Chapter Three:

Warm sun lit the area of the meadow, Edward stood in the center basking in the glow of the sun, waiting. Today would be the perfect day to ask Bella. The sun was out just enough to shimmer his skin but not enough that he would blind her. The meadow smelled like new flowers as they sprang to life from the damp ground. A rustling in the tree's caught Edwards's attention, he listened for the thoughts of the approaching but heard nothing, and a smile crossed his face. 'Bella.' He said.

'Wrong answer.' Sam said.

'Who are you?' Edward asked calmly.

'You're worst nightmare.' Sam said. Edward laughed, Dean joined him. 'What?'

'Seriously lame.' Dean said still laughing.

'You're the one Alice was warning us about.'

'One? What am I chopped liver?'

'Why can I not hear you?' Edward asked ignoring Dean.

'Hear me?' Sam said. 'Oh you mean read my mind.'


'I don't know. Maybe I'm special.'

'Maybe. But I doubt it.' Edward shifted his stance to defensive. 'You think fire will kill me?' he asked looking at Dean.

'He saw it kill you.'

'Fire isn't a friend but it won't kill me.'


'And then some.' Edward added calmly.

'You're not scared.'

'I've done nothing wrong.'

'You're a vampire.'

'And that's wrong?' Edward relaxed. 'You've seen many things; I can see that in your thoughts Dean. But my family is nothing like what you and your brother have fought.'

'Don't trust him Dean.'

'I've not asked you too.' Edward looked at Sam. 'Let me explain. Please at least give me that, then you shall do what you wish. I will let you leave without a mark, or you will try to kill me and fail.'

'Talk.' Sam demanded.

'My family and I are not hunters like you've seen. We do not prey on human life. We keep to the shadows of what our kind would call normal. We don't believe in murder for our survival. Animals aside, we don't kill humans. Bella is my girlfriend. I love her very much. She isn't a pet; she's not forced to be at my side. The wolves are friends also, but you are right. We are they reason they exist.'

'Dean!' Sam shouted. 'Stop thinking!'


'My sister see's you killing my family. I'm sorry I can't let that happen. If you attack I'll have to finish you.'

'What do you mean she see's it?'

'Like your dreams, she see's things that are coming. She sees the path people are on. Your path right now is to end my family and the wolves, I can't let that happen. I don't wish you any harm but I won't put my family and friends in danger. No matter how extended that friendship is.'

'A noble vampire.' Dean laughed.

'My family is not the savages you've encountered.'

'They all say that.'

'Yes, I bet they do.'

'How can we trust you? People have died. Hikers.'

'No, not hikers. Vampires. The wolves only kill vampires. They don't harm humans. Like us we don't' want unnecessary blood shed.'

'Sam, I don't trust him.'

'Your brother is worried I'm prolonging our meeting to await my family. I assure you they are not coming. I've not called them. I am only me.'

'Kill him and let's get the hell out of here.' Sam shouted.

'I don't know Sam; we've seen some pretty scary shit. This guy seems legit.'

'Why do you say that? He's brain washing you.' Sam shouted.

'Take a pill Sammy. The guy isn't threatening us, he's just talking. We can't kill everything we don't understand. Just listen to him Sammy.' Sam shook his head, the head ache that had started creeping into his brain when the entered the meadow was now aching fully.

'Dean.' Sam shouted holding his head.

'Sammy.' Dean jumped next to his brother, putting his arm around Sam steadying him.

'Can I help?' Edward asked closing the gap between them.

'Just stay back.' Dean said. 'Sammy what happened?' Sam's eyes were clamped closed, his teeth bared together. 'Sammy.' Dean coaxed holding his brother to him.

'I can help him, I can fix this.' Edward said.

'No stay back.'

'Dean.' Sam groaned.

'He needs a doctor.'

'I'm all he's got.' Edward reasoned. Bending his sunk his teeth into Sam's arm sucking the sweet nectar of his blood.

'Get off.' Dean screamed standing he pulled his gun from his belt and fired a shot. Edward ignored the heat in his temple and continued sucking injecting his venom with each sip. 'Fuck off.' Dean yelled tears running down his face. He fired another shot before Edward jumped from Sam's body and knocked the gun from Dean's hand.

'I've saved him.' Edward said his mouth full of Sam's blood.

'Sammy, oh Sammy.' Dean cried falling to his knees. Sam screamed in pain holding his arm.

'It burns.' Sam yelled.

'It will for a while just relax. Let the venom do its work. You'll be like me soon.'

'Fuck you.' Dean screamed flipping his Zippo lighter.

'Dean, no.' Sam said grinding his teeth as a wave of pain flowed over him.

'I won't let you.' Dean screamed lighting the meadow on fire.

'Dean no!' Sam yelled as his pants caught flame.

'I told you flame wont work.' Edward smiled. Dean pulled his hunting knife from his pants.

'Then I'll take your head too.' Dean said jumping over his flaming brother.

'Dean.' Sam called. 'Dean.'


'You ok man?' Dean opened his eyes, it was dark.

'Ya, what happened?' Dean asked running his hand through his hair.

'When I shot the demon he exploded and the barn door hit you. You've been out for an hour or more.'


'You ok?'

'Ya, had a crazy dream I guess.'

'Oh ya?' Sam laughed.


'Let's get some pancakes.' Sam offered.

'Sounds good.' Dean nodded taking Sam's hand and getting to his feet.

'Have you heard of these books, Twilight?' Sam asked as Dean drove towards the I-Hop.


'Ya, some vampire novel.'

'Never heard of it.' Dean said blushing slightly.

'You should read it, novels like that are probably based on facts you know. We should check it out.'

'Or we could just get some pancakes and relax a bit.'

'Ya, we could do that too.' Sam agreed turning to look out the window. A grin planted on his face.