Author's note: Please don't think this story is related to my other one. It isn't. I'm starting the other story completely over, so I made this one to keep you guys busy while I fight through some writers block. Enjoy. (: I don't own Vampire Academy, duh.

The sun starts to peek through my blinds, prying my eyes right open. What time is it? Six o' clock in the morning. Day Light Savings time obviously had no care for my sleeping needs. I stumbled out of my bed, my legs caving in. My brain was thumping louder than my heartbeat, and it had become suddenly hard to focus on.

Looking around, I tried to remember why I had even gotten up. No one else would be up now, which means no breakfast. Which means hungry stomach. Which means empty bladder. Actually, beyond my belief, my bladder was completely full. That's what I was supposed to do. I dragged my feet underneath me, trying to make sure I didn't loose my footing. No one else needed to see the mess their son had become.

A failing, alcoholic, disappointment of their son.

I stumbled all the way to the bathroom, tripping over nothing. My vision is all still blurry and I can't see for shit. This was a usual casualty for me, so fortunately, I knew where everything was by memory. Shirt hanging slightly off the counter, a brush on the third square on the second row from the right wall, and the towel lies two squares in front of the toilet.

Thank God, I made it to the toilet. I just pull down my zipper, get a good grip, and. . . ooohh, that feels like such a relief, I thought to myself. I didn't realize all the pressure down there until now. Now just shake it off, pull back up the zipper, and flush.

The flushing of the toilet made me realize how silent it had been in my apartment. It would be night time for Moroi right now, which means I'm in solitary for the next twelve hours. Unless. . . unless Rose was on shift right now. I hadn't talked to her since Dimitri was released. She's probably still. . . . No, I don't need that headache right now. I've already got one pounding in my head.

"Adrian!" There was a pounding on the door, but I was too lazy to answer. I just slinked back into my bed, covering my head with a feathered-down pillow. Whoever it was, was going to have to wait. "I know you're awake in there. Don't make me kick down this door."
Speaking of the devil.

"Little dhampir, you always have the perfect timing." I russled my fingers through my hair, finally slipping out a yawn.

"I knew you'd be awake." She pushed right through my arm and let herself in. I watched her worried expression, laughing. "You're late for work, and the Queen is wai-"

She stopped picking up my clothes off the floor and organizing my room. "What are you laughing at?"

"You take stuff so seriously," I chuckled before finishing the joke, "never stopping to smell the roses."

Rose just huffed at my joke and continued cleaning. I had to admit, the joke wasn't that funny. But I absolutely hate how she focuses on others before herself, always saying 'they come first.' When really, in my heart, she always came first.

My foot movement was still a little sloppy, and it resulted of a tackle on top of Rose. We laid there on the floor in silence for two minutes, just inhaling her scent and presence. "You need to stop and smell the roses everyone in a while," I breathed, "because they just smell so good."

"Well, Adrian, you are not a rose and smell like Wild Turkey." She smirked, trying to push me off of her. I resisted and inched closer to her face. Her lavender scent was intoxicating to me, if I could just get closer. . .

Our lips met, mingling with each other in warm conversation. They haven't spoke in so long, there was a hunger fuming at the ends. But that hunger was soon fed when her tongue started to dance along with mine, swinging in tune with out heartbeats. But too soon, Rose pulled away with a grin on her face. That smile pierced my heart, for she was a trouble maker. And that's all she did - gave me trouble.

"Brush your teeth before work, you can't get another mark on your record for reckless partying." She pushed the clothes I was to wear today into my chest, rolling me over so she was on top. "Don't forget to wipe that big, dopey grin off your face. They'll think your still drunk."

And with that, she was gone. Here I was, still hungover from last night's self-pity party and late for work. Oh, and I just let the girl of my dreams go work with the man of hers.