Qynth left the Kakariko Village feeling relieved, like a great weight had been lifted from her chest. On the long journey back, she decided that she would spend the rest of the evening with Telma because she had promised she would sing that night at the bar. In the morning, she would return to Ganondorf's castle, and make amends. When she reached the tavern, she told her friend her plans, and with Telma's urging, went up to her room to bathe and change into something more suitable for the night.

"Have you seen a woman with red hair?" A cleverly disguised Ganondorf asked as he stopped people on the busy streets on the Hyrule Market Town. He was dressed in simple clothes, plain dark pants with a white cotton shirt, a long brown cloak slung about his back.

The richly dressed man who he had just asked turned, studying the person who seemed to be nothing more than a lowly peasant. "I know no woman with red hair." The man noticed the visible disappointment that showed on Ganondorf's face. "If you are looking for someone, then perhaps you would try asking the shoe shiner by Malo Mart, hundreds of people pass him daily; it is possible he has seen the lady you look for."

With a word of thanks, the disguised lord walked off in the direction that the richly dressed man had directed, noticing the raggedy boy that sat by the ornate steps of the quickly growing chain of stores. With what he hoped was a friendly smile; Ganondorf approached the scruffy boy. "Has any red haired woman passed by you lately?" He questioned.

"I see many people here, Sir. It is mighty difficult to remember them all, let alone a single woman." The shoe shiner asked craftily, hoping to lighten the amount of rupees the man had. With an impatient sigh, Ganondorf pulled a red rupee out of his pocket and gave it to the boy. With a toothy grin, the shoe shiner changed his answer. "Only seen two red heads recently, one being Telma, the barkeep at the Red Dog, and the other being one of her friends from out of town. Last I seen, they were both at the bar."

Ganondorf thanked the shoe shiner, and after getting directions to the Red Dog, he hurried off. The "evil" lord didn't want to spend any more time in Castle Town Market than he had to; he was still somewhat worried about being recognized. When he reached the tavern it was nearing three in the afternoon, yet he noticed that the tavern was already halfway filled with various people, some drunk and some sober, all seemed to be rowdy and excited.

Trying to avoid as much attention as possible, Ganondorf walked to a small flimsy table in a corner, hoping to stay somewhat hidden until he could spot Qynth. Once he found her, he intended on apologizing and heading back to his home with her, so he prayed that he would find her before night fell, the gates closed, and he would be stuck in the town for the night.

Around 3:30 in the afternoon, a busty red haired barkeep sauntered out of the kitchen, her hands and arms loaded with a variety of wooden plates, bowls, cups, and cutlery. With practiced balance, she placed the dinnerware on the bar, and began sorting it out into its correct places. A few minutes later, she vanished into the back room again, this time carrying what appeared to be a heavy barrel that held what he assumed to be some sort of alcoholic beverage. She placed the barrel in a slot that was in the drink rack behind the bar counter, glancing at the door that lead into the back room. A few seconds later, Ganondorf spotted Qynth leaving the back room, a smaller clay jug in her hands. She placed the jug on the shelf next to the barrel, and Ganondorf stood, intending to confront Qynth.

As he walked to the bar, weaving his way through the already somewhat drunken people that both sat and stood, Qynth vanished back into the back room, not noticing the lord. With a frown, he continued, intent on talking to the lady who stood behind the counter, filling up the drink glasses of the patrons and placing meats, vegetables, and bread on the plates to be sold.

"What can I get you, Sir?" The woman asked as he approached the counter. "We have a fresh barrel of Oridon wine, and the roast is hot and ready, with fresh bread included."

"I wish to speak to Qynth, can you get her for me?" He asked politely, hoping to persuade the voluptuous woman into allowing him to speak to Qynth.

"She's not lookin'." The barkeep returned to what she was doing before Ganondorf had spoken, cleaning the top of the counter with a clean rag.


The red head looked up at him, fire in her eyes. "I said, she's not lookin' for a beau, so don't bother askin'."

"I wasn't-" Ganondorf was interrupted as the door to the back room swung open.

"Telma, Madeline said that she's almost out of Death Mountain Peppers, so I'm going to go out to the market and get some more." Qynth walked out, and paused as she saw who was standing at the counter. "What are you doing here?!" She rushed to the edge of counter, a pursed frown on her lips. "You could be seen and put in jail!"

"I'm here to bring you back." The threat of imprisonment didn't seem to bother him very much.

"Qynth, you know this ruffian?" Telma turned to Qynth, worry evident in her eyes.

"I'm not a ruffian!" Ganondorf proclaimed in his defense at Telma's (somewhat true) claim.

"No, you're just considered the King of Evil." Qynth rolled her eyes at his reaction.

"You're Gano-" Telma got a panicked look on her face, and Qynth quickly clamped her hands over Telma's mouth.

"Yes, he is. But he's not that bad, so please, please, don't freak out when I move my hands." Telma nodded. "Good." Qynth let go, and Telma frowned disapprovingly.

"Qynth, how in Hylia's name do you know this man? You aren't part of some super evil gang, are you?!" Telma's eyes shown with worry and anger. She placed her hands on her hips, ready to scold.

"We went over this yesterday, Telma!" Qynth sighed, exasperated at her friend's antics.

"No, yesterday we caught up and discussed your-" Telma stopped, and her eyes widened. "Are you saying that this," she pointed a finger at Ganondorf, who was standing somewhat awkwardly, "this…person is your mystery man!?" She exclaimed.

"Well, if you put it that way…. Yes, I suppose so."

"Qynth…." She shook her head. "When you pick'em, you really pick'em…."

"Sooooo….. Now that this is conversation Is done, I'm going to go get those peppers now…" Qynth slid through the swinging doors that allowed access to behind the counter, eager to slip away from what would soon be an awkward conversation.

"Alright, you go get those peppers... I'll just have a chat with your... friend here..." Telma pursed her lips, ready to grill the King of Evil with questions of his intentions, and of other things.

"Actually..." Qynth grabbed the edge of the cloak. "He should come with me." Qynth widened her eyes and attempted to appear innocent and helpless. "It's getting close to nightfall soon, and there are oh so many thieves and perverts who roam the streets at sunset... I, as but a poor helpless girl, need protecting!"

Telma frowned, not buying a single line of what Qynth had said. "Fine." She said sternly, "But he and I will be having a talk."

Qynth grinned rushed out the door, pulling Ganondorf along by his cloak. It wasn't until they were on the street in front of the tavern that she let go of his cloak. She gave a sigh of relief, glad to avoid immediate confrontation with Telma.

It was then that Ganondorf deemed it safe to speak.

"You don't need protecting," He said, a knowing smirk on his face, aware of Qynth's knife skills.

"Are you sure? I seem to remember a lot of times that you've had to bail me out of trouble." She looked at him, comforted by his presence.

"Well, there was that time with the cow..." Ganondorf thoughtfully said. He gave a broad grin. "But that was nothing compared to... Thelma?"


"Yes, she's very..." He found it difficult to think of word to describe the busty, red haired tavern-keeper.


"I suppose that's the word, though I think she's a bit more intense than just protective."

"She's my best friend." Qynth shrugged. "She's always had my back."

"That's good." The pair began walking through the street, and Qynth led the way to the stall that she knew would have the rare peppers that Madeline, the cook, had requested. Once they reached the stall and Qynth had paid for the peppers, Ganondorf couldn't help but ask a question that had been on his mind.

"Why did you come here when you left?"

He looked down at Qynth, and saw her biting her lip nervously. "I.. I always come here this time of the year and stay with Telma"

"Any particular reason why?" He questioned.

"It's my birthday..."

"You should have told me, we could have celebrated!" Ganondorf exclaimed.

Qynth continued, "It's also the anniversary of my parent's deaths."

"Oh.." He gave her a comforting smile, a slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"It's alright, they died a long time ago. Sure, I miss them, but I realize now that they died doing what was right, and that's let me realize some things."

"Realize some things? What type of things?"

"That..." Qynth blushed, and in a moment of boldness, looked into Ganondorf's eyes. "That I love you, and that if.. if you want me to... I'd like to stay with you... Forever."

The King of Thieves, Lord of Evil, in that moment, was stunned. He felt his face grow hot, and hoped he wasn't blushing. "I.. I love you too, Qynth." He could see the visible relief on her face. "And... I'd love to spend forever with you." He grinned.

It was there, in the slowly-emptying streets of Castle Town Market, that Ganondorf found himself redeemed by love, Qynth found herself forgiving both life and Link, and in love. With the sun sinking into the horizon, the two shared a kiss that whispered of promises, spoke of dreams, and promised eternity.


I'd like to thank everyone who stayed with me while I wrote this, I know it's a bit dodgy and edgy in places, and that it doesn't always make sense, but the last few chapters I tried to make be a nice as possible. I have already posted a COMPLETELY finished sequel following the daughter of Qynth and Ganondorf, named Nairiu's Tale: Death of Ganondorf. I hope you'll read it, and once again, thanks for all the support!