I felt everyone's eyes on me as Edward and i walked through the halls with our hands clasped together. The girls were giving me glares and shot Edward flirty smiles the boys were shooting me flirty smiles and Edward death glares.

We arrived at maths and i turned to say good bye when i saw him walk into the class with me.

"What are you doing? I thought you had English?" Confusion overwhelmed my body and i went into Edward's thoughts but all i could see was our first kiss which was making me want to kiss him, even if it was in front of a school full of people.

"I did have English love but i changed my timetable so we now have every class together so we don't have to be away from each other." He lifted my hand to his lips and brushed them along my knuckles. I heard the thoughts of everyone entering the room go wild. Edward lowered our hands to our sides and guided us to our seats while the teacher walked into the classroom and set up. She turned around and scanned the class before her eyes landed on Edward and me and narrowed into slits.

"Miss Swan, Mr Cullen. Good to see you back. I thought you had both left the school." She said while setting her pencil on her desk.

"Bella had problems that she had to stay home for Miss Daniels." Edward said while i ran my fingers over his hand.

"Did i give you permission to speak Mr Cullen?" Her head shot over to us and she had a snarl on her face as she asked. Edward tightened his grip on my hand and shook his head. "I thought not." She turned back to face me and put a smirk on her face.

"So Miss Swan I thought your father had taken you out of school and sent you to the school on the reservation." She had defiantly heard the town gossip.

"He did but i didn't agree with why he wanted to take me out of the school so i got enrolled again and moved out of his house." I said with confidence in my voice. She grinned more with the new gossip and opened her mouth for another question.

"So if you do not live with your father where do you live then?" She had crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me intently.

"With the Cullen's. Now i have answered your questions about my personal life you nosy bitch do you care to start the lesson?" I felt shock run through the classroom. But i felt a smugness coming from Edward. The teacher gapped at me for a couple of seconds before she turned to the board.

The morning went quiet quickly. Jessica cornered me in Trig and demanded to know where i had been. I just shrugged her off and told her it wasn't any of her business. Edward had not left my side all day, always asking if i was fine with all the attention that was being directed at me because of being with him. I just kissed him lightly on the lips and told him to stop worrying.

"Bella!" Alice called as Edward and I walked out of English. I looked over and saw her waving and skipping towards us.

"Hi Alice. What's up?"I asked. She looked at me and smiled.

"Oh nothing, well it's not nothing but the head is going to get Miss Cope to call you over the microphone to go to his office to talk about what happened in math class."

"Thanks for the warning. I'll see you at lunch?" She nodded then skipped down the corridor to jasper's side.

"Don't worry Bells you'll be fine, if not me Emmett and Edward will kick his ass okay?" I let out a laugh and nodded at his question before he went down the hall.

"I'm coming in with you." Edward stated. I turned to look at him and saw that he had determination written all over him.

"Edward!" I warned. He looked at me and opened his mouth to object my warning, but he shut it again when i put my fingers on his lips.

"Edward this is my mess and i will sort it out okay?" He just nodded and kept his eyes on my fingers, witch by the way were still on his lips. I removed my hand but Edward quickly caught it in his grasp and bought it to his cheek. I moved my fingers over his satin smooth skin making him purr in delight. I kept stroking until the crackle of the overcom came on.

"Will Miss Swan please report to the head teacher's office, thank you." The crackled went off and everyone's thoughts turned to me.

"First day back and she's already got herself into trouble. Maybe Eddie will come to me now?" ~Lauren~

"Bitch is going to head's office, i might just have to make up some gossip about this." ~Jessica~

"Bella's going to the head's office again! If she's a bad girl i could treat her like a bad girl." ~Mike~

I shook my head and removed my hand from Edward's cheek and started to walk to walk down the hall. I turned the corner and went to the main office where Miss Cope was working on some paper work. I walked to the door that was marked head teacher and put my hand on the door knob when i heard Edward's thoughts ring through my ears.

"I love you Bella."

I smiled and walked into the room. The room was exactly the same as last time, the bright red walls stood out and the light brown chair made the room look sinister. The head's head snapped up when he heard me enter and he narrowed his eyes and motioned to the small black chair in front of his desk, i sat down and he started.

"So Miss Swan, i got a report from Miss Daniels today that you called her a bitch in her classroom, is this true?" I nodded and opened my mouth to tell him the story but he interrupted me again. "You know that can cause to suspension you do know that Miss Swan." I nodded again. "So i am going to write you a suspension slip for 7 months and because this is past the end of term you will have to do this term again." He got a booklet out and opened it when my anger over boiled and let it loose.

"I only called her a bitch because she was prying in my personal life. She was asking questions that were nothing to do with her and then she started being snarky to Edward and she wouldn't start the lesson which could put your education system in danger and close the school. That is the reason i called her a bitch." I let my lungs fill with air as i breathed rapidly while the head looked at me with astonishment and guilt.

"I'm sorry Miss Swan i did not know. You can stay at school and i will have a very serious talk with Miss Daniels. You are free to leave now and i am sorry again." He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. I left the office and walked down the hall to find Edward waiting for me with his hand stretched towards me. I grabbed his hand and let out a sigh of relief when i felt the electricity flow through my veins.

"Good speech to the head love." He whispered in my ear as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"Well he needed to know the truth and not Miss Daniels demented version." I said gripping his hand more tightly. He shook his head and pulled me into side as we entered the cafeteria.

The day went quickly after that and i was practically falling asleep in gym. Edward had asked the coach to excuse us, saying that i hadn't had alot of sleep last night. He excused us and told me to go home and get some sleep i nodded and while Edward picked me up bridle style.

"Take me home Edward." I murmured as we got closer to the Volvo.

"I will my love. Just sleep my Bella. I love you so much." Edward whispered in a loving voice as i fell into the blackness.

Okay people here is Chapter 15! I hope this chapter was good to you as i am fighting sleep right now to get this out to you! Who hates Miss Daniels? I know i do! Please reveiw and tell me if you liked it! Please! And Merry christmas to you all! :)

See ya later

Edward Lover 1817