A Case of Nerves

Characters: Alice and Tarrant

Chapters: 1/3

Rating: Leading up to a delicious M, the first two chappies are simply a sweet T.

Summary: The night before Frabjous day is filled with worries for Alice. To make matters worse, the Hatter shows up in her room ready to instruct her in the art of slaying…

Chapter 1

She had never felt so nervous. And for so many different reasons. Nervous of never awakening from this dream. Nervous over the pressure the White Queen had placed on her shoulders. Nervous for the friends she had met along her way. Nervous that if she did decide to be the champion of Underland, she would fail. Nervous that she had never learned how to fence; not that a proper lady would know how.

Alice smiled briefly as the vision of her sisters shocked face floated in her mind. But her worries resurfaced and Margaret's face was pushed from her thoughts. Pacing, moving back and forth in her spacious room, Alice didn't hear the soft knock or the door to her chamber slowly open. So when the soft lispy voice of the Hatter spoke behind her, Alice jumped.

"Forgive the intrusion." Alice clutched at her heart as the Hatter moved closer, concern on his face. "The door came open with my knock, I was worried when you didn't answer."

"Everything is fine Hatter. I was just deep in my thoughts," as Alice smiled to reassure him, a whole new wave of nerves hit her stomach and they had nothing to do with the battle tomorrow. Realizing she was in nothing but her bedclothes, Alice grabbed for the robe that had been left for her and hastily slid it over her shoulders. Upon whirling back to him, she found that he had turned away from her, giving her the privacy she needed and it endeared him to her even more.

Their earlier discussion on the balcony had left her confused in her feelings for her friend. He was not like any man she had ever met and the more time they spent together, the harder it was for her to think about parting ways. She had sincerely meant it when she had told him she would miss him upon awaking from this dream. Comfortably, they had settled next to each other, looking over Mirana's garden in the moonlight. After several quiet moments had transpired and the night darkened further, Alice had excused herself for the evening. His tender brush of fingers, lifting her hair from her cheek as he wished her goodnight had sent such a shiver down her spine…blushing at the memory, Alice tried to look anywhere but his warm smile or his enticingly curious eyes which led her down to the items he had clutched in his hands.

"Whatever are those for?" Alice's voice quivered slightly.

"These?" Hatter held up the scabbards and looked from them to Alice and back again. Certainly she knew what they were for. What he wasn't sure of is if she knew how to handle one. And why should she? Soft, sweet Alice who did not slay. They had made it this far together and if she did make the decision to be the champion he wanted her to have some knowledge before putting her in dangers way.

"I thought perhaps some practice." The look that flew across her face was pure panic and Hatter lowered the blades as he hesitantly took a few more steps toward the lovely girl. "I am not assuming that you have made up your mind." He scrambled for something to convince her to spar. "You would be helping me!"

"Helping you?" Alice looked suspiciously at the swords. Hatter simply nodded his head and smiled innocently.

"I intend to step forward as champion tomorrow."

"No." Alice shook her head.

"Rather me than you…" His sad gaze moved from her eyes to the floor between them. Endless quiet moments passed while Alice's mind raced with thoughts. It wasn't enough that she was nervous about accepting her role in this dream but now she would feel guilt if Hatter stood in her place, if he was to be the one to defend the White Queen. Would she ever be able to leave this world if she didn't follow whatever fate lay ahead of her? And if he was injured…or death found it's way to where he stood…finally pushing away all worries, Alice decided enough was enough for tonight and smiled, holding out her hand.

"I never have fenced before."

Hatter's eyes snapped up to her adorable face and his whole being lit up upon seeing her smile. That sunny smile of hers did odd things to his knees…

"Well! Then I shall have to show you some of the basic movements."