in a single hour.
"Well what Albus?"
"Are you going to go after Hermione or not?"
Hermione groaned loudly, her fingers slowly working out the kinks in her neck that had developed from sleeping on the sofa. She stood up and decided that she wasn't going to sit around and wait for Minerva to realize her feelings. No, she was going to bed. Climbing the stone stairs to the girl's dormitories, Hermione realized how much she missed the sound of teen gossip, and pillow fights. She walked over to her bed, pulling out a pair of light blue shorts and a tank top to match. She slipped her clothes on and climbed under the crisp white sheets, but not before brushing her hair back into a loose ponytail.
She was just about to drift off to sleep when she heard a knock on the door. She was quite content to ignore it completely, hoping that whoever it was would come back in the morning, after all she was hardly in the mood to discuss anything with anyone tonight. Unfortunately the person on the other side of the door refused to give in.
"Miss Granger?"
Hermione slipped on her dressing gown and slowly walked to the door. She opened it and smiled softly into the face of Albus Dumbledore.
"Professor? Is everything alright?"
"May I come in dear?" Hermione stood aside, closing the door as Albus sat on one of the emptied beds. She frowned at the worried expression on his face, and she could only conclude that something was wrong.
"Hermione, are you alright?"
"Me sir? Umm I'm fine I suppose. Why do you ask?"
Albus at this point stood and walked towards the window, beckoning Hermione to follow. Together they watched the rain beat against the window.
"Earlier this evening, Professor McGonagall was confronted by Bellatrix Lestrange. And the main topic of conversation was you."
Hermione gasped, turning away from the calming sight of the rain.
"Is she ok?" She was suddenly hit by a wave of panic. If Bellatrix had harmed her in any way, someone would have to petrify her to stop her from killing the bitch. Sensing the emotional turmoil the young witch was experiencing Dumbledore placed a soothing hand on her shoulder.
"Minerva is fine; it's you I am more worried about."
"Me headmaster?" Hermione walked over to her bed, and sat on the edge, waiting patiently for the headmaster to elaborate on his statement.
"Yes my dear. You see, Minerva does care for you. Deeply. The only thing stopping her from telling you herself is her own irrational fear."
"With all due respect sir, she doesn't care about me. She told me herself."
"You know she cares for you –"
"Then why didn't she come up here and make sure I was alright?" Hermione couldn't hide the quiver in her voice as she battled with her emotions. She knew it was selfish to presume that the women she loved would forget about their discussion and rush up here just to make sure she was ok. Albus nodded his head and waited for her to calm down before answering her question.
"The same reason she hasn't told you her true feelings – she's afraid."
Albus had left Hermione a few minutes later, allowing her to think over his words. He walked slowly down the corridor, nodding at the various portraits. The excitement had long since died down, allowing a sense of security to surround the occupants of Hogwarts.
"How was she?" Minerva asked, slipping out of the shadows, her eyes slightly red and puffy.
"She's fine given the circumstances." Albus muttered, walking past her. He hadn't meant to be so harsh, but he could no longer sit back and watch Minerva ruin the last chance of happiness she would get, and if that meant damaging the relationship he had with the deputy headmistress, then it was a small price to pay. Minerva gaped at the retreating form of her friend, a wave of guilt washing over her...again. An internal war raged inside of her, should she follow Albus and demand he tell her what he meant by that last remark, go to bed and hope that tomorrow would be better...or find Hermione.
The sun rose slowly, sending streams of golden rays throughout the valley surrounding Hogwarts. Despite the warmth created by the sunbeams casting shadows on the walls, Hermione pulled her coat tighter around her as she continued her walk around the grounds. Usually, Hermione would head straight for the great hall, but today was different. She had decided late last night, to avoid Minerva for a few days; god knew they both needed time apart.
"Have any of you seen Hermione?" Poppy asked as she helped herself to a piece of toast. The professors remaining in Hogwarts were gathered around a large circular table replacing the four narrow tables that usually occupied the room. Rolanda shook her head quickly, as she continued to shovel spoonfuls of scrambled eggs into her mouth. Professor Snape watched in disgust before turning back to his own meal which he ate with a lot less gusto.
"No I haven't. She's probably in the library – "
"Which was completely destroyed Severus!" Madam Pince muttered, her eyes clouding over at the mention of her precious sanctuary which was cruelly ripped from her.
"I do believe I saw her by the black lake." Pomona chimed in pushing her plate away from her. The table was plunged into silence. No one had discussed the events that had taken place a few weeks ago at the black lake. The large wooden doors at the end of the hall were flung open as Minerva walked briskly towards the table. Her black hair was tied into a loose ponytail, showing off the pale skin of her neck. She smiled gratefully as Albus poured her a cup of tea without sugar, which was something he refused to understand. Minerva looked around the table, instantly noticing the lack of a certain bushy haired student.
"Where is Miss Granger?" The use of her last name sent a shiver of unease to flood the table. Everyone knew how close those two had become, and to hear the icy tone muttered was enough to stop Severus from saying what everyone presumed was a sarcastic comment.
"She's by the black lake Minerva." Albus said, matter-of-factly. Minerva nodded her head slowly, before grabbing a slice of buttered toast and walking out the door.
Hermione walked towards the black lake, the cold winter wind whipping around her harshly. She sat on the sand, clutching her robes closer to her as the water worked its way towards her. She was so lost in thought she failed to notice the sound of someone apparating behind her.
"Enjoying the view mudblood?"
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Chapter two