Ok, this is my first story, This is a interactive story about all boys and girls that are 16 years old

SEND IN YOUR APPS! Plz? BTW I have sen some people ask what is a Stereotype well, it is what your character is like ex: Jock, Klutz, Queen bee, Nice girl, Crazy, Prankster, Bad boy... etc

I think you get it. AND I have seen a lot of people who always get in to apps like this (I want something different ,unique characters plz!) and it makes me mad that some really good characters don't get in and they usually don't! So ya... SEND IN APPS and if you want to be with my character ask me. TD16! TOTAL DRAMA 16! SIGN UP!

Copy and paste this into the comment or review box |


Name (First, Last, and Middle if you like): Diana Elizabeth Carter

Nickname (if you have one):Lizzy

Age (16 only):16 (surprising :D)

Stereotype:Crazy Dare-Devel\ Rainbow (LOL)

~Looks ~

Hair (Color, Style,accents):Dead straight Raven Black Hair with Neon green, Pink, Purple and Yellow streaks.

Eyes (Color , Glasses? Contacts?):Navy blue with a hint of black flecks.

Skin Color: She is fairly tan.


Everyday wear: orange tank top with a Pink tank top on top, Gold necklace with key that unlocks diary,Dark blue Ripped Skinny jeans, numerous different bracelets different colours, Yellow stud earings, Bright green converse with pinks and white laces.

Nightwear:Green and pink pj short shorts, White tank top, Purple slippers.

Swimsuit:Green and gold two piece string bikini, blue goggles.

Formal:Purple short ruffle dress with gold accents, gold bangles,Gold dangly earings,

Other?:When its warm out she wears White and blue flip flops, she carries along eather a skateboard or a rollerblades, and a I-Pod.

-Personal Info-

Personality:Funny, Nice, Can be mean sometimes when people are mean to her, sarcastic,Dare devel all the way!

Likes:Different colours, being unique and different,Tricks on her skateboard,Her I-Pod,Skateboarding, Rollar blading,Boys,Swimming,Sports,Sugar,Fun,Challenges,Music.

Dislikes:Mean people,Sad people,Labels,When people diss her,When people comment meanly about her clothes.

Friends with what stereotype:Loners,Quiet people,Crazies like her,Musicians,Daredevels like her,Happy people,Tree huggers, Laid back people, Rockers, Jocks,Bad boys, Unique people.

Enemies with what stereotype:Queen-bees,Cheerleaders,lesbians,Gays,Heart breakers,Followers,C..

Fears:Getting hurt for life (crashing while skateboarding or rollar skating and getting hurt like breaking her neck or leg)

Family:Older Brother-22 Daren ,Younger sister- 9 Abbie, Mom and Step-Dad.

Bio: u don't have to do one if you want.


Paired Up?:Yes

If so what stereotype:Comment or PM me if you want your character with Lizzy!NO LESBO OR GAYS PLZ.


Abbie: NOOOOOO! YOU STOLE MY DOLLY! *Is seen running behind a leather couch from araven haired girl with a pissed off look on her face*

Darren(camera guy): hey Lizz the Cam is on! *laughs*

Lizzy:what? O, HI TD16 IM LIZZY! *does a cartwheel onto a beige carpet*

Annie:*comes out from sofa with dolly* o, ooops found it lizzy! *laughs nerviously and gives back key with chain to lizzy*sorry...

Lizzy:URGH! *punches cam and screams very loud*sorry dar...


Cam buzzes and screen goes blank with a click.

Anything else?:She screams very loud, Is single ,Crazy,Loves sports and challenges!

Challenge ideas:Talent contest (obvious)

SEND IN APPS and PM or comment if your character want to be with Lizzy!UNIQUE CHARECTERS PLZ!

~Mandy A.K.A~ STARR!