A/N: So, I had this idea for a story pop into my head, just begging to be written. Please let me know if you'd like me to continue.

Disclaimer: I own Allison and Fagan because they come from my own disturbed mind. I, however, do not own anything pertaining to Labyrinth

"Sarah," Allison said shyly, looking out of her bedroom window into the still night. "Can I tell you something?"

Sarah looked at the blond girl sleepily as she relaxed on one of the twin beds in the bedroom of the apartment that they shared with four other girls. She yawned and sat up slowly, taking in the bright moonlight outside. "Sure," she sighed, half asleep.

"You're probably going to think I'm crazy," Allison said, "but I think I'm in love."

That woke Sarah up in a hurry. She didn't think the pretty blond haired, blue eyed girl had even dated once since they got to college. She was just so shy and awkward around boys. Sarah looked at her in surprise. "Who is he?"

Allison turned red as she tried to decide how to tell her friend without her thinking she was crazy. Sarah watched, with interest. "I know that you're really into fantasy stuff, like me," she started. Sarah nodded, thinking to herself that fantasy and reality walked a fine line. "What would you say if I said I had been visited by a man from another realm," the petite blond continued.

Sarah frowned slightly. "This man wouldn't happen to be a tall, blond haired Fae with crazy mismatched eyes, would he?" she asked.

Allison gave her friend a puzzled look. "No," she replied. "He's a tall, raven haired Fae with crystal blue eyes. Who's the other guy?"

"Just someone I used to know," Sarah sighed, her eyes looking out into the night.

"You know a Fae, too?" Allison asked. She'd thought that she was the only one who could see people from the other realm. It explained Sarah's interest in Fantasy.

"Yes, but we were talking about you," Sarah replied. "How do you know him? Who is he?"

"His name is Fagan," Allison explained. "He comes into the room at night sometimes when you're out."

"Really," Sarah said, beginning to get really interested.

"You're supposed to be out tonight so maybe he'll come and you'll get to meet him," Allison said.

Sarah frowned as she thought about the circumstances that led her to be home this Saturday night. Her boyfriend since high school had dumped her because she refused to have sex with him. She wasn't a prude, but she didn't feel ready to have sex with him. She liked him a lot, but she knew she didn't love him. He'd found someone to give him what he wanted and promptly broke up with her. It was probably for the best.

"When does he usually come?" Sarah asked, trying to forget James and focus on this new development.

"Usually around midnight," Allison replied. The girls both turned to look at the clock next to the bed. It read 11:58.

Suddenly, the lights flickered. Sarah watched as a raven flew through the window and transformed into a man, with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes. He looked first to Allison. "Hello, my pet," he purred. "Miss me?"

Allison blushed and said, "you know I miss you whenever you're not near me." He bent down to give her cheek a kiss and noticed the beautiful dark haired girl in the room.

"Well, well, well," he said with a smirk. "What have we here?"

"Fagan," Allison replied. "This is my best friend and roommate, Sarah."

"Not Sarah Williams, by any chance," he said, tracing his eyes up her impressive frame.

"And what if I am," she retorted, crossing her arms.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "I'm in the presence of the Champion of the Labyrinth. Tell me, my dear, why you didn't mention having such an important friend."

"You know her?" Allison replied, incredulously.

"Of course I do," Fagan responded. "Everyone in the Underground knows of Sarah. Though, I must say, the Goblin King's description of you hardly does you justice."

"Who exactly are you?" Sarah asked, suspicious.

"I am King Fagan of the Fairy Kingdom," he responded with a bow. "My Kingdom borders the Goblin Kingdom. You know, Jareth has been moping around ever since you left. It really is quite depressing."

"Bah," Sarah scoffed. "What do I care what Jareth has been doing?"

"Who's Jareth?" Allison asked, completely baffled.

"He's a big pain in the ass," Sarah said. Fagan threw back his head and laughed.

"That may be, Sarah," he responded, "but he is also the Goblin King. You see, my pet, Sarah here crossed over the Underground about five years ago."

"I wished Toby away," Sarah interjected.

"Yes," Fagan continued, "and the Goblin King was forced to take the child to his castle beyond the Goblin City. He gave Sarah a choice, her dreams or her brother. She chose her brother. He let her run the Labyrinth to win her brother back. Sarah here was the first one to ever beat the Labyrinth and take back a wished away child. Not only did she win, but, rumor has it, she also stole the heart of the arrogant Goblin King."

"Is that true?" Allison asked.

"Yes," Sarah acknowledged. "Everything except for the whole stealing his heart thing. I went to the confrontation, he tried to trick me, I didn't fall for it, I said my right words, and he sent me back home."

"What words?" Allison asked.

"You have no power over me," Fagan answered. "This is just great. It's my lucky day. I came here tonight to bring you back with me, Lady Allison."

"You what?" Allison cried. "I can't just leave my life here for you?"

"I will not discuss it with you, my Lady," he replied, his eyes narrowing.

"You can't just come in here and snatch a mortal without her consent," Sarah retorted, angrily.

"I can and I will," Fagan informed her. "I just never thought I'd be able to capture the lovely Labyrinth Champion at the same time. You're worth a lot in the Underground."

"Oh no you don't," Sarah said hotly. "You're not taking me back there."

"Don't you want to come with me, Lady Allison?" he said, looking at her seductively. "You can be my Queen."

"What?" Allison said breathlessly.

"I want to make you my Queen," Fagan said. "You are my match."

"I am?" she replied, smiling brightly. She'd never had a man look at her that way or make her feel like this before.

"Will you come with me?" Fagan asked.

"Yes!" Allison exclaimed, throwing her arms around the handsome Fae. He grabbed ahold of the two women and transported them back to his castle beyond the Fairy City. Both girls fell unconscious from the experience. Fagan gently placed them on the beds in the ornate chamber. He left to go gloat to the Goblin King.

Jareth sat on his throne with his leg over the side. He tapped his riding crop against his leg as he tried again to produce a vision of Sarah within his crystal. Nothing came for him and it troubled the Goblin King like nothing else.

"Kingy, kingy, kingy," the Goblins chanted around him.

"Shut up," he snapped. Why couldn't he see her?

"But Kingy, Fairy Kingy wants to see you," argued Squeek.

"Damn!" shouted Jareth. "What in Hades does he want this time?" He stood up quickly and, with a very unpleasant look upon his face, transported himself to the Throne Room within the Fairy Castle. He looked up to see the Fairy King watching him with an annoying smirk upon his face. "What is it this time Fagan?"

"Don't be so cross, Jareth," Fagan admonished. "I have news for you."

"What did you do?" Jareth asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"I brought you a present," Fagan said.

"What present? What in Hades are you talking about?" Jareth asked, angrily.

A loud scream pierced the air. Both men jumped and looked towards the door, expectantly.

"What did you get Fagan, a banshee?" quipped Jareth.

"Now Jareth," Fagan reproached. "Be nice or else I won't give you your gift."

"You're trying my patience," Jareth responded.

"Very well," Fagan replied. "I went Aboveground to retrieve my mate. Her friend was there and so I thought I'd bring you a gift."

"You what!" Jareth yelled.

"Ah," Fagan said, ignoring Jareth, "I think I hear their approach now."

Sarah threw open the doors and stalked into the room. Behind her, trailed Allison. She'd never seen Sarah this mad.

"I don't care what he's doing," Sarah yelled at the doorman, following the two women into the room. "I am going to speak to him right now." She stomped her way over to Fagan, not seeing anything but him at the moment. "How dare you bring me here without my consent? I demand that you send me home right now."

"She's a fiery little thing isn't she," Fagan said. Sarah finally turned to see Jareth staring at her incredulously.

"You!" she yelled. "I might have known you were behind this whole thing. It's not going to work, Jareth. I am not staying here."

Jareth found his voice, getting over the initial shock of seeing Sarah. "I had nothing to do with this. Don't turn your temper towards me. My brother is the one who thought he'd be clever and bring you here to irritate me."

"Your brother?" Sarah asked. She looked closer and saw the family resemblance. "No wonder I find him so annoying."

Fagan laughed and Jareth scowled. Allison looked on, confused. Fagan walked over to her and put his arm around the girl. "You two can catch up later," he said. "Lady Allison, I'd like you to meet my older brother Jareth. Jareth, this is Allison. I plan to make her my Queen."

"Your what?" Jareth shouted. "Are you insane? You can't just bring a mortal here and expect Father to accept her as your Queen."

Fagan waved his arm, dismissing the thought. He'd deal with their father in his own way. "If Lady Sarah can become your Queen, then why can't Allison?"

"I have no intentions of becoming anyone's Queen," Sarah interrupted. "I'm going home and the sooner you send me back, the happier we'll all be."

"Agreed," Jareth said sharply.

"Nope," Fagan said. "I'll not send you home until after the Solstice Ball."

"The Summer Solstice is months away," Sarah cried. "I'm not waiting that long."

"You don't have a choice," Fagan informed her.

"Fine," she said with a murderous glare. "Just stay out of my way until then for your own good. I can't be held responsible for any harm that might come to you." Sarah turned on her heel and walked briskly out of the room.

"You have gone too far this time," Jareth said. He transported himself back to the Goblin Kingdom.

"Well," Fagan said, smiling at Allison. "That went pretty good, considering."

"Good?" Allison asked. "They look like they wanted to kill each other or you or both."

Fagan laughed and held the girl close to him. "They don't want to kill each other, my love," he said. "They're so in love, it's really too obvious." He laughed again at her shocked expression. "We're going to just have to work hard to get them to admit it."

"Ha," Allison laughed sarcastically. "That'll be easy."

"Easier than you think," Fagan said. "It'll be a piece of cake."