A/N: Hello there! I'll bet you never thought you'd see this day. Well, surprise! Welcome to the final chapter of Summer Solstice. Thanks for your patience as life took over my writing time. It's good to be back and to be able to mark this tale as complete. Thanks so much to those of you who took the time to review and to send me messages of support. You really did help motivate me to finish this and get it posted.

Disclaimer: Nope, I still don't own it.

And now, without further ado…

The sunshine felt warm on Liam's face as he lay upon the grassy meadow. A comfortable weight on his stomach reminded him of his companion. Lazily, his fingers combed through the dark locks of the head that rested there. He felt completely and totally at peace. At least he did until he heard the sigh.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking down at Stephanie with concern. Her eyes were closed, but her brow was furled with worry.

"It's nothing."

"Please, love. I can't stand the thought of something bothering you."

"I'm just worried about Sarah and Jareth. I mean, they've been through so much to have it all fall apart now."

Liam's sigh mirrored his beloved's. "I know, but what can we do about it?"

Stephanie sat up and looked down at him. "We have to help them."

"But how?" Liam asked, sitting up and stretching.

"I don't know, but we have to do something. Those two are perfect for each other."

"Yes they are. However, I think we should stay out of it."

Stephanie looked at him incredulously. "Why?"

"Darling one," Liam started, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her to him. "I caused a lot of pain by meddling and scheming. It generally hurts worse than it helps. You just have to let them figure things out for themselves."

"What if they never do?" Stephanie lamented, putting her head on his shoulder.

Liam rested his head against hers. He could smell the floral scent of her hair and it made him smile. "Then it'll be their own mistake to make. We can't fix their problems."

"You're right, I suppose. Still, we could try talking to them."

"Agreed. We'll try tonight at the ball. Maybe they'll have made up by then."

"Alright," Stephanie replied. She pulled away to look at him, smiling.

"Now, let's talk about a much more pleasant subject," Liam said with a grin.

Stephanie gave him a positively wicked smirk. "Oh, yeah? What would that be?"

"You're incorrigible," Liam laughed.

Her laughter mingled with his. "Well, you can't blame a girl."

"No, I suppose not," Liam agreed. "However, before we delve into that sort of pleasure, I wanted to talk to you about the next step you must take to become Fae."

"It was nice of King Raghnall to hear both of our petitions at one time. Thank goodness mine was less adventurous as Sarah's. The way you talk, it must have been really overwhelming for her."

"That it was."

"Well, you said that the second step would be for me to go before the gods, right?" Stephanie asked. Although she was slightly nervous to face the next step, she was more than ready to get it done so she could become Fae and stay with Liam forever.

"Aye, that's correct."

"I'm guessing you have some news for me."

"Yes I do, my love," Liam affirmed. He touched her cheek and smiled when she closed her eyes at the sensation. "We have been asked to be at the temple at the next new moon."

"When's that?"

"In two days."

"Two days! Isn't that kind of fast?"

Liam's face creased with worry. "Not having second thoughts are you?"

Stephanie gave him a reassuring smile. "No. I just wasn't prepared for that news. What if I don't receive their blessing?"

"I don't think you have anything to worry about. The gods will love you as much as I do."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I refuse to think of the alternative."

Liam punctuated his statement with a kiss. One kiss led to two and soon the pair became oblivious to the world around them. A pair of unseen eyes viewed the scene with a smile. Soon everything would be as it was meant to be.


Sarah stood at the window, gazing at the landscape below. However, the beauty went unseen as her thoughts swirled. How had so much gone wrong in such a short time? She missed Jareth more than she'd ever reveal. His distance was almost felt as a physical ache. It was like a piece of herself went missing. Still, she wasn't ready to concede. If this relationship was going to work, he was going to have to take her seriously.

A knock at the door broke her from her silent reverie and she turned to see Allison slipping into the room. "Hey Sar."

"Hey," Sarah sighed, turning, once more, to her survey of the landscape below.

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"As ready as I'm ever going to be, I guess."

Allie made her way to the window and placed a comforting hand on her friend's back. "Still haven't heard from him?"


"Have you tried to talk to him?"

"I don't know what to say. Oh, Allie. It's all messed up. He's the one who should be sorry. It's not fair." At that, Sarah gave a sardonic smile.

Allie put an arm around her friend and the two stood in a comfortable silence for a moment. "You two need to talk and clear the air."

"What do I say? You were a jackass, but I still love you?"

"It's a start," Allie laughed. "Or you could just admit that you both are stubborn and it's making you miserable."

Sarah's chin jutted forward. "I am not stubborn."

"Right," Allie drawled, sarcastically. "Uh, huh. Fine."

Sarah was unable to maintain her serious expression and the two women dissolved into giggles. "I know you're right. I just wish he would say he was sorry. Is that too much to ask?"

"Sometimes people just need an opening. Maybe if you talk to him, he will find the way to apologize."

"Let's just stop talking about him, alright?" Sarah conceded, turning and rubbing a hand over her face. "I need to get ready."

Allie nodded and began walking towards the door. "I'll see you down there. And Sarah?"


"I hate to see you so sad. Please try to talk to him tonight. You know he misses you as much as you miss him."



For the first time in his life, Liam was happy and enjoying the annual Solstice ball. Most years, he would just sit by himself and pretend he was having a good time. This year was different. He looked across the room to the reason behind the change. Stephanie was engrossed in conversation with another former human. As if she could sense him, she turned and smiled at him. He felt his heart swell with love for her. With a smile and a nod, he turned back to his task at hand. He picked another hors d'oeuvre from the buffet and popped it into his mouth.

"Announcing Lady Sarah, Champion of the Labyrinth."

Liam looked up and smiled. She looked lovely. Looking back at his escort, he thought that the loveliest girl in the room was on his arm. He took another look at Sarah and realized that she no longer turned his head in the slightest. He had completely fallen in love with Stephanie. His heart felt light and he couldn't help the goofy grin upon his face. That grin was tempered, somewhat, with the realization that Sarah had come alone. He would have to find a way to talk to her and get her to talk to his cousin.

Sarah, for her part, was looking about the room. Her face fell into a mask of disappointment as she didn't see the one person she desperately wanted to see. Locking eyes with Liam, she smiled and began to walk towards him. She felt slightly uncomfortable as all eyes seemed to be on her. It was one thing to act in front of an audience, but another one altogether when your whole life felt like it was on display. She was sure that everyone was wondering what was going on with her and Jareth, especially since they hadn't come together.

"Hey there, stranger," she greeted Liam as she got closer.

"Hello, my lady. Care for some refreshments?"

Sarah, seeing a nearby servant carrying a tray of wine, nodded. "I see something I need right over there."

Liam looked to where she was pointing and inwardly sighed. "May I escort you?"


The two shared a drink and some friendly conversation. Liam kept trying to find the right words to say to Sarah. The ones that would encourage her to give his cousin another chance. Even now, he could tell that she was miserable without her Goblin King. During another awkward lull in their conversation, he glanced over to see Stephanie's wondering eyes. He shrugged and she made a gesture at him to continue to try. With a sigh, he realized he had to distract Sarah and keep her captive long enough to say what he needed to say. A friendly waltz started to play and a plan formed.

"Lady Sarah, would you care to dance?" he asked, taking her glass and setting both down on a nearby tray.

"I don't know," Sarah hedged.

"Please? It's one of my favorites."


It seemed, to Liam, that the fates had aligned everything perfectly. Just as he began to lead her into the merry dance, he looked up to see Jareth at the head of the stairs. The Goblin King was announced and Liam could see the frown etched on his features as he spotted the two of them on the dance floor. For a moment, he wondered if he would just take the initiative and let Liam off the hook. He sighed as he watched his cousin walk over to the refreshments and take a tall glass of wine. It seemed that they were both determined to be stubborn.

"What are you doing Sarah?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you both really so ready to risk your happiness so that you can be right?"

Sarah frowned and her chin jutted ever so slightly. "I really don't want to talk about that right now."

Liam narrowed his eyes at her and said, "You don't have to say a thing, but I'd like you to listen to what I have to say."

"Liam - " Sarah started.

"Well, you're a bit of a captive audience so I'll just say my piece and you can decide what it's worth."

Liam's tone gave her pause and Sarah found herself nodding for him to continue.

"I almost missed out on happiness because I wouldn't listen to what everyone else was telling me; what I was seeing with my own eyes. You weren't meant for me. I know this now. If we had continued to court, I would have missed out on my perfect match. Don't be like me. Don't throw your happiness away. Talk to him. Work it out. For both your sakes."


Stephanie watched as Liam waltzed past. She could tell that his words were having the desired impact as she caught Sarah's lingering glance towards Jareth. It was time for her to take care of her part of the bargain. She made her way over to the Goblin King, determined to make him see the truth. Brazenly, she plucked the wine glass from his fingers and set it down on the table. Without so much as a word, she took his hand and tugged him to the dance floor.

"Would you care to dance?" he asked, a single eyebrow tipped up at his sardonic words.

Stephanie chose to ignore his tone and smiled. "I would love to dance."

Jareth smirked at her cheeky behavior and took her in his arms. Their feet began to move to the rhythm of the waltz and as he led her around the floor. Dozens of couples were on the floor, but Stephanie kept one couple in her sights. They were on the far side of the ballroom now. Her eyes met Liam's and she nodded to him. To her relief, she could see him begin to slowly inch Sarah closer to them. She had to work fast to put her hastily created plan into motion.

"I haven't seen you much lately," Stephanie said.

"I've been busy," Jareth replied. His eyes wandered over to Sarah and a frown etched his face.

"Busy moping you mean."

Jareth snapped his attention back to his partner. His eyes narrowed as his frown deepened. "I have no idea what you seem to be implying with that statement."

"Oh, please," she replied with a roll of her eyes. "I wasn't born yesterday. You messed up with Sarah and now you don't know how to make it right. Why don't you just walk up to her and say, 'hey, I've been a giant asshole. Can you forgive me?'"

"Excuse me? You're an impudent creature. I have bogged others for less."

Stephanie's merry laugh drew the attention of others. She quickly coughed and attempted to school her face, but the merriment still shone in her eyes. "I'm sure you have, but you won't bog me. I still live at your castle. Just a guess, but I'll bet that bogging a guest wouldn't be good for diplomatic relations. Besides, that would never help your case with Sarah."

Jareth sighed, resigning himself to his fate. "You may be right, but I'm still King."

"With a king size ego to match." Seeing his eyes narrow again, she quickly continued. "Okay, okay. Back to the matter at hand. Have you tried listening to her? Maybe understanding her better would go a long way toward helping you get back into her good graces."

"Sage advice, I'm sure," he replied. "How do I get her to talk to me? I can't very well listen if she won't speak to me."

Stephanie looked to her right and smiled. "Here's your chance. Don't forget, an apology would open a lot of doors."

Before he could respond, Stephanie took Liam's hand and twirled away from Jareth. Without missing a beat Liam placed Sarah's hand in Jareth's and the couple danced away. Sarah looked at Jareth as if trying to decide whether to walk away or face him. After a moment, her need to be near him took over and she slid her other hand tentatively to rest upon his shoulder. Jareth needed no further instruction as he swiftly led them into the dance.

"Hello, Jareth," Sarah greeted.

"Hello, Sarah," Jareth said, in return.

An awkward silence fell over the pair as they continued to follow the steps of the waltz.

"Jareth – " "Sarah – "

Sarah's giggle destroyed the tension that had been building. "You first."

"Ladies first," Jareth replied with a chuckle.

"Age before beauty," Sarah laughed.

Jareth's face softened and a hand slipped to her cheek, brushing the loose strands of hair away from her face. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, too," Sarah admitted. Jareth could see the truth of the sentiment in her eyes.

"Oh, my Sarah," he sighed.

"I'm sorry that I got so mad, Jareth. I was just really hurt by your reaction to your father's idea and my plans. I really want to contribute to this world. I don't want to just be a pretty face on your arm, but someone who is changing things for the better. I know I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did and I'm not proud of it, but I really do want you to take me seriously."

Sarah took a moment to really look at him, feeling vulnerable. He looked back at her without saying a word. Instead, it was as if he were waiting for her to continue. She almost couldn't believe it. Was he actually taking the time to listen to her? For the past several days, she had thought that he would never understand. Now, that certainty was beginning to waver. Maybe she just needed to talk to him and let him see her vulnerability. First, though, she wanted to tell him the most important thing on her mind.

"I love you, Jareth."

"I love you, too, Sarah. I-"

Sarah placed the tips of her fingers on his lips, silencing him for a moment. She needed to say this now before she lost her nerve. "I know you do. It's just..." she trailed off, looking away, suddenly very nervous.

Jareth placed his hand on her chin and gently turned her back to face him. "What is it, precious?"

"It's just that I don't really understand how someone like you could really want someone like me."

Jareth was stunned into silence at her admission. She was his perfect match. How could he not want her? It had never occurred to him that the always, seemingly, confident Sarah could ever doubt her own self-worth. She was his perfect match. How could he not want her? That's when he truly understood what he had done with his careless words. He had added to her doubts by doubting her himself.

"My Sarah," he murmured, pulling her closer. "I'm sorry, precious thing. However, you're not alone in your worries. I, too, wonder how someone so precious could want someone like me. I keep waiting for this dream to be over. For you to say that you're going back above without me."

"Oh Jareth. You're not getting rid of me that easy. I'm here to stay. I love you."

"You're right, though. I didn't take you seriously, which is something I'd like to rectify right now. I want to hear every detail of your plan. I've no doubt that the woman who solved my Labyrinth, and who puts up with a cantankerous old man like me, can do anything."

"Later," she agreed as her arms slipped around his neck, pulling his face towards her own.

"Much later," he grinned. Jareth's lips met hers in a passionate embrace. The dance around them was forgotten as the days spent apart melted away.

As the waltz came to an end, Allie noticed Fagan grinning broadly and looked over to see Sarah and Jareth entangled on the dance floor. She laughed and caught the eye of Stephanie as she and Liam were walking towards them. Stephanie also looked over to see her cousin. Her elbow connected with Liam's side and he looked at her with a frown. She pointed over to the couple swiped a hand across her forehead in mock relief. However, Liam's very real sigh of relief was audible.

Sarah was the first to pull away, breathing heavily. Jareth bent down, fulling intending on picking up where they left off. Before he could follow through, Sarah whispered something in his ear. His delighted laugh could be heard throughout the room. The others watched as the Goblin King and his lady disappeared in a shower of glitter.


As the night went on, so did the festivities. Wine flowed in abundance, while the dancing music never stopped. It was a grand night, if Fagan said so himself. He looked at his dance partner and grinned. Allie was flushed from exertion and too much alcohol. Her lips were turned up in a carefree smile. It made him want to claim them and he did. She kissed him back with such a passion that he was almost ready to just transport them back to his bed chambers when a loud chuckle caught his attention.

"Jeeze! Get a room, why don't you," remarked Stephanie, her grin belying her words.

Allie laughed as she pulled away from Fagan. "You mean like you should have when you two were having your own little snogfest by the balcony?"

Liam blushed and Fagan's look of annoyance turned into a wicked smirk as he clapped his cousin on the back. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, cousin. It's Midsummer's Eve. Romance is in the air."

As if to confirm the Fairy King's assertion, Jareth and Sarah returned to the ball. They were noticeably more relaxed and wore twin satisfied grins on their flushed faces. Jareth led Sarah back into the dance and they laughed at some secret joke between them. Sarah's hand went up and the unremarkable waltz that had been playing smoothed into a familiar tune. He kissed her quickly before pulling her close and singing the words of their dream melody into her ear.

"I'll be there for you, always, Sarah," he said as the song came to a close.

"I know you will," she replied.

Jareth opened his mouth before quickly closing it again. His need for Sarah to be his for eternity was burning in his soul. A glint of uncertainty came to his eyes and he looked away. What would he do if he asked the question on his heart and she said no? Could he ask her to be his when all he had to offer, for now, was a kingdom full of unruly goblins?

"Sarah," he started, not sure if he could take it if she refused him again.

Sarah saw the question in his eyes and placed her fingertips upon his mouth, stopping him from continuing. She could see that he was confused and, perhaps, a little hurt at her action. Removing her fingers, she replaced them with her mouth in a sweet kiss. She pulled away slowly and could see that he was still confused, but the hurt had passed.

"Just fear me." She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Love me." Her lips touched his other cheek, softly. "Do as I say." Another kiss was gently given to his stunned lips. "Marry me." Her mouth traveled to his ear so she could whisper her last words to him. "And I will be your slave."

"I don't want a slave, Sarah. I want a queen."

"Then be my king."

"Always and forever," he vowed.

Just as Jareth was about to pull Sarah in for another kiss, the sound of horns echoed throughout the room. All heads turned towards the doors to see their High King standing atop the stairs. Men kneeled and ladies curtsied to show their respect for the king. Raghnall waved them all back to standing before striding down the stairway with a sense of purpose. They watched as he continued moving past the guests until he stood on the floral decorated dais.

"Greetings to you, my people; my family; my friends," he said with a happy smile. "Welcome all to this wonderful Midsummer's Eve. In the tradition of our people, let us greet this day.

Glory of the Day-Star, hail!
Lifter of the Light, Burnisher of the Sky.
Gifts of love to earth are bringing,
Summer's shimmer, dew's delight.

Dancing be the heart within us,
Open be our souls to bliss,
Courage vanquish every shadow,
Greet Midsummer with a kiss.*

Let us have merriment and dancing this night in celebration of Litha, the Summer Solstice. Speaking of celebration, if he be ready, I invite my youngest to attend to thee."

King Fagan joined his father on the dais with Allison at his side. The room bustled with excitement. Everyone was sure that the Fairy King would announce his engagement, but one couldn't take anything for granted. Until it was announced, he remained a very eligible bachelor. Many a fae male was ready to pick up the pieces should the suspected announcement weigh heavily on the fae females. Especially if the High Prince should make an announcement of his own.

"Lords and Ladies, many thanks for joining us in my Kingdom at this time of celebration." He took Allie's hand in his. "Now, for my announcement. Though I doubt this comes as a surprise to any of you, it still must be said. The Fairy Kingdom will be gaining a new queen, for I have asked for the hand of the lovely Lady Allison and she has agreed."

The cheers that arose at that simple statement were waved down by the High King himself. "May I be the first to congratulate the happy couple and I hope I'm not overstepping by saying that I hope the ceremony is soon. I'm not getting any younger, after all."

Jareth's laughter could be heard above the crowd as he led Sarah to join his father and brother on the dais. When the crowd became quiet once more, he said, "I also have an announcement, this evening. The Goblin Kingdom is also gaining a new queen. The Labyrinth's Champion, and my beloved Sarah, has come home for good."

Another cacophony of cheers arose at the news. The loudest cheers came from the handful of Labyrinthian creatures in the corner of the room. Sarah beamed at the three friends she met during her run and the five goblins of whom she had grown rather fond. Happiness practically exuded from them as they welcomed her home. Jareth also watched his subjects and felt an immense pride. His arms slipped around Sarah as he pulled her to him for a kiss.

Raghnall grinned at his impulsive son. "Save that for the wedding."

The sound of laughter filled the room. Jareth really didn't care what anyone thought of his behavior. He was finally happy. All of the pieces of his life had finally come together in one exquisite puzzle. As a show of his carefree mood, he kissed his beloved Sarah once more.

"Let the champagne flow as we celebrate this happy day," Raghnall ordered.

Servants scurried to follow their King's orders. Glasses of the sparkling beverage began to make their way to excited guests. Many a toast went up to the newly engaged royals and their ladies. The two couples stepped off of the dais in order to greet the well-wishers, each one wanting to bestow their own personal blessing.

Liam's arm ached from the force of Stephanie pulling him to greet the happy couples. His sore shoulder did nothing to dim his own pleasure. He was finally content to walk his own path, especially with the woman he loved by his side. He wished that same sort of happiness for his cousins and for Sarah. Without her, he may never have found his place in this world.

"Congratulations, Sarah and Jareth." Liam said when they had finally reached their destination.

Stephanie added, "May you have all the happiness in the world."

Fagan and Allie joined the group after having to greet their own crowd of happy guests. He looked first to his own lovely fiancée and then to his brother and Sarah. His eyes glanced to his cousin and Stephanie before returning to Allison. He couldn't remember when the three men had gotten along so well together and he was glad for the change. A thanks was definitely owed to the three women who had brought them all together at last.

"Congrats," Sarah and Stephanie said at the same time before dissolving into giggles.

"The same can be said to the two of you," Fagan replied.

"And also, to you," Allison added, looking at Jareth and Liam. Fagan turned to eye his cousin with great consideration.

"How about you, dear cousin," Fagan asked. "Any announcements you'd care to make?"

"Not tonight," Liam replied, blushing furiously.

"Besides, we have forever," Stephanie added, taking his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Not that long at all," Sarah agreed, looking at her own beau.

"Indeed," Jareth said, smiling.

Fagan grinned broadly, looking a bit smug. "Aren't you glad now that I brought you back here?"

"I guess I can't hold too much of a grudge," Sarah replied after a moment. "However, if you ever do something like that again, I'll keep the same promise to you that I made to Jareth once upon a time."

"Which promise is that?"

"Oh, just the one about my ability to remove your family jewels without the use of conventional means."

The men winced while Sarah cackled wickedly.

"I'll keep that in mind," Fagan acknowledged.

"Enough talking. Let's get this party started," Sarah commanded.

With a wave of her hand, the opening strains of Magic Dance began to play. Jareth laughed and pulled her to the dance floor. Sarah watched as all her friends began to sing and dance along with the music. It was a jolly sound and she knew that this evening would stay in her memory forever. Before long, she felt herself being led to a private alcove.

"Are you happy, precious?" Jareth asked, when they were finally alone.

Sarah smiled and brushed a lock of hair from his face. "I really am. Don't tell him I said so, but I'm actually quite glad that your brother snatched me away."

"As am I," Jareth agreed.

"I love you, Jareth."

"I love you, too, my precious thing."

Jareth bent to kiss her, but the couple was forced apart by five tiny goblin bodies. They had formed a conga line and were haphazardly dancing around their monarch. A giggle escaped Sarah's lips before turning into a laugh. Jareth couldn't help the smile that rose to light up his own face. Even when they were being irritating cretins, his subjects could make his beloved smile.

"Dance magic!"

"Slap that baby!"

"Make him free!"

Rolling his eyes, he turned back to Sarah with a look of exasperation. "Are you sure you want to rule this lot of imbeciles with me?"

Sarah laughed again. "Of course, I'm sure. I'm here to stay."

Jareth picked her up into his arms and twirled her around. When he set her back on her feet, he dragged her to the melee still going on around them. The crowd was still dancing and singing to the goblin song. Their family and friends were quick to surround them. Without missing a beat, Jareth began to sing along with his goblins.

"You remind me of the babe."

"What babe?" Sarah asked.

"The babe with the power."

"What power?" asked Fagan.

"The power of voodoo."

"Who do?" asked Stephanie.

"You do."

"Do what?" asked Allie

"Remind me of the babe."


Unbeknownst to those in attendance, two pairs of eyes watched the scene with unbridled delight. As it was foretold, the young mortal-turned-fae would fulfill her destiny. However, that is a story for another day. The Keepers smiled before turning back to their work, knitting together the destinies of the many realms. Escaping threads were clipped as new ones were added. Their message was clear. One should never look too far beyond the day at hand. Today is a day worth celebration. Today is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Today is the Summer Solstice.

The End

There you have it, my dearest readers. The silly tale that I started as something to get my words flowing as I wrote my other, more serious, works - and that took on a life of its own - is finally complete. Thank you for sticking with it and for forgiving me my need to have a little fun. Now, I'm off to finish one of my other stories.

Begun: 6/11/2010

Finished: 10/9/2018

* Greeting to the Summer Solstice from Celtic Devotional – Daily Prayers and Blessings
© Caitlín Matthews