Hamigaki ~ Toothpaste

I should have known something was off as Naru was paying more attention to me than usual. I brought him his tea and there, his eyes were lifted upwards under his serious brows and they rendered me a little disorientated, since they were focused somewhere near my chin rather than making contact with my eyes.

"Your tea," I muttered and sidled out of the room. Busying myself with duties, I definitely did not notice Naru's tall, black figure standing by the door to his office. I did notice him eventually, slowly, maybe I had sensed somebody was there.

I continued what I was doing without really looking at him, even though I knew it to be strange that he was just standing there doing nothing.

When bending down to retrieve a scrunched bit of paper for the bin, I had a peek through the hair dangling over my face and found he was looking at me. Of course, I had known that was what he was doing, but confirming it with my own eyes made it daunting and I prickled with self-consciousness.

I went on with it a bit longer, keeping up the farce that I hadn't noticed him. I turned abruptly, my eyes deliberately averted from his direction but was halted by the fact that he was now standing closer, just two paces away.

He's followed me. I am staring at him like a cornered animal.

"What?…" I said slowly.

He's standing ramrod straight. He's not saying a word.

"What is it?"

Awkward, my face is blushing.

"You have something on your cheek."

His voice was quiet and strained. I reach up and touch my right cheek. Naru watched it travel up.

"No," he frowned slightly, "this side."

He lifted a hand to his own face. I moved my hand over to my left cheek. I am staring at him with a questioning look. Here?…


Naru stepped up to me. I looked up. His voice was softly admonishing.


He touched by the corner of my mouth and rubbed gently. He's not looking at my eyes but I stare at his.

"You've got toothpaste right here…"

His hand dropped away and I remained frozen to the spot. Toothpaste? I had come out of my apartment in haste. I hadn't checked myself in the mirror.

I felt horror, embarrassment and wonder all at the same time. I backed away. There was no smirk or scornful look on Naru's face.


I stuttered and put both hands to my face. We stared at each other. Well, I gaped and he stared. His face seemed to be morphing into an expression. Maybe one of embarrassment at what he had done, disgust, discomfit, all together.

He stood as if he didn't know what to do. The emotions all faded into a blank mask and he turned away quickly.

The place where he had touched throbbed and glowed. Even as he entered his office and closed the door with a click, I stood without moving.

I had definitely not been prepared for today. A slow smile spread across my face. What a horrifying but breathtaking and wonderful morning…