"Hey, Quinn," Will Shuster sais, ushering Quinn Fabray into his apartment. "You brought pizza. Thanks."

She smiled in response.

Will went and set it down on the coffee table, and then he took Quinn's coat and shoes. He offered her a seat on the couch.

The two sat and stood in silence for what seemed like quite a while.

"This is weird, isn't it?"

"Kind of, yeah." Quinn said. "Well, actually… I'm glad I caught you alone. I've been meaning to say something to you."

Will wore a confused expression. "What is it?"

"I… I'm so sorry, Mr. Shue." Quinn buried her face in her hands. Will moved over to the couch, his heart filled with concern and curiosity.

"For what?"

"For lying to you. To everyone. I knew about Terri's fake pregnancy and… and I helped her hide it to help me. I lied to Finn… he didn't deserve that, but mostly you didn't deserve what Terri... what Terri and I put you through!" Quinn began sobbing, re-burying her face in her hands.

"What, Quinn? No!"

"No, Mr. Shue, you're just saying that because I'm your student and you have to be nice to me…and you think it wasn't my fault, but it was just as much as hers… I'm no better than her. I'm just like her! You have every right to hate me and, you know what? You sh…" she stopped talking as she felt Will wrap his arms around her, pulling her closer to him.

"Don't feel that way. Quinn, whatever wrong you've done me, I forgive you."

"You didn't forgive Terri, why should you forgive me?"

"Because, Quinn… you were a teenage girl who made a couple mistakes. Terri is a woman who had had time to develop and make her own choices. You lied because you didn't want to hurt Finn, but Terri lied because she didn't want to be hurt."

Quinn didn't know what to say, suddenly feeling a non-studently admiration for the gentleman. "I-I'll go get plates." Breaking their embrace, she went to the kitchen and stayed there until all the other students arrived, thinking about what her teacher had said, and all the other things she regretted about the whole school year.

And she realized, drying her eyes, her biggest regret next to sleeping with Puck was not lying to Finn…

It was hurting Will.