Harly shadow potter, the basket case, the fucked up one, the troubled one, the problem child. Just some of the names he had been called, he was lying on his new bed at chief Charlie swans house, his long- lost father, Ha if you could call him that. Harly had known Charlie when he was younger, but after his adopted parents broke up, he didn't see that much of Charlie.

It wasn't until he got ill that the truth came out, that he was Charlie's son. No more uncle Charlie but now daddy Charlie. It made Harly feel sick when he remembered the day that he found out that his parents were really his adopted parents and his real mother had given him away and told uncle Charlie that she had a miscarriage.

Ha, if you call giving your child up for adoption just to spite the man who broke of there affair then I guess you can call it that. He was bought out of his thoughts by his half sister Bella knocking on the door, he could hardly hear Bella talking over his loud music, which he made no move to turn down. He listened as Bella finally gave up and go back down stairs, ever since Charlie had found out that harly was his son, he had quickly demand custody which his stupid adopted mother quickly applied to. As she couldn't cope with Harly's unruly behaviour that was quickly getting out of control. The teen walked over to his desk and sat himself down on the chair, he found himself a bit chilly which was his own fault, as he was only wearing his teddy bear boxer shorts and a thin black tee. He turned on his laptop and decided to have ago at working though his over due homework.

An hour later He was spinning around in his chair gazing at the ceiling while smoking a cigarette and drinking from a beer bottle, he had only got nearly a quarter of the homework done and was becoming restless by the minute. He chucked on a pair of red shorts and went downstairs, there he found Bella lying on the sofa looking depressed, so depressed that she looked pathetic, it made him want to tear his eyes out so he wouldn't have to endure the sight of it every single day.

And the reason, Edward something-another, he wasn't really listening, it bored him so much. As far as he knew Edward and his family had left and now his half sister had turned into a zombie. It didn't bother Harly at all, as long as Charlie's attention was on Bella he could do what the fuck he wanted hip, hip hurrah for him. He was heading to the door when Bella called out.

"your not allowed out, dad said your grounded"

"oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I'll just go back upstairs." Harly said mockingly. He rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind him, ignoring Bella calling his name. it wasn't until he was nearly to the pub, that he discovered that he had forgot his shoes. He silently cursed himself as he walked in, he straight away spotted an older man sitting on his own drinking a beer at the bar. The teen walked over to him and leant against it.

"hey" said Harly. With a sweet smile.

"hello. What's your name?"

"buy me a drink and I'll answer all your questions" the teen said. Grabbing the man's tie and pulling him slightly closer. They were about to kiss when suddenly Harly was grabbed back wards and came face to face with his angry looking father. Charlie shot a threatening look to the man who was starting to protest and then led his son outside.

"what were you doing in there?"

"I got lost" harly said innocently, so innocently that anyone would have believed it, if they hadn't seen the mischievous glint in the teen's eye's.

"I am in no mood to play your silly games Harly, that man could have raped you or worse killed you. What do you have to say for yourself"

"I'm kinda hungry, got any food on you paps?"

"what!, this is serious Harly. Promise me you won't come here again"

"fine!. I Harly shadow potter promise to never come to this joint again, Ok Old man?."

"OK, now get in the car" Charlie said sounding tired and looking older than he really was. Harly casually got into the car, looking like he didn't have a care in the world, the teen looked out the window all the way home and ignored any conversation that Charlie had tried to make with his son.

A/N: I know it ain't that good. Please tell me what you think. Should I continue or run away and never come back. X